
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · ファンタジー
42 Chs

The Swordsmith

The sun washed over his face gleaming off of his new uniform. As it glinted in the sun he was reminded that he was no longer on the lower floors. Dedenford was comprised of a number of floors all in ascending order. first was the floors of the merchants and traders where the shops and inns where. Then there were the residential floors where the commoners lived in unstable wooden houses. This is where Badurad had lived previously and because of the smoke and huge buildings at the top of the city there was very little light. As you went up the city the standard of living increased as did the amount of light on the third floor from the top was the military district where all the forges and garrisons. this was where Badurad was stationed. He had been learning the codes of knighthood and how a lower class noble should behave. The last two floors where the noble and royal mansions. this is where the royal family and all its relatives lived. At the very top was a cathedral so grand and tall it could be seen for miles. it was a tower constructed from marble and gold. On a day that is especially clear it shines like a 'beacon of gods grace.'

It had been a long day of etiquette lessons but the day had finally come for him to receive his first sword. It was a right of passage as a knight and it meant that he could accept pleas or requests sent in by villages on the outer areas of Westeria the domain Dedenford was in. The entirety of westirion is ruled by the king but the church rules the country and everything in it. westeria is the most savage land of them all and villages are terrorised by huge monsters so to combat the threat the knights council was formed which operates outside of any individual organisation. Accept the church of course. Therefore as a knight with a sword he could go through any border and accept jobs. The villages will then pay the Knights council and the knights would be paid a salary and be given an honorary title of noble.

Badurad walked into the smith that had been assigned to him. the door dinged as he entered the forge but there was no one there. he started looking around the shop was full of armour and various different weapons. The wall to his right was full of swords, some had runes on them, some didn't but all were masterfully crafted with practically no imperfections; he then turned his attention to the wall behind him. there was a single sword that caught his eye. It was a broad sword with a black blade glinting in the sun with 3 red runes that glowed as he approached and extended his hand to touch them. He was entranced by the blade and he could hardly look away. His hand was inches away when he heard a voice. " If you want to touch that it'll cost you your arm." quickly he swirled round to see a smaller man in dirty rags and a simple bandana that covered their mouth. All that could be seen of the person was two bright red eyes and a bunch of brown hair. " is it really that expensive?" asked Badurad. "well yes but it's the curse that'll take your arm. nasty piece of work that everyones got a theory. I reckon it's a demon in the blade but the church says that can't be right because God is protect'in us. now who are you and why are you in my shop?" Asked the strange shop keeper." I'm badurad the knight and I have come to collect the sword that was ordered a few weeks ago." replied Badurad who was still unphased. "Well Badurad the knight I am Oakly the smith. I'll go get it now." Oakly shuffled away into the back and returned a few moments later with an object wrapped in cloth. Oakly walked behind the table gently laying the object on the table. Then he signed for Badurad to come over as Oakly unfolded the cloth. As he stepped forward the cloth opened up revealing a sword with two edges. Both were silver in color but the distinction was obvious when seen closely. the first edge was made of generic steel and is highly effective against flesh. The second was made of Promethium ore; it was highly effective against curses and is supposedly a gift from god as a defence against evil. The blade then tapered out into a guard that was the size of his hand then abruptly fell into a leather handle with space for both of his hands. The sword was silver and white and shone in the sun's light.

Badurad picked up the sword. It was heavy and incredibly sharp. He then took the cloth and wrapped it up, tying it with three cords and fastening it to his back. "Thank you oakly this will serve me very well." said badurad bowing in thanks. He then left and heard the bell ring behind him. He walked through the square to arrive at the plea board this was where the jobs were posted by the knights council. As he gazed over the board one took his eye. It was a D rank quest with a high reward; the only catch was that he would need a group to accept it as per the plea.

[Now who could he get to join him].