
Chapter 3: so mean


"You're so beautiful,I hope you're aware of the you're here to do"Kelly said with a look of satisfaction."yes ma'am I am" jasmine replied with a delicate smile. Kelly could not help but appreciate jasmine's beauty" she's pretty" Kelly murmured; " your room is up the second room by your left"." okay ma'am thank you" jasmine said appreciatively.

With that,she went upstairs and entered a room whose door is made up of expensive furniture; jasmine couldn't believe her eyes when she entered the room " a very large room painted in purple with queen sized bed ,a pink and purple bed spread and quilt even comes with a mirror stand, wait are they aware that a young girl is living with them soon? Asking no one in particular shile her face flushed due to excitement.

**several hours***

*Knock- Knock*

"Who's it?" Followed by a sound of door opening " what do you want" he asked in a cold voice without looking at her." sir I came to tell you that dinner is ready and ma'am wants you at the dinner room now" she explained while making sure to breath properly."okay"he said slamming the door on her face; "humph! So mean" she muttered pouting her lips.

"You're ten minutes late for dinner son","I know mom I'm sorry" he replied apologetically." it's okay and jasmine you should join us here you're not a maid, you have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of my son okay?" Kelly added " okay ma'am" jasmine nodded with a smile

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