
Her Dark Prince

Qin Yifan infamously known as the dark prince has his dark past looming over him. Haunting him. He lost his soul a long time ago... whilst he was seen as reckless prince, he ran a shadow organization which executed massacres, assassinations, smuggling and all other atrocities which was not befitting for a prince of the great Hong Kingdom but all this was left behind when he went too far. Blinded by fear and anger Qin Yifan discovered a part of himself that was kept hidden from him but the consequences of his actions were too dire. Without a way to rectify himself he continued to live his life in regret, his once pure magic tainted with injustice and untimely deaths of many. Meeting the girl on his mark was the only thing he wanted to do but he knew it would bring about a prolonged tragedy. ________ “Qin Yifan was totally perplexed as he looked at the beauty before him, she held nothing but innocence and purity as she stood before him in the white dress she wore. She looked delicate and fragile in his eyes that he refrained from reaching out, afraid he might taint her with his darkness.” _________ Loosing her parents at young age, Su Wang was taken in by her uncle Zhen Tianming. She had every luxury she could ask for but this could not hold a candle against the abuse she had to face growing up. Finding out about the mark on her stomach had always been one of her pass time events but now she is about to experience the reason to as why she has the mark on the first place. She is not weak, but instead he experiences make her an stronger and better person. Playing out in the oracle's prophecy of the ‘Dark Prince’, Su Wang must remain strong in this battle of both the gods and men. Will love and destiny prevail or will the looming tragedy take the center of the stage? “Qin Yifan's heart grew restless, the battle he was fighting inside reflected in his eyes. He grabbed her hand as it was about to touch his face, suspense built up in the room as they watched him intently. Many did not fathom how she was able to stand, they watched with much curiosity and relief as the prince's anger slowly dispatched. To everyone's surprise, he pulled her closer her body colliding with his. Qin Yifan felt his entire body relax from having her close, his eyes changing from black to it's normal hazel. She let out a relieved breath as she noticed the change and she tried to pull back only to be rammed back into his chest. "Mine!" he declared glaring at the people in the ballroom. Su Wang's breath hitched in her throat as she heard his statement rather declaration claiming her. "I am not yours.” .....” Not your classic fantasy novel but please read great content. I'm not good with conversations often descriptive but I kowt you will find it intriguing. Just give this novel a shot. No mature scenes her but...very disturbing and violent ones...I know I'm messed up but (^^) please enjoy!!

Sourhoney67 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Shameless Prince

Su Wang could feel his gaze on her as she tried to distract herself from his foreboding presence by paying extra attention to the girls that paraded themselves in front of him swaying their hips with more force.

"Su Wang!" her name echoed in the room but she was too distracted to hear it.

"Su Wang!" it echoed again and her aunt had to pinch her sides inorder to get her attention and motioned her to the podium across the prince's throne.

She timidly stood up and made her way to the podium, her footsteps were light and she seemed as if she was floating in her white dress. All the men were taken back by her beauty as they stared despite having their wives and mistresses with them. Many came to the decision to ask for her hand if the prince rejected her.

The prince watched her attentively as she moved forgetting about the others that were in the room, his vault unclasping and the weather outside turning into a restless windstorm reflecting on his emotions. His eyes scanned the room and noted the looks the men were giving Su Wang. Anger and a new emotion coursed through his veins as his aura became more dangerous.

Han Xulian was also charmed by Su Wang that he did not notice the change in the aura around the prince.

Finally Su Wang had arrived at the podium, he heart hammering dangerously in her chest. She felt nervous all of a sudden, she visibly gulped as she took in the expectant gazes of the audience.

"My name is Su Wang," she began in a small, soft voice making the men weak in their knees and the prince's anger to entrap the entire room. Han Xulian began to register the swirl of the prince's uncontrollable emotions but it was too late he had already fallen to his knees unable to stand an invincible force pushing him down.

Soon, everyone began to fall on their knees unable to stand when such an insatiable force was let loose. Su Wang's eyes grew wide in surprise as she watched every one fall to their knees, even sitting on a chair one could not withstand such a force the chair would eventually break and they would still find themselves on their knees.

Su Wang was the only one standing, she felt no effect of the force on her whilst the others squirmed and whimpered. She looked over at the prince who held a hard expression, his whole body enveloped with anger. She instantly knew this was his doing.

Being the only one standing, she moved towards the prince at a slow pace, a part of her afraid of what he might do to her but her determination overpowered her fear and soon she was standing a few feet away from the prince and his throne. The only thing that came to mind was trying to calm the prince but his aura was still intoxicating almost chocking her even when she remained unaffected by his magic.

Her initial instinct was run but her legs moved forward, her hand reaching out to him, everyone who witnessed the scene internally gasped, watching silently.

Qin Yifan's heart grew restless, the battle he was fighting inside reflected in his eyes. He grabbed her hand as it was about to touch his face, suspense built up in the room as they watched him intently. Many did not fathom how she was able to stand, they watched with much curiosity and relief as the prince's anger slowly dispatched.

To everyone's surprise, he pulled her closer her body colliding with his. Qin Yifan felt his entire body relax from having her close, his eyes changing from black to it's normal hazel. She let out a relieved breath as she noticed the change and she tried to pull back only to be rammed back into his chest.

"Mine!" he declared glaring at the people in the ballroom. Su Wang's breath hitched in her throat as she heard his statement rather declaration claiming her.

"I am not yours." she said softly so that only he could hear. He bent his head and looked deep into her eyes, his hand circling her tiny waist pulling her closer, closing any space between their bodies. He proceeded to lower his head until his face was inches from hers, their breaths mixing.

She felt her heartbeat quicken, more blood pumping to her cheeks anticipation and a foreign sensation taking over. Qin Yifan Did not waste anytime as he captured her lips sealing them with a soft, passionate kiss which startled Su Wang. She had expected a rough kiss, projecting the emotions he displayed earlier.

He was kissing her soft and tenderly as if he was afraid that she would disappear and just like a fragile ornament, he held her tightly not willing to let go however, Su Wang did not respond, she just stood there paralysed unable to understand the pleasure and peace she felt just having him this close to her but this could not wash away the retribution inside of her that deemed his actions shameless he was after all initiating such an intimate act in front others.

The entire room watched the scene in bewilderment, the maidens were filled with jealousy as they could not understand what was happening, Su Wang had only said one sentence whilst they prepared long dialogues just to impress the prince. The men slumped their shoulders in defeat, their hopes of taking her as their wife, mistress or a concubine being squashed before their own eyes.

Su Wang parted her lips slightly and started to respond hesitantly, her hands pressed on his chest. Feeling himself get lost in the kiss, Qin Yifan drew back leaving her confused and wanting more.

"You are mine." he repeated his voice more stern, stressing every syllable and she could not help but whimper nodding her head in submission.

"Rise!" he commanded the bowing subjects. Everyone got up to their feet, their jaws slacked and full of shock. An expression that displayed affection plastered on the prince's face could not be easily erased from their memories even Han Xulian was shocked at the prince's gesture as he was not one to display positive emotions.

Minister Zhen and his wife were over the moon, their expressions holding emerse joy and pride as Su Wang was chosen just as they had predicted. Phase one of his plan was successful now all he had to do was to wait for the next to unfold on its own. Jealousy and envy filled the parents whose daughters were not batted an eyelid from the prince especially Zhen Tianming's fellow ministers.

Han Xulian looked at Qin Yifan expectantly, waiting for him to say more words but with his silence, he took it upon himself to make the announcement.

"Wine and dine!" he declared, "for our prince has found a woman fitting to rule besides him as our future queen!"

Reluctantly, they proceeded in celebrating this union but most held solemn expressions as they ate and drank half heatedly, some girls even burst in tears silently hiccuping in their seats.

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I hope you like this, I couldn't write it the same as the synopsis word for word so..I'm going to change the synopsis sooner or later, enjoy!

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