
Hells Descendant

Revolution!! No matter the world is always needed to advance man, to advance science, to advance the world.Adam has always believed and sought that now given a new chance and the forces to bring and be that change. He will bring revolution to all.

Will_Petty_0928 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Morningstar... It's a interesting name. The Light Bringer a very fitting title as without light darkness would reign, and without revolution or change stagnation would control the world. That's what I wanted change, and I did that. We took the world leaders one by one slowly controlling ,or killing them off as we brought good to the people. I met with politicians, bankers, CEOs and used eachone to better my people by the time the world caught on and we had liberated or destroyed almost every small nation. We united the poor of the world the abused and beaten.

The United Nations launched full scale attacks to retake the lands we saved. They bombed our allies into oblivion to take our resources ,but we pushed back.I may have killed half of my world, and sure I'm currently bleeding out surrounded by former comrades, but WE DID IT! We made the world face itself. We united enemies who fought for centuries. We made them fix their mistakes and make right with their greed. I stare at the corpses of the United Nations leaders each dieing, and each one greedy fools who believed the world was theirs. Now it's up to the survivors to make this world better.

I'm sad I won't see the future, but it's that future that makes all I've done worth it. This may be my end. All I've done will be seen as a massacre or maybe just maybe the start of a real Revolution. May those who look upon my actions grant me one wish it's to start over and do it all over again to bring about revolution and the peace that follows.

I never introduced myself many only knew me as the leader of Morningstar....

My name is Adam... Adam Morningstar, my friends call me Lucy. As my thoughts faded I was greeted by a pitch black void the only light being tiny specks millions of miles from me.

This void seems to be my resting place can't say I didn't deserve this. The empty expanse making my whole being tremble with excitement. "There is so much potential for something here. I wish I had some way to make this place more lively." I mumbled to myself as the expanse began to change. Slowly more stars and lights appeared swirling like a endless spiral as a being larger then any man I'd ever seen appeared before me. His voice sounding kind yet regal as his voice echoed through me. "One of my descendants has finally managed to break their shackles..Interesting...."

I gasped as the power behind those word's shakes me to my core. I speak trying my hardest to resist his pressure. "W-what? Who are you!?!?" He looked at me with a kind eye removing his pressure saying only one word "family". Then stared into my soul nodding as if he found something he long thought lost. "When you awaken again you shall be granted access to our power. I won't say more beyond that. You must gain mastery and control of our legions regain our realm, when your strong enough. I will tell you your origins. Live well young Morningstar may our bloodline protect you".

Those last words echoed in my mind as I passed out. My soul feeling a burning of a thousand suns. My body felt reborn of fire burning away my every nerve as new ones melted into place. My bones forged a new glowing crimson with power. As I am remade a powerful suction comes from behind me sucking my form through a portal. When I next woke I was in a cave alone with glowing red screen in front of me reading "summon system ready welcome decendant of the Morning star". As I stared at the screen all I could muster was a "what?" Before passing out against the cold stone wall.

As Adam rested his soul was ablaze with excitement. He would be what he always hoped for revolution. Else where in a separate world six figures sit around a giant hell fire pit skulls lining it. The souls screaming in the fire but a mellow background to these horrifying creatures. ???: "Let the meeting of the sins commence!" Mammon sneered as he watched the others take their seat spoke calmly" greed present". Asmodeus laughed as he sensually walked over switching genders with each step finally settling as a beautiful red haired woman with a hour glass figure sitting in her thrown. "Lust present darling". Leviathan eyeing everyone in the room from his seat scheming and plotting spoke tackless. "Envy is present". As he side eyes Beelzebub the ever eating demon spoke between bites. "Gluttony present". Belphegor lazing on a bean bag chair raises his hand slightly" sloth present". Finally sitting at the head throne Satan sat pleased finally spoke again. " Good wrath present".

Satan sighed as he spoke ."Now prides bloodline has found a successor whether he lives to his potential or dies is still unseen. Let's make sure it's the latter otherwise. We may all face a fate worse then what we did to the original. Am I clear?". Almost every one at the meeting nodded, but sloth raised a hand and spoke. "We shouldn't have done it to begin with man Lucy was nice..."."Quiet" Satan yelled with rage " He had gone soft for those stupid mortals. Why should we follow a weakling. He deserved his fate!". The rest of the sins nodded before each started to leave. Each preparing to fight for their lives against their late kings descendant. Satan spoke softly to himself as he faded from his seat" be ready brat! Your fate shall be the same as all the others." He smirked as he looked at the fire the past souls of Lucifers descendants burning bright in the flames. "Soon."