
Help! I married a Narcissist

Eleanor thought she'd found her happily ever after with the charming, enigmatic Alistair. But the fairytale crumbles as she discovers a darkness beneath his captivating facade. Alistair is a narcissist, a master manipulator who feeds on her love and slowly chips away at her self-esteem. Trapped in a gilded cage, Eleanor seeks solace in a fantastical world woven from her childhood stories. Here, she encounters a charming wood elf named Rowan, who offers an escape unlike any she could have imagined. As the lines between reality and fantasy blur, Eleanor must decide between a loveless marriage and a fantastical realm that may not be all it seems. Can she find the strength to break free from Alistair's web and embrace a love that transcends reality, or will she succumb to the narcissist's hold and lose herself forever?

enthu_writer · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 5: Whispers and Webs

Eleanor awoke back in her opulent bedroom, the familiar scent of expensive perfume clinging to the air. The confrontation with Alistair in the Everwood felt like a fever dream, yet the echo of Rowan's words and the newfound resolve in her heart were all too real.

Sunlight streamed through the window, casting harsh light on the empty space beside her. Was Alistair gone for good, or was this just a temporary reprieve? A shiver ran down her spine.

Alistair returned later that evening, a forced smile plastered on his face. He offered no explanation for his absence, simply launching into a tirade about a "missed business deal" due to her "unacceptable disappearance."

Eleanor held her ground, her voice calm but firm. "I needed some time for myself," she said. "I will not apologize for prioritizing my well-being."

Alistair's face contorted with a familiar rage, but this time, he stopped short of an outburst. The echo of her defiance and the uncertainty of her actions seemed to have unsettled him.

The following days were a tense dance. Alistair maintained a veneer of normalcy, but his usual possessive behavior seemed tempered, replaced by a watchful, almost calculating demeanor. He showered her with exaggerated displays of affection, but Eleanor remained wary, her focus divided between navigating the real world and seeking solace in the Everwood.

Each night, under the cover of darkness, she would return to the shimmering leaf, a portal key to the fantastical world. Rowan greeted her with a warm smile, his eyes filled with concern.

"He's changed tactics," Rowan observed, worry etched on his handsome face. "But don't be fooled, Eleanor. This is a different kind of cage, one forged from manipulation and emotional dependence."

Eleanor confided in him about Alistair's recent behavior, her suspicions of a calculated play to lull her back into submission. Rowan listened patiently, his brow furrowed in thought.

"The Everwood can be your refuge," he said, "but it can't offer a permanent solution. You need to find a way to build your own strength in the real world, to break free from Alistair's web."

His words ignited a spark within her. An idea, fueled by the knowledge gleaned from the Pool of Echoes, began to take shape. However, it was a risky plan, one that required careful execution and a little help from an unexpected source.

Later that week, Eleanor received a call from Charles, the kind older gentleman from the gala. He expressed concern about her well-being, a gentle voice piercing through the suffocating isolation she felt within her own marriage.

Taking a deep breath, Eleanor decided to take a gamble. She confided in Charles about Alistair's controlling behavior, albeit in veiled terms. To her surprise, Charles revealed that he had known Alistair's father, a man notorious for his emotional manipulation.

"Alistair learned it from the best," Charles said sadly. "But remember, Eleanor, you are not powerless. You have a voice, and you have strength."

His words fueled her resolve. She devised a plan with Charles's help. He would act as a concerned friend, offering her a safe haven – a temporary escape from Alistair's manipulative grasp.

It was a risky proposition, playing with fire, but it was the only way to break free from his control and reclaim her independence.

As Eleanor prepared for this potentially life-altering move, a mixture of trepidation and excitement coursed through her. Was she embarking on a path to liberation, or was she stepping into another trap altogether?