
Hellsing: Virgin Mother of Saints

Alucard, a powerful vampire and hunter, and his beloved servant, Seras, protect the blissful populace of England from the existence of vampires in an era of cybernetic technology and early androids - the AI precursor of man. The Red Scare III group formed by Doc of the late Millenium group wants to prove that vampires indeed exist by showing them the dangers of their existence.

victoriarogue · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Vampire Hunters part 2

The boy didn't waste any time with a command as strong as that. He flinched at the power dripping from the feminine voice but did as told and ran as quickly as his weak legs would take him. She kept her eyes on the disgrace of a vampire screaming and writhing in the dirt like some child while the boy ran to safety. Once she could no longer hear the boy's footsteps, a gunshot rang in the distance. Though she was human, her senses became quite heightened once she became a vampire hunter for her organization. The gunshot was about a mile away, but it sounded strangely close. Although she could be wrong altogether, there were still weapons being fired from somewhere in the campus. That's when she tightened her jaw and grew worried. Perhaps the police were now on the job, or perhaps there were other vampire hunters hired to take care of trash like the man struggling to heal himself and run from her. She wasn't about to let him escape that easily. She sheathed her scythes and decided to use another weapon that would do her justice. Stealthily, she revealed two golden daggers in her armored hands and grinned proudly. The best way to rid the world of trash was always to make them suffer and to make good use of their remains.

The vamp tutor looked above him with frantic eyes as he saw the armored woman draw closer. His heart, though dead, was racing in his chest. The vampire he traded his blood for power with never mentioned that there were vampire killers as strong as this woman. She could cut a tree down with her shoes alone! He was given a heads-up about the Hellsing Organization, but, so far, he never came across them. He's only faced this woman, but he could have mistaken her for some brave policewoman in wicked armor rather than a Hellsing agent. Either way he was never told what to do when an armored woman came to fight him. However, if he does die, there's the off chance that his master will hunt her down to take revenge. His master was quite attached to all of his followers. But then...why did he not mention any agents dressed in red armor?

"W-wh-what are you? Who are you?" the tutor questioned, pissing his pants in fear.

The woman grinned even wider from the awful scent of urine and clutched her blades tighter before answering, "I am Sloth, the sixth sin born of humanity's apathy, doubts, and fears of God. My mission is to terminate those who defy the divine laws of the good Lord. You, sir, have defied the Holy Father's commandment: thou shalt not kill. Whosoever kills thy neighbor shall pay the ultimate price and receive death as punishment. Complements of the Red Scare III!"

She took a firm grip on the hilts of her daggers and lunged forward for the man's neck. Within moments, she uncrossed her blades in a flash of gold light and decapitated the vampire. Sheathing her blades, she stepped onto the vamp's wet balls and knelt close to the body. Her golden mechanical claw glowed in the moonlight as she spread her fingers in a grappling hook shape. She pulled her arm back and ripped through the vamp's flesh with a vicious knife-hand technique. Sharply recoiling from the rotting body, she retrieved a still beating heart and stood to her feet with the muscle slowing its pumping function. Blood was spilling through her fingers like an ajar faucet above a sink. Another gunshot was heard in the distance, but this shot was far closer than before. Suddenly, a hissing noise rose from the left boot heel she used to kick the boy and vampire. She knelt down for a moment to analyze her heel and noticed the blood turning to white ashes. Looking into her hand, where the beating heart still lie, she observed the blood on her gold claw and watched it turn to a reddened mist. Why was there such a difference was her initial thought when she began contemplating.

"Son of a bitch! That kid!" she hissed, finally drawing the conclusion that the boy who had run to safety was actually running for his first meal of human blood.


"Th-tha-that woman...she's in trouble..." the boy kept repeating to himself as he panted.

Although he didn't immediately realize it now, he was changing into a monster by the minute. Even as he ran across the campus searching for any sort of help, he was changing from his human form to something else, but he was different from most humans who were becoming vampires. He still cared for the woman who risked her life to save him; he still wanted to help her just as he helped him. It was amazing that her kick didn't kill him because it was quite deep, but it neither hindered him from his own mission nor actually caused him that much pain. His vision did start to blur as he continued looking for help, but he felt strong enough to stop holding his arm in pain since it was beginning to hurt less. As he ran up a hill, he saw someone dressed in a red cloak, thinking it was the woman from before. He gasped a little with some happiness and sighed in relief.

"Hey, lady! Hey!" he called, running to the figure in red.

Not getting a response, he ran to the person with good intention to show his gratitude; however, as he got closer and closer to the figure, he realized that it was not a woman but a strangely tall man. The man's face was blanketed by a wide-brimmed fedora hat, but two very distinctive features glowed with the moonbeam's light once he was close enough to see part of his face: his fangs and his sunglasses. It was another weird creature like the tutor who hurt him. The boy backed away from the man, suffering from the trauma that poisoned his mind, and only saw another glowing object pointing at him: the man's silver gun. He didn't understand what was wrong with him and wished that the woman was alive and would somehow protect him from this menace.

"Who were you mistaking me for, kid?" the man questioned. The boy didn't want to answer him for fear of the woman's safety but he also didn't want to die. While he still weigh his options, the man grew impatient and ordered, "Who did you think I was? Answer me!"

"I...I thought you were..."

"Kid!" a voice called, frightening the boy.

Both men turned the general direction of the voice at the hill but saw no one. Abruptly, without so much as a sound, the woman reappeared in front of the man dressed in a red trench coat, punched his gun out of his hand, elbowed him in his solar plexus twice, and then punched him several feet away! She couldn't feel his bones break like the vampire tutor, but she also didn't want to hurt him too much. He was, after all, possibly a fellow vampire hunter, and it was a law in the Red Scare III group to honor and respect a fellow hunter even if they worked for other churches or groups. This hunter was a strange one, though; he nearly killed this child even though he was still in the process of transforming into a vampire. The boy didn't even realize the woman saved him again! He turned his head back to the man, forgetting he even existed after hearing his savior's voice, and then gasped when he saw his savior come to his rescue once more. The woman ran to the boy, holding his face in her gloved hands, and spoke in probably the softest voice he had ever heard.

"Kid, did he hurt you?" she asked.

"N-n-no. Ah, thank you!" he said, bowing in front of her and blushing. "I thought you were him because of the red, but I'm okay now. Who is he? Why'd he try to shoot me?"

The woman was silent for a moment as the boy raised his head. He had such a cute face and was perfectly innocent of any crime. She took a deep breath then began to say, "I don't know who he is, but I know why he was about to shoot you."

"Been a while since someone got the drop on me," the man said, retrieving his gun and smirking. "Yes, this is how a mission ought to be. No, this is how every mission should be. So, you were the one that child confused me with, eh? Forgive me, it's not often I get to meet strong opponents. That swift technique of yours would have definitely caused me some harm. Come, show me more of your strength if there is more to offer. I will spare the boy if you can prove yourself to be a worthy opponent."

"Master!" another voice called.

This isn't good... she thought. If I attract more hunters, I will definitely be under fire for protecting a newly fledged vampire. But...there's the off chance that I can knock that hunter down if he just wants to fight me and still manage to save the boy in time. Wait...that's just dumb. I attacked him without him even knowing I was there. I can get away from him just as fast, but that's if it was just me. I have the kid to worry about.

"Unless you want me to start calling you police girl again, do not interrupt me when I'm in the middle of a fight, Seras Victoria."

"B-but...master..." Seras said, pouting a bit. She just wanted to make sure he wasn't in any trouble.

"Come, let us begin. Is there a name for my new opponent?" the man asked, pointing his gun to the armored woman.

The woman smiled a little then grinned just as creepily as the man before her. She answered, "I am Sloth. What do they call you, brother?"

"I am Alucard. It is an honor to see the bloodlust that reeks from your pretty, little body. Yes, this aura is marvelous!"

"I see," Sloth said, walking ahead of the boy. "You've grown bored of killing zombies, have you?"

Slowly, the woman pulled out two gold gun clips with the mark of a four-armed Nazi cross on one and a hammer and sickle on the other. The Nazi cross caught Alucard's and Seras's instantly as they watched this new opponent, wondering if she was a part of the Millenium group long ago. Her armor was peeling off her shoulders and gauntlets quite rapidly as the armor formed into two golden long-barreled guns. The Nazi gun was a simple semi-automatic pistol while the hammer and sickle gun was a miniature gatling gun with a scope focus.

"I'll be happy to be your entertainment tonight so long as the boy stays with me," Sloth said. "He has much to learn about his new status, you know. We start now."

Like lightning, the two opponents disappeared and reappeared at the exact same speed with bullets flying across the field. Seras was quite surprised to see that her master, Alucard, was fighting seriously with a probable Nazi descendant. Rather than just use brutal tactics, he was thinking of a way to kill this woman named Sloth. Inwardly, though, and Seras may not realize this again, she hoped Alucard would lose this battle and let her live. As she tried to track the movements transgressing, her heart was beating a little faster whenever she was able to catch the two fighters in some sort of battle position. It was like a slideshow in millisecond speed. First, Alucard would have the advantage with his gun aiming for Sloth's heart; then, she outsmarts him and attacks a blind spot - shooting it in the process, of course. Little by little, though, Seras was rooting for Sloth. It wasn't often that her master would find a great opponent, especially since Alexander Anderson was gone.

'Why?' she heard her master ask. 'Why do you care?'

"Master...?" Seras questioned, turning to the boy who suddenly fell to his knees.

"God dammit, kid!" the woman argued, shooting Alucard in his head.

Sloth actually caught herself by surprise when she saw her fatal headshot hit Alucard spot on, but with the bullet going straight through she immediately concluded no real damage could be done to him. If anything, he will only slip into unconsciousness and suffer negligible nerve damage for a short period of time. She was more worried about the boy than Alucard and immediately raced to his side. She knelt before him, seeing his teeth changing form and his breath coming in hitches, and remained silent for only a small moment before she thought of the capsule attached to her left thigh. Detaching the capsule, she placed the still beating and bloody heart in her gloved hands and rose it up to his mouth. His eyes reluctantly changed to a red hue as he stared at the heart.

She said softly, "Kid, you can't give up on me when I'm risking my life to save you. I need you to hold on for a little while longer. What I hold in my hands can help you survive from that wound. I know it is beginning to burn tremendously."

"Why?" he asked weakly, clutching his shoulder where she kicked him. It didn't produce this much pain before.

"Because you are changing into a vampire. The man who attacked you, the one with the sharp teeth, was a vampire himself. You are a vampire now because he gave you his blood and power. Soon, you will crave blood from other humans the way he did, but you can have the one thing he didn't: self-control..." Sloth said, catching the boy's interest. "Please, kid... eat his heart."


"Kid..." Sloth called, putting her guns down and placing a gloved hand on the boy's cheek. "You have to trust me. Please eat the heart... OR I WILL SNAP YOUR NECK IN FOUR PLACES!" she shouted, popping the boy upside his head. "What is wrong with you? I leave you here to take it easy for like three minutes and you start fainting like a schoolgirl who watched porn for the first time, granted the girl is more innocent than you."

"Yes, I'm sorry, master!" the boy shouted.

At that instant, Seras was somewhat reminded of herself. The boy even kind of looked like her. His eyes were a pale green, his hair was the color of warm honey, and he had a blushing face like a sun-kissed peach. However, he was happy to see Sloth at his side while he was suffering from pain. He even smiled when she shuffled his hair and ate the heart as though it were some apple. As strong and fast as Sloth was for a fighter, Seras could see the motherly love she shared with the turned. In some way, she wished Alucard was gentler with her about blood and turning to a vampire like that, but the days when she too was a turned have long since passed. Plus, hampering a turned could prove to be dangerous. There was also the fact that Alucard wasn't lady-like and did treat her like a silly daughter. While Seras thought about how she and Alucard interacted with each other, her master was already behind Sloth pointing his gun at the back of her head.

"Turning your back on an opponent will get you killed. I would hate to end our fight after you have displayed such marvelous skills."

"Ah, sorry, my kid here was feeling a tad weak," Sloth responded, turning her head slightly. "My apologies for calling a time-out in the middle of a good show. Shall we continue, Alucard? Or are you going to blow your load in me in front of the kid and your partner?"

"U-u-uh, master, that didn't sound very sanitary," the kid said, blushing furiously.

"I can prolong the awaited victory for a moment," Alucard answered, suggestively. "You've pleased me thus far. Lift your gun."

Sloth smirked at this and stood to her feet with her guns in hand. Instantly, Alucard was taken aback by three shots to his head and shoulders respectively before firing upwards, hitting Sloth's helmet as she spun above him. This was before she got hold of Alucard's coat and threw him several feet away from the boy. She lunged for Alucard, mentally complimenting his regenerative skills, and was about to fire her gautling gun before a ringtone set off in her pocket. She backflipped mid-lunge and remained still for a moment. It was her cell phone ringing. She scoffed at the annoying device and pulled it out of her pocket.

"Sloth..." she answered.

'Do you have the samples?'

She turned to the boy, who tried to finish eating the heart before she yelled at him again probably, and said, "Not enough for Zaviduyu to use, but I do have live data from the site."

'Report to the Dean's office in five minutes. Bring the live data with you.'