
Hellsing: Virgin Mother of Saints

Alucard, a powerful vampire and hunter, and his beloved servant, Seras, protect the blissful populace of England from the existence of vampires in an era of cybernetic technology and early androids - the AI precursor of man. The Red Scare III group formed by Doc of the late Millenium group wants to prove that vampires indeed exist by showing them the dangers of their existence.

victoriarogue · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Mafia Hunt part 2

Baron reached into his black coat and pulled out a map of the island from the single inside pocket. He opened the map rather smoothly then placed it on the table for Integra and him to look on. Their plan of action would soon follow. Baron took out a red marker from his side pocket and took off the cap to draw a tiny star on the paper. Once complete, he then placed the marker back in his pocket and drew out a blue one for Integra to use. She took the offered utensil and pinpointed all the docks connected to the island with blue checkmarks. One of them had to be abandoned; otherwise, there were victims all across this once peaceful land and quite possibly ghouls.

Baron pointed to each attack site and traced a trail along the paper with his gloved finger. He said, "By these vampires not being as skilled and well-trained as Alucard, most of the attackers could not travel over water to leave anywhere. I would suppose they're trying to make the best of their stay since they can't physically leave the island."

"Vampires can't travel by sea, but most of them can travel by air. What's not clear is why attack these homes rather than the airport," Integra debated. "Based on your research, these attackers are using brutality against these families for something. If only one person is struggling, that person must've known they were coming or knew who the attackers were before acting."

"There is also the possibility that the struggling victim was closest to some sort of weapon or was furthest away from the attacker when entry was forced and was able to see what was going on before acting," Baron inserted.

"We could make all the assumptions we want here, but the fact remains these attackers are using physical force on what I would think are innocent people. However, entry point is the same and someone struggles against these people; also, there's a spot where these attackers live. This has nothing to do with making the best of what's here. There's something missing and it has to do with the main occupation for each family."

"Occupation, sir?" Baron questioned, turning to Integra.

"The main source of income for this island is tourism, which means people from any part of the world can become a victim of these vampires with firepower, and the one thing that makes these attacks interesting is that these families sell some sort of trinket to tourists. That's how they receive commission. If the trinkets don't sell, they can't pay off certain bills or loans."

"These attackers are loan sharks?" Baron questioned, giving Integra an almost flabbergasted look.

"It makes sense, doesn't it? Why attack one family at a time when you can wipe out the entire island and make this land a cursed one? There aren't many people here to begin with, you can easily run a tyranny, and there's fresh blood for all. Every tourist that enters the docks is easily marked as prey, and tourists come here every day. There's a variety of blood to feast upon. This island is more like a paradise for them, but they're not attacking the whole island. They're taking out people they're connected with. Based on the points of attack, they're going down the list of people they've made contracts with so to speak."

"They've attacked families with the letters A, B, C, and D in the last name."

"Then the family with the last name starting with E is their next target, granted there is one," Integra concluded, leaving the house. "Clear this spot of the bodies. We don't need ghouls infecting the land, too."

"As you wish, Sir Integra," Baron responded, smirking as he raised his gun.

"Senior detective," Integra called, earning a mumble. "How many families have a last name that starts with the letter E?"

"Only one. The Einriche family. They're located up the street about seven houses down."

"I see," Integra said, leaving the premises altogether as gunfire went off. She took out a cigar and lit it calmly. Her eyes closed and breathing even, she tapped into her telepathic abilities and connected her mind to Alucard's before saying, "These beasts cannot be spared. Get rid of them."

'Yes, my master,' Alucard responded.


"Master, there are other vampires approaching a house nearby."

Adolf Kreuss, recently turned vampire since September, was now working as a full-time vampire hunter alongside Sloth, his new mentor and team leader. Once upon a time, Adolf was an orphaned child at the age of seven and who had dreams of playing in an orchestra to play music of his pained, parentless childhood. He thought music was the only peace he would ever find in the world. He struggled all throughout elementary without his parents. When he got into fights in middle school, he struggled without a friend while he watched other kids engage in some sort of social activity where he wasn't invited. High school was different in some aspects. He had his first real girlfriend, earned a good reputation as cello player, and developed a friendship with his music teacher.

College was his turnover, though. That's when Adolph Kreuss became a name to remember. He played in movie soundtracks, sold multiple copies of his solo work, and had more friends than ever. He was actually someone many people wanted to get to know and hang out with. Sophomore year came around and he was featured in a few rap videos and songs. Then, in his junior year of school, he was attacked and raped by a graduate student who was hired as a tutor. What he didn't know, however, was that the tutor was actually a woman. Sloth had explained to him that in order for him to become a turned specifically he had to be a virgin of the opposite sex of the attacker. While everyone assumed the tutor to be male, he in fact was a she.

Had it not been for that mix up, he would have been dead twice. Although he was told of all these things, he was grateful that the tutor was a woman and that Sloth came to his rescue. Without these drastic events happening in his life, he wouldn't have been able to meet or work with Sloth. She was really a sweet, gentle woman versus the cold killer she was trained to be. With her, he learned many things like hunting for food and enemies alike, using multiple sets of weapons, and using his new vampire senses to track down an opponent from miles away. To think he was going to school to be a cello player in a symphonic orchestra and music teacher to his local elementary school, and now, in a twist of fate, he's a hard-working vampire hunter under the scariest one of all. This new lifestyles actually proved to be something more meaningful, and it made him happy. Through all this, he found a mother and friend.

He watched as his master, the lovely Sloth, stabbed through a screaming man's chest and ripped out his heart. Blood shot out of the hole she formed as a screech sounded from the dying vamp. Apparently, their mission was to kill off the loan sharks here because they were terrorizing innocent people. They were honestly just regular vampires who forgot they didn't need to use weapons to scare people. Once they were out of ammo and options, they lost their battling capabilities. Adolph just shook his head at the useless vampire. If vampires were this stupid, they could use Sloth as their mentor for a lot of different reasons. One of them was learning how to fight properly.

"Can you sense how strong they are?" Sloth asked, shoving another heart into her capsule.

"Not entirely. They're hiding their strength," Adolph answered, still trying to learn how to sense energy like his mentor. He heard her hum in thought and turned to her. He asked, "Are you...worried, master?"

"No, I'm weighing my options. Some of these mafia people are still out there. The two vampires you're sensing are either in the mafia here or have nothing to do with us entirely. Our next move is to either find out who they are or leave."

"But our mission was to get rid of the loan sharks. We can't leave with an incomplete task," Adolph argued.

"Our mission is complete," Sloth said, turning to the boy. "Orgullo and Zaviduyu said to get rid of the loan sharks in this dock. Anywhere else is their problem."

"But our job is to get rid of the loan sharks, master. We can't leave, knowing there's escapees out there. More people could get hurt!"

"Enough!" Sloth commanded.

Adolph was immediately silenced. When Sloth meant business, she meant it seriously and he wanted to be no part of that. But, there were innocent people on this island who could potentially be killed. She couldn't honestly let innocent people die, could she? Sloth hummed as she folded her arms and stood firm. A nerve-wrecking silence filled the empty warehouse near the docks. The waves crashing against the wooden port could be heard as Sloth's breathing slowed and she panted heavily and slowly. She bit her thumb until it bled then positioned her hands to reach out for the door. Adolph thought something was wrong until a blast traveled across the floor and captured his feet. He stumbled and saw waves of power rattle the cement below their feet. He looked down and abruptly a surge of power filled his eyes and entered his innermost thoughts. He could see his master's green eyes with outer splashes of brown along the rims traveling through his mind until she saw what he was sensing. Her eyes blinked a few times then disappeared. He then felt his power leave his body and thrust itself from the building in a sharp swoop.

"Show yourself, vampire," Sloth hissed.

Adolph gasped as Sloth's teeth grew impressively sharp, forming white fangs reaching for either of her rouged lips. Pressure began to build in the building and Adolph could feel his body being suppressed by the inhumane power pouring from his master's body. In Sloth's own vision, her wave of power was actually tracking what Adolph had sensed earlier. The power traveled like a swift and cunning snake as it passed through tall grasses and short grasses. She could feel the dark earth, the cool breeze, the moon's incandescent light, the dry roads, and the pounding of hurrying footsteps. She followed those footsteps and found the mafia men surrounding a house. They were whispering things as they readied their guns.

"Take the left side," a man in a green suit commanded, raising an automatic gun.

"Where's the nearest window?" another man in a blue suit asked, pistol loaded and ready to fire.

"Up top," the man in the green suit directed.

As the moon glowed beautifully overhead, Seras prepared her Harkonnen gun to shoot. Baron and Integra took the liberty of warning Seras where the attackers were to strike next. While Alucard searched for the mafia leaders, she was in control of the situation up close. She was on the rooftop of the house Baron had unleashed fire in, using her vampire senses to track them down. At first, she couldn't really see anything amiss until the attackers began to mobilize sneakily at the exact location the senior detective specified. All she had to do was take aim and fire.

In the distance, Sloth continued on in search of what Adolph sensed and heard a gunshot. She felt the bullet go through the ground, the earth emerge from its flat plains, and the creatures below yelp from the disturbance. She stopped her serpentine power search and turned to the culprit. Through the serpent's eyes, she saw brown boots covered in the grass and heard a chuckle rise.

A voice then said, "Interesting..."

Sloth's serpentine vision rose to see a bright, toothy grin and beaming eyes staring back at her. A silver gun pointed at her, still hot from the last shooting. The grin and eyes were connected to a tall man dressed in a red coat and hat. His red ribbon-like tie floating with the wind much like the collar of his coat and the brim of his hat. His hair and face were covered in shadow like most of his clothes, but she could feel his excitement flowing towards her.

Alucard was taken by surprise one could say when he sensed a strong force passing through the grass behind him. At first, he was intent on watching his fledgling, Seras, use her stealth to kill these mafia pricks; however, someone thought otherwise for the ancient vampire and suddenly caught his interest. The power he was sensing moved quick as it passed him up, and he heard hissing come from all sides and yet in only one true direction. This was a real opponent! Not wanting to pass up an opportunity like this, Alucard decided to capture the snake-like entity's attention so he got creative and fired a single shot. The entity was not only fast in moving about but fast enough to dodge. Once he spoke, the snakish power turned to him. Now, here he was looking into the amber-like eyes of the serpentine as it rose to stand and face him. The snake began to solidify as an actual beast form and coiled itself methodically as it licked the air to taste its new atmosphere. Alucard watched as the power became being and was now facing a red serpentine with winged ears sitting upright.

Sloth began to chuckle as her power took a form of its own. Adolph watched as his master opened her arms into a welcoming embrace, but he was too afraid to hug his master at the moment. She hardly ever tapped into her powers like this. If he dared interrupt her while she used them, he would surely meet his doom like all the men he had to kill today while Sloth took care of the bigger threats. She an eery but cute little smile across her lips. Perhaps this meant she found something value, but who was to know? Sloth was now methodically using her mind to give her serpent speech. For some reason, however, in the back of her mind, she felt she knew the man who dared shoot at her. She simply couldn't figure out from where, though. If they met, it must've been a long time ago. She was sure that she had seen those clothes from somewhere. She threw her thoughts to the side to focus on discovering whether this vampire was killing other humans or not.

Alucard kept his gun raised at the slithering beast as it watched him with curious, amber eyes. What manner of man created this creature he wondered. How he would love to meet him face to face!

"Vampire..." the snake hissed, licking its eyes then moving towards Alucard. "Why are you here?"

"A mission," Alucard answered, grinning almost madly. "Who are you?"

"I ss-see," the snake hissed, lowering its body into a multitude of coils. "You are vampire hunter. Yes-ss, who am I indeed. I ss-suppos-sse you can ss-say I am leaving. You may continue your work in peac-cce."

With that, Alucard shot at the snake. He hissed with a slight anger, "You dare insult me!"

The snake merely stared at him as it swiveled its body out of its coils. Alucard inflicted quite an amount of damage on the poor beast. There was a large hole on its left side where the bullet sliced off a chunk of the snake's beautiful flesh. The snake's eyes glimmered as it repaired the large hole in its body then settled for an amused expression. Becoming impatient, Alucard lowers his gun then gazes into the snake's eyes with a murderous intent.

"It is obvious the one controlling you is lurking somewhere else...somewhere close. Tell me who you are and I might not try to kill you in person," Alucard threatened.

"There is-ss no controller. I am one in different form," the snake answered, slithering closer to Alucard. Screaming was heard in the distance, making Alucard grin proudly. Seras has improved greatly with her skills in his absence. His congrats would have to wait until later, however; he was far more interested with this talking snake. The snake spoke again, "I am vampire hunter. SS-Sent to kill the loan ss-sharks-ss who attack the human rac-cce. You were a conc-ccern. Be you good vampire or be you bad? You be good. No need for me to ss-stay and take job."

"How honorable," Alucard growled, annoyed at having a half-assed answer from the snake. Sure, it said what it was, but it didn't specify a name. Since it didn't give any specifics, he was going to have to take some. He said, "Nonetheless, you have yet to give me a complete answer. Since you won't, I will find out myself!"

With that, Alucard gathered a tiny hint of power and thrusted it from his body in the form of a fluttering black-winged bat. The snake was captured by the dark energy and hissed violently from the attack. Alucard traveled through the serpent's mind to see a very familiar body belonging to his new favorite opponent. Sloth managed to close off any real trace of her presence, but she didn't close off her general direction. He grinned fairly widely before disappearing toward an abandoned warehouse, racing with the snakish power going back to its owner.

Sloth screamed as her lovely serpentine vanished into a red mist. She licked her thumb wound hurriedly then lunged at Adolph for him to duck. Abruptly, the wall that gave entrance to the small office in front of the building collapsed with a loud BOOM!

"Clever dick!" Sloth cursed, feeling her mind grow dizzy and pulse painfully.