
Save me (2)

What am I to do about this evil I can't control thought Xavier blank mindedly "what is to come for me" he said to himself.

He was sitting on a park bench and spoke out very loudly to himself the people passing by thought he was crazy and needed severe help. Truth is he's not crazy he just worried.This tall slender brunette beautiful girl sat next to him and it made him snap out of his daze she said "My name is Zaria do it's been that type of day huh? "as he thought he had told Zaria" Yes I'm like this everyday from stress and worries and people think I'm crazy. do you think I'm crazy?. ".she had some thought and told him" right now no but sometimes it depends. "

sitting and talking with this girl made him feel happy that she wasn't thinking he's crazy but understands him?. Not many people can understand him or don't try to anyway. he asked her one question "Can we be friends? and if so can I have your number and you have mine?. So we can get ahold of each other?. "