
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · その他
24 Chs

Down in the canyon

I woke up, all I could feel was pain.

My head was killing me. Felt like that one time I got into my parent's liquor cabinet when I was a kid.

I try to get up, just to be assaulted by more pain.

Looking at my limbs, I notice that my right arm and left leg are broken.

Using my left arm and right leg to get up, I lean against the wall.

"Fuck this hurts. Where am I? How did I get here?" I start thinking of what happened, before I remembered.

"Oh shit! That fucker better be dead. If not then my family isn't safe. Gotta get out of here."

And so while leaning on the wall, I walk forward. The only way to go, besides walking back.

While walking, I was hit in the back of the head.

Falling, I try to land on my left arm. Seeing what was behind me, was a goblin with a club.

Letting it get close enough, I blast it with fire, killing it and giving me some food to eat.

Using my good arm, I harvest the meat and cook it.

Finished with my meal, I continue walking.

I walk until I reach a dead end. I don't know how long I walked, from my stomach, I've walked almost a whole day.

When I turn around, I slipped. My body collided with the wall, or so I thought would happen.

The wall faded out of existence. When I looked back up, there was a skeleton chained to a metal wall. There was a notebook near the skeleton.

Crawling to the book, it had an old leather cover. There was nothing on it. So I opened the first page.

The page was blank. I flip through the whole book, but it was blank. Nothing was written in it.

"Strange, I thought cliche powerup would happen when I opened it," I said.

Putting it to the side, I try to stand up on one leg. Getting up I saw letters on the metal wall.

Reading them it read.' The last hell hound.' The following words were incomprehensible. But there was a strange symbol right behind the skeleton.

(Image here)

Touching the symbol it glowed. I was assaulted by so much pain, that I was knocked out.


I woke up, there were unfamiliar memories in my head. They were of this man in front of me. I know what I am. Too bad I didn't get his fighting experience. If there was anything to call him, it would be a war machine.

I have seen what he can do with his fire. And I could use them. I have to practice control with my fire.

But first things first, I have to heal up and get out of here.

Since a goblin was down here, that means there has to be a cave leading out of here. The cave is probably infested with those ugly bastards. Got no choice besides keep moving.

And so I walked back where I came, I also took the empty book with me. It took a while to find the cave, but I found it.

I plan to whittle down the goblins for food and ease down their numbers while I heal.

Going into the cave, I follow the only path there is. It is dark, but I use the flames on my body like a torch. Can't hide from anything in the dark though. But I don't want to hide. I want to fight something even in this situation.

And so I found a small group of goblins. They see me and start running at me.

I try to use one of the moves I saw in the skeleton's memories, a fireball.

I formed it in my mouth, but I couldn't shoot it out. So when the goblins got close enough I just set them aflame with a blast of fire, quickly killing them, and cooking them.

Once I finish eating I take a swig from my water sack, to find out that it's almost empty. I haven't got a chance to refill it in a while.

Continuing forward, I found a small hole in a wall.

'This will make a good spot to rest.'

Curling up in the hole, so anything doesn't see the fire on me, I shortly fall asleep.


(Yall thought that was the end doesn't y'all, nope extra long chapter)

Waking up from my sleep, I crawl out of the small hole. With my arm and leg still broken, it was hard to crawl out.

'Just a couple days and it'll be healed.'

With those thoughts, I go hunt down some goblins, I killed them the same way I killed the first ones.

Practicing, to shoot a fireball out of my mouth.

Anyways. Me doing the same thing for days probably sounds boring. So I'm gonna skip to when I finally healed up, and get out of here.


It's been a couple of days. All my injuries are healed. Ready to make my way out of this cave, I rush through, covering my whole body in flames, so nothing can stop my charge.

There were a lot of goblins who tried to stop me, but they were burnt away.

Twist and turns, wherever I go, I finally see a light. So I run as fast as I can.

When I broke through, I wasn't standing on anything. My legs still trying to run on something, I look down. And there was nothing but water.

Bracing myself to dive in. I tucked my legs together and pierced through the water like an arrow. Swimming to shore I was met by a group of humans.

They were my old classmates...


Alright now this is the end

Hope y'all enjoyed it and have a good day

Till next time