
Hellbound Love

Zeke and Alicia's story.

KazzenlX · ファンタジー
7 Chs

VD- 6

The hard and loud beating of Sela's heart intensified as she made a decision—that she had to know for sure. She needed to open this door and see for herself, or else this would definitely keep haunting her.

As she approached the door to that mysterious room, she felt a violent chill run down her spine. It was as if something was warning her to turn back. But she couldn't. She wouldn't. She wanted to know now.

Her hand trembled a little as she reached for the door handle. It was ancient and rusty, and for a moment she wondered if it would even turn. Her curiosity to investigate burned within her, but as soon as she was about to push it open, an overwhelming sense of terror gripped her, and she found herself unable to move.

She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down, but her throat felt dry and constricted, and her stomach churned with unease.

Still, she bravely tried to summon the courage to take a step forward. But then a creaking sound echoed through the room. Sela's heart lurched in her chest. She couldn't do it. She couldn't face whatever lay ahead!

With a sudden surge of panic, Sela spun around and fled, her feet pounding against the wooden floor as she raced back to the safety of the living room. As she burst through the doorway, she felt a wave of relief wash over her, and she collapsed onto the couch, gasping for air.

Soon, Sela was pacing back and forth, her mind racing with thoughts of the room she had just fled from. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she couldn't face this alone. She at least needed someone to be with her just in case.

Without hesitation, Sela picked up her phone and dialed Rain's number. Rain was her best friend, and she knew that she could count on her to help her through this.

"Hey, Sel, what's up?" Rain answered.

"Hey, Rain," Sela replied, her voice shaking slightly. "Can you come over? There's something I need to show you."

"Of course, I'll be right there," Rain said, sounding concerned. It was obvious she could already tell something's wrong just by hearing Sela's voice. "Is everything okay?"

Sela hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain. But then she took a deep breath and said, "No, not really. I need your help. I can't do this alone."

An hour later, Rain arrived, panting and out of breath. Rain was a tall and lean girl with a boyish look and a pretty face. She had straight, long black hair and was wearing a baseball cap and a black hoodie. Her style was a mix of sporty and edgy, and she always looked effortlessly cool. "What's going on?" she asked, her eyes darting around the room.

Sela took a deep breath and immediately told Rain everything. About the vampire and the mysterious room. Rain listened, her brows raising with every word.

Sela paced nervously in her living room as Rain listened to her story with a look of disbelief.

"I swear it's true, Rain. I saw him," Sela insisted.

"You saw who? A vampire? Are you serious?" Rain's expression was blank.

"Yes, I am serious! I woke up in the middle of the night and saw him in my basement. He had fangs and everything, and…" Sela bit her lower lip, not wanting to mention the rest of what happened.

Rain sighed, sitting on the couch like she was suddenly tired. "Come on, Sel. You can't seriously believe in vampires. That's just a nightmare."

"It wasn't a nightmare, Rain! I felt his breath on my neck, and he spoke to me," Sela argued.

Rain's lips parted before she shook her head. "You expect me to believe that you were taken by a vampire and then he just let you go?"

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth! I just went back to that room just now before I called you, and I heard noise inside." Sela replied, frustration creeping into her voice.

Rain was quiet for a while before she sighed. "Look, I want to believe you, I really do. But this is all just too far-fetched. This must be just your mind playing tricks on you. You're just scaring yourself with all those supernatural books you've been reading, Sel. You read way too much of those vampire and fairy porns –"

Sela grabbed her best friend's hoodie and hissed. "They're not porns! They're stories with intricate plots and amazing, sexy characters with spice! They're master pieces, damn it!"

"Here we go again with this topic." Rain lifted her hands as if raising her white flag. "Fine, fine. Whatever you say, princess."

Sela sighed in frustration, but then she finally calmed down. "I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it's… I need you to help me find out if there's any truth to this."

Rain eventually relented, "Alright, fine. We'll check out your basement together. But I'm telling you, Sela, there's nothing there."

Soon, the duo was carefully descending down the creaky wooden stairs, the sound echoing through the dark and musty space of the underground floor.

Sela led the way, clutching a flashlight in one hand and Rain's arm in the other. They walked past stacks of boxes and old furniture until they were close to the exact location of that door.

Her heart thudded in her chest, and her breathing grew shallower. Her anxiety spiked as she knew they were about to reach the spot where she had seen the mysterious door again.

Finally, they reached the dead end, and Sela's flashlight beam landed on the spot where the door had been. But to her surprise, there was nothing there. No door, no handle, no hinges. Just a blank wall.