
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · その他
24 Chs

Filling In the blanks

(author here, if you didn't see I rewrote the previous chapter. You can read it if you want I was just making some small tweaks in the chapter. Anyway been a while since I wrote so it's probably gonna be worse than usual. Either way, are you reading this, or mean y'all enjoy my book, or are you new Thanks for reading this far, and now to the bad writing)


Shiva pov

Hearing the crackling of fire and the screams of horror from the elderly to children, I resist the urge to go to sleep.

I try to push myself up, but I fail. Falling back on the ground I let out a grunt of pain. Looking up, I stare in horror.

In front of me is the demon and Okami. What made me stare in horror was that Okami's neck was being held by the demon.

Then it happened. I heard a sickening crack.

I close my eyes so I don't have to see one of my friends die.

"AHHHHHH!" I heard a scream. It was the demon screaming.

What used to be Okami isn't there anymore. What was there was a black wolf with flames dancing down its fur.

The wolf's fangs bit into the general's shoulder.

The wolf then threw the demon down on the ground. His body bounced before he landed on his back.

The demon got up holding his injured shoulder. For the first time, I saw fear and death reincarnated as one. When I looked into the wolf's eyes all I saw was death.

I looked into the eyes of the demon to look at something else other than those eyes.

Before the demon could get halfway up the wolf pounced. Biting into the neck of the once proud general. All that was left was fear.

The wolf tore a chunk out of the neck of the demon killing him.

When I thought it was all over the wolf looked at me.

Everything was so slow. The flames danced around as the wolf slowly approached me. The wolf with fire sparking in its mouth lunged at me. Before it could bite down on me everything went black.

"And that's all I remember," I told Okami.

He sat there processing what happened. His face was unreadable like always. Even before, when we were in school no body could ever know what he was thinking.

He finally opened his mouth." Thanks for telling me what happened. But that leaves more questions than answers though."

While he was lost deep in thoughts someone walked through the infirmary door. It was the elf back in the village.

"There seems to be nothing wrong except..."

----------(to be continued)----------------

Hope the chapter wasn't too bad hope y'all enjoyed it anyway until next time