
Chapter 4: the best thing

Early in the morning, when the alarm went off; there comes a light knock on Alexander's door.he lazily rose up from the bed to get the door" good morning sir, hope you slept well" jasmine greeted with a smile. Without sparing her a glance " get in and go get my things ready" he said in a commanding tone " y…ess s..sir" jasmine stammered."what about my breakfast,are they ready" he asked coldly " yes sir it's ready" she replied almost immediately ( but I'm not your maid sir cold face) jasmine said inwardly.he replied with a" hmm".

Standing in front of a ceiling to floor mirror checking out how he looked in his office suit. Sternly staring at the tie around his neck;" I don't like the tie change it" he said fiercely." right away sir" she obeyed


'I don't know I think he hates me; he doesn't want to look at me for one, he feels disgusted whenever he heard my voice I don't know why. Am I ugly belle? Even if I don't have a family, I am not worthless and I'm not a trash" jasmine said over the phone with a sad voice and a low sniffles could be heard coming from her." it's okay girlfriend don't be sad; he doesn't know your worth and believe me you're not disgusting nor are you worthless. You're the precious thing that has happened to everyone around you. Everything will be fine okay baby girl? It's just a matter of some time " belle said trying to calm her friend down." okay" jasmine replied;after a while, the call ended.

***the next day****

In front of a city mall; a black BMW parked at the parking lot and two slender figures alighted from the car and walked into the mall.jasmine called her friend to accompany to the city mall to go buy some groceries because the cold boss wanted her to cook for him. " I told him I'm not his maid but he wouldn't listen and still treats me like his maid. Why does he hates me so much" she complained." it's getting out of hand what should I do girlfriend " jasmine said with sadness in her voice. The only person that can understand her pain was her friend;" I'm sorry that you're going through all this jas I really wish I could do something about it but getting another job is very hard now" belle said apologetically." it's not your fault belle, he's to be blamed he didn't tell me what he wants he just hands a notes full of useless things telling me to get all of the things he wrote" jasmine retorted." it's okay baby girl" she assured her friend " oops I've got to go girlfriend I've got things to do I'm sorry I can't accompany you anymore I'm sorry call me when you get home bye" belle said in a hurry after checking her watch with that she ran off " okay girl take care" jasmine shouted

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