
Chapter 24

Brushing aside an odd sensation of uneasiness, Vary gets down from the taxi as it comes to a stop in front of the hospital.

The nervousness grows within her as she walks in, as she wonders what Keenan might say to her when he sees her. She wonders if Keenan would even want to see her, knowing she was the one who left him days ago.

Rejection is the last thing she can take right now, and she fears that's what she's going to get and she immediately turns back to leave, only to collide with a young man who is also running up the hospital stairs. Vary loses her balance and almost falls to the ground, but for the young man's brawny arms. Their eyes meet and Vary notices his brownish blonde hair having the side-blown style, his blue eyes and from what she sees, she can tell he's in his early twenties, but his pencils beard makes it hard to tell the exact age.

He helps her back on her feet and she blushes in embarrassment as he gives her a careful look and asks, 'Are you okay?"