
Hellbound Love

Zeke and Alicia's story.

KazzenlX · ファンタジー
7 Chs

VD- 4

"Please –"

His lips were suddenly on hers, cutting her off. Oh goodness! Regardless of her body's reactions, she believed that she would never beg him to do this to her! She was about to say 'Please let me go' once again! This wasn't what she was trying to plead for...

Sela's inner protest was quickly forgotten as he kissed her so hard that it almost instantly overwhelmed her. When she couldn't help but suck in a sharp breath, he took advantage and deepened the kiss. His tongue touched hers, igniting a flame deep within her.

She felt the stroke of his tongue in every part of her, and shivers erupted all over her skin. A sweet, indescribable tingle coils inside her until she feels a throbbing pulse in the space between her thighs. There was something different with his kisses… something words couldn't even seem to explain... a kind she'd never tasted or experienced before. And to think that this was all because of a kiss!

"Oh, angel…" he whispered. "Your mouth is... ecstasy."

Sela wanted to protest with that statement. She should be the one saying that. She'd kissed a few boys in her life, and none had ever felt like this. NONE!

Her head spun, her senses overwhelmed as she felt his lips press against hers once more. She couldn't quite place when he had started kissing her again; it was all a blur. The dizziness seemed to intensify, making her feel faint and unsteady. It was crazy. She was crazy for allowing this stranger… this vampire… to keep devouring her mouth like this. She should be thinking of her safety… that this must be him prepping her, using his bewitching allure or whatever power he had on her, just before he eats her alive. But gods! How… just how could she resist this? Just how?

"Mm." he growls in delight, and she finally realized that her hands were entwined around his neck. "I can no longer wait to taste more of you… all of you." He added as his wicked mouth traveled down south.

The moment his wet, icy tongue latched onto the burning skin of her neck, a moan was torn from her lips. It's like ice and fire were colliding, and the feeling was simply… indescribable. She threw her head back, even as she knew that this one gesture could be the end of her. She was crazy. Whoever this man was… he'd bewitched her, altered the chemistry of her brain into something utterly useless, hopeless. Because, girl, no one throws their head back and exposes their neck like this before a vampire!

And then, before she knew it, a voice in her mind was convincing her that it was okay since this definitely wasn't real—that she'd definitely wake up soon in her bed. That she should just indulge herself with this exhilarating dream. With this breathtakingly seductive man she will never get to see and feel again once she wakes up!

Most of her immediately agreed. And she told herself that no matter how real everything felt, there was just no way this was reality. No freaking way! Only lunatics would believe this was real! Right?

Another latch on her skin made her moan, sending all her thoughts flying out the window once again. And then she felt a graze from something sharp that made her shiver. That should be enough to jolt her, yet it only made her heart race with more thrill and exhilaration. Perhaps because she had now accepted that this wasn't reality, and that's why her fear was now easily shoved to the back of her mind.

And just like that, thrill, excitement, and pleasure immediately took over her entire being.

"I'm going to claim you. Now." He stared at her with eyes so impossibly compelling. "Say yes, angel."

When she couldn't answer, his hand moved, cupping her breast through her thin, silky nightgown. Bolts of pleasure darted through her, and when he gently flicked her nipple, a gasp was torn from her lips.

"I'm waiting," he said, swiping his thumb once more over her now hard bud. Her already disjointed thoughts scattered as her body reacted on its own, arching into his touch.

He pulled away. And Sela almost whined in protest. "If you don't answer me… I might –"

"Yes." Her face burned at how fast she said that one word. But she didn't care. Nobody cared. This wasn't real anyway.

He chuckled again. God... that sound might even be worth selling her soul for!

"Such a good girl." He drawled and she felt the wet, shiver-inducing slide of his tongue through her thin, silken nightgown. She gasped, shocked by the intensity of the pleasure it brought forth. His mouth closed over the tip of her breast, and then he sucked deep and long. Her gasps turned to a cry of ecstasy as her back arched involuntarily.

He groaned, his teeth piercing as his tongue lapped at her breast. Her mouth opened, and a silent scream was sanctioned away just as his mouth did the same, drawing in deep like he was planning to drink the essence from her body.

A deep rumbling growl came from his throat, traveling straight to her core. She clenched her thighs, unable to control it.

"Oh, angel… You're so… exquisite. You're so… mine."

His mouth latched on to her other breast, and all she could do was gasp again. His cold, icy hands trailed across her legs, moving deeper under her dress.