
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · ファンタジー
42 Chs

The origins of The Hell Flame PT.6

"I'm gonna die huh. It's been a while since I've had a challenge but I never thought you'd actually kill me. Well I guess my rule is over and all my magic power is going to explode so you'd better run. I'd hate it if the person who finally beat me died in such an embarrassing way. Bye kid." Those were the last words said by the demon king Surtael. The gate closed behind me and my armour disappeared and I was left holding the man I had worked my whole life to kill. However it was that time the Hell Flame chose to tell me that the amount of magic Surtael had saved up would destroy half the continent and the only way to stop it would be to seal all of his power inside me before his heart stopped so I did. The power surged out of him exploding with such force that the ground shook. I absorbed as much as I could, which was about eighty percent of it but the remaining twenty percent split into four beams of light that divided the continent into four. What you now know as: Westeria, the UMRS, the Eastern federation, and the ruined nation of the north. I stepped back a few meters and collapsed onto the singed ground and fell into a deep sleep. A week passed until I awoke. Then I headed for the nearest town hoping to get some food. I traveled for days until I found the next town. That's where I spent the next three days recovering from my injuries and eating. I set off again, this time I flew through the sky using the wings I had been given through snow and rain through every weather imaginable until I passed over the familiar mountains and meadows. Until I reached my home. I landed on the scorched ground and walked through the rubble, through the rotting remnants of my childhood home. All through my town hoping that there was someone left that there would be one person from my town but there were only skeletons and ruins. Until I reached the far hill and climbed up. I don't know why, maybe it was to get some last memory of my friends of the life I had left behind. I reached the top and was bombarded by the crimson sun setting on the day. I looked down the other side of the hill to see three huts all clustered together smoke gently rising from the chimneys. I walked down the hill in my cloak and armour sword clanking against my armour.

I arrived at the houses and someone came out to greet me. It was a man not much younger than me with white hair and red eyes. I knew instantly that it was my brother and walked forward trying not to cry. But he drew his sword. Shock ran through my body. I looked at him removing my hood. My smile was still there, my brother dropped his sword and ran towards me hugging me tightly until I thought my insides would burst. He called out for the rest of my friends and The chief's daughter and the large boy came and hugged me. And finally Ellie came out and she, well she slapped me. And then she hugged me.

The next years of my life were pure bliss me and Ellie got married and had a son and so did my brother and the chief's daughter. Until the day I died. It wasn't an unusual day. I was maybe fourty years old but I was still out farming crops for that night's dinner. When I returned back home I found that my wife and all of my friends had been murdered by bandits. They had been looking for food and gold but had found none so they murdered my entire family. The rage sent me spiraling into despair. I still remember the smug look on the leader as he came to kill me and the look of horror as he burnt before me as the hellfire consumed him. Everything else is blank. The next thing I remember is standing in the middle of a fire holding my son with a spear sticking out of my stomach. I remember flying, searching desperately for a town anywhere to keep my child safe until I finally found one. I landed in the new town of Dedenford and entrusted my son to the lord of the area. The lord swore that he would look after my son. Mainly because he thought I was a god or demon. And that is where my story ended. I flew away to the top of a mountain. I didn't want my son to see my lifeless body. And that's where I sit even now, that's where my story should've ended. I awoke in Nakoro standing there. The Hell Flame wasn't there this time all I could see was a small island with a tree in the middle. Sitting on the largest branch of the tree was a boy about fifteen years old eating an apple. He was wearing a hooded shirt and dressed all in black. He had black short hair and yellow eyes. "Yo I'm god. Yes yes The real god. It's quite the mess you've made, Zeldrick. Honestly I thought humans would be smarter. I made them after all. What did you think would happen if you died. You've got enough magical power to not only obliterate the entire world but also tear a whole connecting heaven and hell and I cannot be bothered to deal with a hundred potential demon lords and kings right now. Imma have to come up with a solution cuz if I were to take on all of your power then I wouldn't be able to be held by any plain of existence and then the whole thing would come crashing down. Man I never thought this would happen. Ah I know I'm going to seal the Hell Flame into you merging your two existences. That way all of your power can exist here permanently and if i tether your power to a blood line then you won't drift off and become the next god wannabe. Well lets see Your son should be a fine vessel and that way you can watch over your family for all of eternity but you better not let any of them die cuz I don't want to deal with that. Alright have fun." Then God clapped his hands and a flash of light spread through the Nakoro.