
Hentai Quest

It was the 23rd of April, the afternoon sun rose high in the sky over the town of Hanabe, and it was the day Karma witnessed death.  Set in the fictional, bleak world of Hentai, Hentai Quest follows the story of Karma Madarame, a boy living a normal life with an abnormal past. He saw the inevitable death and was given chance to change it, while seeking out those responsible for it. Karma is aided in this task by the Outsider—a powerful being who imbues him with the mysterious system.

GothicPunk · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Bronze Keys

What just happened to Karma sounded like something out of manga or anime. Something that should be impossible in this reality, he even doubted his senses if what had just happened may just have been a daydream but the pain felt real. There was only one way to make sure, and that was to try again.

'Alright, one more time.' Karma thought. He noticed something weird about himself then. His mind in particular. It was as if some strange new part of mind he never knew even existed, he found filled with strange floating symbols and he could put them together into one word, so he did.


[ Skill: Moonjump

Description: For 3 seconds the effect on the user would be akin to that of the gravity of the Moon whilst being protected from its ill effects.

Cost: 100 Arcane ]

[ Arcane: 0

Insufficient Arcane to activate the skill ]

'This Arcane? Is it like MP from an RPG, rest of the stats seem to fit except Spirit which could be intelligence or something. I need to figure that out.' Karma thought. 'If this is the mark Outsider talked about, I think I'll just ask him the rest.'

"Holy shit, I am actually dealing with supernatural phenomena here." Karma gasped and then placed his focus back on the arrangement of symbols inside his head. 'If this like a game? Arcane is like MP? Is there also a regen for it, right?'

No sooner had he thought of that and then a new set of symbols appeared in his vision which read.

[ Arcane regen: 0.5 Arcane per minute ]

"I don't have much time for regen to try in again in time then." Karma sighed. "I need to get ready for whatever situation comes off me at that karaoke bar."

It was nearly 6 pm, away far from Karma's home but far from the karaoke bar Sakura Sumiyoi alongside her friend Mia were on their feet moving towards the establishment.

"This is a bad idea," Sakura said, "I am telling you guys from a gang -"

"And I am telling you... Mikami is the nicest guy I met in a while." Mia said then looked at Sakura then pleaded saying, "Just do this for me, for once."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Alright, let's get over with this."

It was later that evening, Karma walked into the karaoke bar, scanning the room for any sign of Mikami and Handa. He spotted them in the corner, surrounded by three girls. Handa had his arms around one of them, Maeda, while Mikami was talking animatedly to another girl with short brown hair. The last girl dark hair and eyes was sitting alone, looking bored.

Karma took a deep breath and walked over, trying to act as nonchalantly as possible. "Hey guys," he said, grinning. "Mind if I join the party?"

Handa's expression broke into a laugh as he groped Maeda. "There is he! Where were you, man?"

"So you made it!" Mikami said, waving him over. "Come meet the ladies!"

Karma smiled and approached the group, taking a seat next to Handa. "Who are your friends?" he asked, eyeing them all curiously.

"This is Maeda, Mia, and Sakura," Handa introduced them, gesturing to each in turn. "Sakura's not really feeling the karaoke vibe, though," he added, nodding towards the girl sitting alone.

Sakura looked up briefly, acknowledging Karma's presence, but quickly returned to staring blankly at the screen.

Mikami offered Karma a drink and he accepted, hoping it was not drugged. As he sipped his drink, he observed the group. Handa and Maeda seemed to be hitting it off, laughing and flirting. Mikami and Mia were deep in conversation, with Mikami looking particularly smitten. Meanwhile, Sakura just sat there, twirling a strand of her hair and glancing around the room. Everyone else was busy in their own little flirting game but Karma felt a sense of unease. This was the lead wing gang and there was the possibility that one who might try to murder Ayumu in this very room.

[ Arcane: 100 ]

"That's a relief." Karma sighed. He was hesitant about this new magical world that opened for him, but it would at least help him be able to escape if someone tries to block his path.

Suddenly Handa got off his seat. "I am sorry, I have a call to make. It'll only take a minute."

With that, he slipped out and as he briefly made eye contact with Karma, he signalled with a look to follow outside. Karma hesitated, glancing back at Mikami and the girls but followed him a moment after the door closed behind him. As he did he found Sakura staring at him with suspicion, her gaze moved as he moved and lingered until he got out.

On the other side, Karma found Handa staring at him with a wide grin then he said, "Which of the girls do you like?"

Karma paused for a moment before answering, "The one I am currently with."

"Sakura..." Handa clicked his tongue with a disappointed look on his face. He sighed, "Beginner's luck they say... Well, I was hoping I'll have my way with that chick since doing it with Maeda is getting boring you know. Hoped you and I could make an exchange."

Karma took less than a moment to process this then his plain expression broke into a chuckle.

"Sorry... but I don't think that girl is much interested in this little date much less sleeping around with someone."

"Oh, she will be," Handa said then pulled something out of his pocket. Karma's eyes darted to the object, it was a small plastic pouch that contained some kind of white powder. "Once this goes inside her."

"You are planning to drug her... no... not only her. But her friend too, aren't you?" Karma spoke with wide eyes and realisation.

Handa smirked. "Bingo, but I am not going slip it into her drink you will. I am already set with our gang whore Maeda and Mikami is probably slipping his pack into the other chick."

"You can't do that!" Karma blurted. "Do you even understand the implications of it?"

"If you don't want to then just change places with me," Handa said frowning and turning away. "Don't go around preaching around laws and retarded morality if you are going to be with us. It's not about how you get things done it's just that you thi-"

Before he could even finish speaking Karma came running in and slammed both his fist onto the back of Handa's head, it knocked him out cold on the floor.

Karma stared down at him. "You know I just started to think you all might not be that bad. But I guess you all pieces of shit after all."

'With this, I have ruined my plan.' Karma sighed. 'I guess I need to improvise.'

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" A shout came from behind along with the sound of the door slamming. "I SAW WHAT YOU JUST DID!"

Karma looked over his shoulder to see Mikami approaching him. His jaw clenched just like fists and veins popped on his face with anger.


"I guess by your face beating an extra member doesn't promote you in the gang." Karma snarked.

Milkami glared at him. "You are dead, Madarame!"

The moment Karma caught sight of Mikami's movement he stomped down and bolted to the left. Mikami didn't just stand still there and gave chase, soon he was proven faster than Karma closing in on him, just a little bit away from arm's reach.

Karma was able to beat Rento because he was scrawny, Handa; he was caught by surprise but someone like Mikami was another story. He was burly and unlike the others, he was infamous for fighting multiple guys at once and winning. There was no way Karma stood a chance against him in a direct fight.


When they reached a crossing Mikami lunged forward trying to grab hold of Karma, but the other guy took a right turn in just the nick of time sending Mikami rolling against the wall. But he quickly sprang back onto his feet and catch sight of Karma slipping into the gents' washroom.

"Bastard! You are trying to hide from me. We make you our member and you try to jump on us."

Mikami's rage boiled over as he stormed into the washroom. He scanned the room, looking for any sign of his target. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Karma hiding next to the washroom door. Without hesitation, Mikami swung his back towards Karma, hoping to strike him with all his might.


[ Moonjump ]

But his swing hit nothing but the wall, and Mikami's frustration only grew. But before he could react, something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. It was Karma, the weightlessness within him was gone mid-air and he came stomping down with incredible force carried by the gravity through his own weight. Mikami barely had time to react as Karma's foot connected with his face, sending him reeling backwards.

The impact was so powerful that Mikami's vision went black for a moment, and he stumbled backwards, knocked out, struggling to keep his balance but failed as he dropped onto the floor.

"That actually worked," Karma said in astonishment as he stabilised himself. A part of him still had a hard time believing in this paranormal activity. "This is actually real."

[ Arcane: 0 ( - 100 ) ]

"It actually is real," Karma muttered then another set

[ Monster Handa defeated

Monster Mikami defeated

Consecutive Fight Difficulty: A +

Difficulty Bonus + Reward: 3 Bronze Keys ]

Then felt that familiar feeling in his hand when he knocked out Rento. Karma opened his palm to see three bronze colours keys just like the golden key from before.

'I'll think about this later.' He thought placing the keys inside his pocket and making a run for the door. He needed to get out here before Handa woke up.

Karma quickly made his way out of the washroom and made a quick turn passing by a few people around the corner on his way to the exit. He knew he had to escape, and fast. As he turned to run, he found his path blocked by five guys. Karma was confused for a moment.

"Going somewhere, little guy?" one of them sneered.

"Just feeling a bit dizzy you know," Karma said trying to put on a casual act, "just need fresh air. That's all."

He tried to put on a smile and tried to walk past them but then suddenly Handa's voice was shoulder from behind. "THAT'S HIM! THAT'S HIM!"

Karma gulped and turned around. In front of him, Handa stood stroking the back of his head next to a large man who had the build of a powerlifter and wore a bouncer's outfit.

"You think you could just come to my workplace and jump my brother." The large man said. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"You jumped Takeshi's brother?" One of the guys who blocked his path commented. "Boy, you are fucked."

Karma stumbled back and tried to run past the group blocking him, but one grabbed him and held him back. He struggled against them, but they were too strong.

"This little rat is trying to escape," one who grabbed him laughed, tightening his grip on Karma's arm. In a panic, Karma tried to use Moonjump again.

[ Arcane: 2

Insufficient Arcane for skill use]

Handa's brother stepped forward, his arms folded across his chest. "Looks like we've got a problem here," he said. "Maybe we should teach this kid a lesson why you don't - What was that?"

Handa's turned to look around. A sound permeated the room and got louder and louder by the moment.

~Wee woo, Wee woo, Wee woo~

The dreaded pitch and tone changed the sound of police sirens. Karma's heart raced as he saw the anger in the bigger guy's eyes. He knew he had to do something, and fast. But before he could react, the sound of police sirens grew louder, and everyone froze for a moment.


Then all hell broke loose, the group broke into a run. More people came from the corners running away. In moments the corridor was filled with people shouting and screaming. The group of guys holding Karma let go of him and scattered, running in different directions.

'It's like a zombie movie.' Karma thought from the way people were running in fear.

"Damn," Handa's brother muttered, his eyes wide. "We've got to get out of here! Come with me I know a way out."

Handa grabbed his brother and looked at Karma. "What about him?"

"We'll deal with him later." With that Takeshi pulled his brother away from the scene.

Karma stood there dazed, not knowing what to do and then he pulled around by his shoulder. For a moment he feared it might be the police but when he looked it turned out to be none other than Sakura.

"Come on!" She shouted with wide eyes while grabbing his shoulders. "You need to get out of here!"

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