
Hell of A Paradise

In the midst of chaos, one man stand atop of others and unite the northern continent. That happened 200 years ago. Now, once again, the continent is yet again to brew a chaotic mess that will burst open a war that could potentially ruin the entire human race. Yet again, a man appeared once more, hidden behind the mask of an amateur prince of a collapsing nation. Charles Lauren Van Lowe

Edenshell · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Yes, politics III

Father, the King, the one rule over Grane, is the descendant of the prince of Constina ages ago. Due to his ancestor's quarrel, sparks of civil war became evident and the collapse was inevitable.

In fact, the entire ruler of the nations within the northern continent have bloods or descendants of the imperial family from the empire. It was such reason that they managed to rule the shattered pieces of the empire to this day.


As I step onto the grassy ground of the palace garden, I felt a soft sensation spreading across my feet. This is perhaps due to the amazing mutation of grass made by the royal mages, who may have also been descendants of the imperial mages.

My father look at me as I enter the area, then return to his focus on his bush trimming after confirming it was me.

Along with him is my family— my mother, and my siblings. And some servants who serve their needs.

"Father, I have come to request some special permission."

To first start growing the economy, I have to provide food for my people. Not only will it feed them, if there are surpluses then we can use it as an export product and perhaps gain a little bit of external influence.

If that's the case, I can secure the nation's independence for at least 5 years from barely 6 months.

The plan for the food problem has been executed earlier. And will surely be fruitful if Viscount Folnt cooperate.

"What could it be, my dear son?" His tone visibly change.

"I wish to decentralize the royal mages and spread them across the nation. The use of them will not be militarily so you needn't to fret."

"Hoo... I'm impressed, how else could the royal mages be used except militarily?"

One of my siblings blurted out of nowhere.

It was the 1st prince, the royal prince, the heir for the throne.

He wears a golden blonde hair, silvery eyes, porcelain pale skin, and emit a dignified aura. Sadly, he receive the trait of my father making him unsuitable for the throne.

"I answer to, and only for the king, brother. And we are conversing important matters so I advise you to not meddle."

"You impudent bastard, you think of yourself all high and mighty just because you got away after barging yourself to our father's room?! You—"

Caesar Erwin Van Löwe, a stupidly dumb man. He was a ridiculously strong man, but all of it went to the drain after he refuse to learn new things due to his stubbornness. Now, he's here sticking to out father's balls just to remain as the heir for the throne.

If this man were to succeed as the new king of Grane... Hell, I'd rather get captured by the invading foreign force.


I look at the source of the voice.

It was my sister, Charlotte Louise Van Löwe, blue hair that extend to her waist, silvery eyes, porcelain skin. She have this older sister vibe, but due to our lack of contact for the past 5 years after leaving for the foreign university, I have no idea of her developed personality.

She just arrived a month ago, but we didn't have much interaction after that.

She's a mystery.

"I never once taught that little Charles would stand up from his position and become one of the powerful person in the country. I seem to have lost touched of you after leaving 5 years ago. Tell me, my cute little brother, how did that happen?"

She smiles at me, one that is mischievous and seeks an indefinite yet clear answer.

Once again, I answer for and only for the king, I have no obligation to tell them unless the king said so. That way, I could at least disclosed as few information as possible.

"Tell me, my son. If it's not militarily, what else could their purpose be?"

This time, it's my father.

I metaphorically held my hand on my head due to disappointment. This is why our nation was left behind. Not only do they not know the basic structure of the nation's foundation, they also have no will to move forward and improve it.

"For the same purpose as to grow our nation's economy. I want the royal mages to teach our people basic understanding of literature... And if possible, teach them how to read and write."

Instantly, as if hearing an absurdity, everyone in the garden, including the servants, look at me with disbelief. The 1st prince frowns in contempt, the 1st princess smiles as if impress while the rest stares at me in confusion.

My father remains unaffected however, acting as if he was able to think of such idea and only asked me to confirm his thought... which is not.

"That's absurd! Father, are you letting this man do as he see fit even though it can lead to our nation's ruin?!"

The 1st prince was the first to speak.

"It's not actually bad if I were to answer... I mean, in the kingdom of Leighton, where I studied, they let some few commoners who achieve great feat study in their university. Perhaps this might even be a great idea."

The 1st princess followed.

"Hmm... That's right... You really are my son. Now, since they are confused about such idea, why don't you tell them what we actually think so."

I sigh then proceed to explain it.

"For starters, I wish for them not only to read and write, but to also critically think... To which can make them smart enough to understand their situation and can think about a decision that would lead to better result.

If this happen, then the productivity and efficiency of our workforce will rise significantly from our current situation. They will then provide us much more money and goods that we might not even have to rely on external debts from other nation anymore... Perhaps we could even pay them with the budget's surplus."

Since they are dumb fellows, what I needed to target on them is their emotion instead of intellect. If I provide them convincing information about the possible future result of my plan, they will surely buy it.

"I approve of this my son."

See... How dumb can they be.