
Questions and answers

What do you want? he said irritably and a little surprised. Couldnt blame him as I was the quiet one who had never volunteered a conversation with any senior.

I asked him, Can I talk to you for a minute? Outside please?

He looked back once and then came out and shut the door behind him. He crossed his arms across and waited for me to speak. I went straight to the point.

There was a commotion few nights before in our hostel. Who were those people? Do you know them?

He looked surprised but answered me anyway, No, we dont know them. They are from outside. Never saw them before. But maybe they are from the other side.

I was a little shocked. Other Side?

Other side as in from the other side of the river. He answered impatiently.

Why do you think that? I asked.

Because Dave here saw a couple of them yesterday near the Hilton Hotel on the other side. Earlier also, a couple of our boys actually saw some of them taking the ferry from the Northern Jetty.

Northern Jetty was towards the far end of the city, near where the river enters the city, which also means, near to where Einas hut was.

I felt sort of a chill. To be frank, the first thought was that, it was evident how they had found Eina (by now I was sure she was in their captivity), but have they seen me too? Waiting for Eina at the river bank, Eina taking me to her hut? Me, leaving from there today?

There were so many questions in my mind, but I went on with my information gathering. Though in my nervousness the questions came out a little hurriedly.

So, have you ever seen them anywhere here, on this side? How many were they here that night? And what exactly did they want?

"It is very strange actually, because they never really said what they want. We think they mistook this for the girls hostel as we heard one of them mentioning that they were looking for a girl. They were trying to break into and search for her. Luckily, we could warn the girls hostel before hand and got them out of the campus soon enough."

I go the confirmation I needed and now it was time to find the whole truth.

Thanks a lot Rob. I will see you around. I said and was about to leave when Rob suddenly spoke.

Hey buddy, are you okay? Is there something bothering you?

I hastily pulled a smile over my face and said, No man, just a little curious. Thanks for asking. With that I turned and made my escape.