
Chapter 7

The room goes quiet, and she walks back towards the door when she sees Keenan walks out of the opened door with a bottle of wine in his right hand.

His hair is looking shabby, and his eyes are red and dull and his steps wobbly and staggering. He's drunk and, from what she sees, he's probably been crying. Her heart squeezes in her chest as she imagines the torture he must go through.

His eyes go dim when they see the blurry image lurking around and his lips pause as he curiously stares at her.

'Taylor?" he slur, staggering towards her and missing a step and almost falling.

'No, it's Vary." she replies, still moving back and her heartbeat increasing with every passing second, 'Why haven't you gone home?"

Once he hears her name, he pauses and steps backwards, 'Oh Varishaa.... Hey..." he hiccups and he pouts his mouth and blinks quickly. He walks back to the chair in front of the desk, takes a sit and majestically crosses his legs.