
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · その他
24 Chs


Luckily the slime is flammable. How I started the fire is a bit embarrassing. I couldn't find any rocks to use so I had an idea.

I used my tail to see if it could light things on fire. Turns out it can. I'm not sure how hot it is, but it can cook meat pretty quickly.

I caught a couple of rats and cooked them.

My new body needs more food. I realized this after I ate about 20 rats. So I had to resort to some drastic measures now.

If I don't do it now it will only be worse later. I decided that I needed to kill goblins for food.

So I hunted down a goblin. Thanks to my enhanced senses I found one. It was a goblin.

Short ugly green thing. The goblin heard me approach it, despite my best attempt to be stealthy.

Turning around, it ran at me with a club in its hand.

Surprised I tripped backward. Covering my head with my arms seemed to be the right move.

My insticts helped me not get hit.

When the impact hit my arms, I didn't feel any pain.

Confused at first, I kicked the goblin away. Looking at my arms, expecting a bruise, but nothing was there. No scratch bruise or anything.

So getting up, I ran at the goblin. It lifted its arm, attempting to block me. I grabbed its arm and pulled it down.

It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The goblin couldn't do anything. Turns out despite being a kid again, I was a lot stronger.

Raising my foot off the ground, I slammed it down on the goblin's head.

There was a crack, followed by a cry of pain. Stomping on its head again and again, until it didn't cry out anymore.

Looking at the dead goblin almost made me puke. Thinking that I had to cut it apart made it worse.

Using my claws, I cut the goblin apart. Grabbing any edible meat. Finding and killing a slime was easy. I just had to light it on fire with any part of my tail.

Cooking the goblin meat quickly, it smelled so good.

Taking a bite, I was surprised about how tender it was. Before I knew all of it was gone.

With my stomach full, I let out a satisfied burp.

When I burped, some flames came out of my mouth.

Surprised I stumbled backward.

Trying to get flames to come out my mouth again, I finally did it. It took a couple of tries but it worked.

Sadly for me, I can't shoot it anywhere. I can only do a short blast. Not sure how hot it was. It could probably temporarily blind something that's in my face. Or it could melt their face off.

Anyways all I know is I need to get out of here and fast. Unless I want to die of dehydration.


I at least have to write a couple of chapters for a new book

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and ill see y'all next time

Have a good day