
The Cake Thief

Reen didn't know what exactly to tell her parents since she also didn't know much about it. So she was conflicted as she thought about the best way to handle this. 

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Cixi asked. They weren't exactly putting much pressure on her, but they wanted her to share her burden with them and she perfectly understood that. Her parents were always supportive and she didn't want to blow off their concern just like that.

"I'm sorry. It's just... Kyle has a thing for Joreen." She started and prayed they would believe this. It wasn't the main reason but it wasn't exactly a lie. 

"It pissed me off yesterday to see how hard he was trying to convince her more than he was trying to convince me that nothing happened between him and the girl he thought Zichu accused him of. I was also pissed because of how he hurt Zichu and when I went to meet him last night, he didn't seem that eager to talk to me anymore."