
Hentai Simulator

After dying, Guru finds that he has transmigrated to an alternate reality: everything is the same, except the world is now a Fantasy world heavily influenced by gift(Skill), monsters and dungeons! Not only this, he discovers that he has a Hentai Simulator, from which he obtains rewards that make him incredibly powerful in his new reality as well. Gift, Skills, and overpowered abilities–all of this begins from a single simulation! Discard: https://discord.gg/uxc8c4h5 I am not well-versed in the concept of discard, which means I currently lack the necessary knowledge and understanding to effectively utilize it. It is a relatively new concept to me, and I have only recently gained access to information or resources related to it. I appreciate any guidance or assistance you can provide to help me better comprehend and make use of discard. Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=109087741 I have already uploaded ten additional chapters on my Patreon page, extending the story of this fanfiction even further. If you have been enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its creation, I would be incredibly grateful for your support on my Patreon page. By becoming a patron, you not only help me continue writing and expanding this story but also gain access to exclusive benefits. As a patron, you will have early access to new chapters, behind-the-scenes content, and the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for future plot developments. Your support on Patreon allows me to dedicate more time and resources to crafting this fanfiction, ensuring its quality and consistency. It enables me to focus on creating captivating storylines, developing complex characters, and maintaining a regular upload schedule. With your contribution, I can bring this fanfiction to life in ways that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Once again, thank you, Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Sir_dood134 (Mr. Andrew), Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. Your sponsorship and encouragement have made a lasting impact on our creative endeavors, and we are forever grateful for your presence in our fanfiction journey.

Thot_Slaughterer · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Last Chance

"Nao, stop!... don't call them.." Chiaki's expression contorted as she witnessed Nao's disregard for her pleas, causing her to become flustered as she stepped in front of him to intervene.

She firmly grasped her brother's arm, the one holding the phone, but grew even more frustrated when she realized that he didn't even flinch despite all her efforts.

"Nee-chan, I've given you enough chances and you haven't made any effort to change. Move aside..."

Upon hearing his harsh tone, Chiaki's face flushed with anger.

"I also had enough of this!! Why are you always acting as if you're the older brother and I'm the younger sister? I'm the older one here... you should listen to me..."

As if preparing for a confrontation, she attempted to forcefully grab his arm and snatch the phone from his hand, but Nao remained unfazed.

Seeing his complete lack of response, Chiaki's frustration grew, and she decided to take matters into her own hands.

With a surge of anger, she lunged towards him, determined to inflict physical pain as a means of getting through to him.

Without hesitation, she twisted his arm, hoping that the pain would snap him out of his apathy.

However, Nao, who had been observing the situation closely, swiftly intervened. In a display of remarkable agility and strength, he grabbed Chiaki's hand mid-twist, his grip firm yet gentle.

With a calm demeanor, he bent her hand back, causing her to wince in discomfort. It was a swift and effective move, one that caught Chiaki off guard.

"Ah!... I-it hurts!! What's with your monstrous strength? It's not fair!... Release my hand..."

The sight was rather amusing as a young boy, despite his smaller stature, effortlessly subdued his sister who appeared larger than him.

"Chiaki-Nee, don't play the victim now, especially after you just tried to hurt me."

Despite the chaos unfolding between them, Nao continued to call their parents. Tears welled up in Chiaki's eyes, on the verge of falling.

"Nao, please don't say anything to our parents. I promise I'll do everything you ask from now on. I won't misbehave anymore. If you tell them everything, they won't give me any pocket money anymore. Please, Nao..."

Nao's grip on her hand loosened slightly, his anger momentarily subsiding. He looked into Chiaki's tear-filled eyes, his expression softening.

However, upon hearing her words, his facial expression grew increasingly ludicrous as he continued to listen.

"Nee-chan! Are you being serious right now?! I'm concerned about your future, I want you to understand that I'm not doing this to hurt you. I want what's best for you. But all you care about is pocket money. Are you kidding me?!"

Chiaki's heart sank as Nao's words pierced through her. She had never seen him so angry, so disappointed in her.

"O-okay... this is the last!... I won't fool around anymore, and I will do as you say. So, please don't call Mom and Dad. I promise I will study more, Okay?"

She said with a weak voice, as she pleaded. Nao's heart wavered as he looked into his older sister's tear-filled eyes. The weight of their troubled past hung heavy in the air, but at that moment, he saw a glimmer of sincerity that he hadn't witnessed in years.

It was a risky move, granting her another chance, but he couldn't ignore the possibility of redemption. With a heavy heart, Nao set aside his phone, and the call to his parents was left unmade.

As he terminated the call, a mix of emotions flooded his mind. Doubt, fear, and a flicker of hope battled for dominance within him. He knew that giving his sister this final opportunity meant exposing himself to potential disappointment and pain.

But he also knew that if he didn't take this chance, he would forever wonder what could have been. With determination in his eyes, Nao turned to face his sister once more.

"Alright," he said, his voice steady but tinged with caution. "I'll give you one last chance. But know this, nee-chan, it's your last shot at redemption. Don't make me regret this." His sister's eyes widened with a mix of relief and gratitude.

She nodded hurriedly, and said with a relieved voice, "Thank you."

Nao's heart softened slightly at her words, but he remained guarded. He saw that she grabbing her hand as if she were in pain, Nao felt guilt as he saw her pitiful gaze.

"Does that hurt?"


Chiaki turned her face away from him to avoid making eye contact. Observing her actions and the pout on her face, Nao couldn't resist releasing a tired smile while speaking.

"Go and change your clothes, I will prepare food for us..."

"I don't need it, I already ate with my boyfriend..."

"*Sigh* Don't be like a child... I am sorry okay? You're the one who first tried to hurt me first of all... don't show your anger on food..."

"I am not hungry..."

"Nee-chan, I know you hungry... just a few moments ago, you're drooled over raw ingredients... I am sorry... I didn't hurt you purposefully... and you know that."

Chiaki's face relaxed slightly upon hearing his soothing voice. She stood up and went to change her outfit as Nao had requested.

"I didn't drool over that, though..."

She grumbled under her breath as she stomped up the stairs. Nao couldn't hear her due to the distance and her soft voice. Nao went to prepare the food for both of them, after seeing she was gone.

Chiaki, despite being the older sibling, experienced an unexpected role reversal with her younger sibling. Their parents entrusted more power to the younger child because of his mature and composed demeanor.

When the time Guru became Nao, his sister Chiaki was the one in control of both of them, but Chiaki was mischievous and childish sometimes. Most of the time she tried to downplay Nao but it always backfired.

Eventually, Chiaki begins to accept that her younger brother is more capable than her.

So, instead of Chiaki taking care of Nao, it was Nao who assumed the role of caretaker for Chiaki. Whenever their mother couldn't prepare their meals, Nao willingly took charge of cooking since his sister had difficulty even with the most basic culinary tasks.

Nao is a health-conscious individual, so, decided to prepare a nutritious and satisfying meal using the ingredients he had on hand. With 15 eggs, 250 grams of chicken breasts, and a handful of veggies, he was able to whip up a quick and delicious dish. For him, eggs were an essential part of his daily routine, especially before and after his workouts.

He believed that starting his day with a generous serving of eggs provided him with the necessary fuel and nutrients to power through his morning exercise routine.

The easily digestible proteins found in eggs were perfect for replenishing his muscles and aiding in their recovery after an intense workout. Not only were eggs beneficial for his fitness goals, but they were also incredibly affordable.

Nao appreciated that eggs were a cost-effective source of high-quality protein, making them a staple in his diet. Their affordability allowed him to maintain a healthy and balanced meal plan without breaking the bank.

To create his meal, Nao combined the eggs, chicken breasts, and a handful of veggies.

He skillfully cooked the eggs, either scrambled or in an omelet, ensuring that they were perfectly cooked and retained their nutritional value. The chicken breasts were seasoned and grilled to perfection, providing him with additional lean protein.

Lastly, he added a handful of veggies, such as spinach, bell peppers, and mushrooms, to add a burst of color, flavor, and essential vitamins and minerals to his meal.

Nao's quick meal not only satisfied his hunger but also provided him with a well-rounded combination of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

By incorporating eggs into his routine, he was able to fuel his workouts, aid in muscle recovery, and maintain a budget-friendly and nutritious diet.


Author's note:

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Sir_dood134 (Mr. Andrew), Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, Austin, Copinsa, Brandon Alberto Plata Espinoza, Nawaf Rashed, PhantomNite, Darkaito 121, and Jaydon Tonkin for their invaluable support and contributions to our fanfiction. Your sponsorship and encouragement have had a profound impact on our creative endeavors, and I will forever treasure your presence in our fanfiction journey.

I am delighted to announce that we have recently gained a new patron and supporter for our fanfics, namely Eric.

For those who are interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page. By becoming a member, you will have exclusive access to ten chapters in advance. You can find me under the pseudonym Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer or simply click on the provided link.
