
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · ファンタジー
42 Chs


John walked through the streets of lignostad. The magical city towering above him. Wizards flew around above the streets empty, stores filled with books and life. The city was vibrant and seemed to be a different world from Dedenfored, the grey smoke replaced with sorcery. John was still young and such a big city glued his eyes open, the vibrant colours and clear skies were a beauty from the snow filled wasteland he had spent the last months in. John stared at the alien world around him. And then the question that plagued everyone squeezed into his head "what next?" After every achievement, every triumph the question popped into people's head,

how do I go further?

What do I do now?

How do I grow?

He'd been fighting since he had known. Born into a noble family as their sole heir he had spent his whole life fighting, mastering every weapon and eventually at the age of eight he had become a holy knight so how, how was he beaten by some kid? Somebody? What happened? He used to be a genius, someone who could utilise a weapon to its fullest just by touching it so why was he so utterly beaten by some magic user. He needed to become stronger, to surpass the limits set by his humanity, by weapons. He needed to grow.

"Well now there kid, such a young man shouldn't be so angry, go play or whatever you kids do nowaday."

Behind him was a giant man, he had a small amount of leather armour leaving his arms exposed, the muscles bulged out as he moved. He strode up to John, a huge grin carved across his face. He had a giant sword slung across his shoulder that looked like it weighed a ton, but he didn't act like it. He moved so freely that you'd think he was as light as air.

"Just who the hell do you think you're calling a kid?"

"Woah there kid, scary!" he laughed talking to John like a kid throwing a tantrum

"I happen to be a holy knight of Dedenford if you don't want a war then I suggest you kneel and beg for forgiveness"

"Aaah you must be Eridy's boy so you're who they got to replace me huh, I think it's you who doesn't want a war kid cuz one of the only reasons I'm still allowed to walk is that even if you guys gathered all your armies I doubt you'd be able to win, The only one who has a remote chance is Quinty but he'd never kill me so basically you're all screwed"

"Wait! You're him, the endless army? The most powerful human in recorded history, the man who killed the supreme goblin king."

"Hahahahaha so you know about me well that's flattering, so will you kneel now?"

John dropped to his knees bowing his head until his forehead touched the stone steps.

"Hey Kid, I was joking, you can get up."

He patted John on the head looking around nervously.

"PLEASE! Please train me, let me become as powerful as you!"

"Sure, Sure just get up please."

John stared up at the hulking man and smiled. Tears flowing down from his eyes.

They walked out of the huge city and into the wilds.

"Right kid, this is where me and your dad trained. It's gonna be brutal and I can't guarantee you'll survive but if ya do then you're well on your way. Survive for two years and I'll teach you how to use your miracle."

The man slapped him on the back and John fell from the floating pile of armour they were sitting on, John's armour and weapons flew from his body and joined the pile as he plummeted to the giant island falling into a clearing. He dusted the mud from his clothes and stared up into the red eyes of a sea serpent. He was surrounded by wyverns, dragons and snakes, the ground filled with scorpions and bugs. The air is polluted with harpies and elemental birds, lightning fire and water canvasing the sky.


Two years passed and the entire island was clear of monster blood flowing through the ground and covering John. he was sitting on a throne of bones and teeth, scales and elemental feathers the entire floor coated with corpses.

"Well it looks like you survived, and I think you even grew a little."

"You left me on an island covered in monsters to die. What the hell were you thinking, I should kill you."

"Well I've already covered this but go ahead and try. If you think this was enough for you to reach my level then go ahead."

John charged at the man bones flying above him as His fists flew towards the man's jaw slamming into a great shield, then billions of swords fell from the sky crashing into the ground around him exploding the dirt. The man grabbed John's hand lifting him high off the ground. The bones all turned creaking at first but then completely out of John's control, the man gripped his arm and put his face close to John's smiling.

"Sorry kid, not quite there yet."

"Fine. Please teach me more."`

"Right so you're probably wondering why you were kicked onto this island for two years," the man dropped john and lifted them both onto a floor of shields as they drifted into the air. "Well on my many travels I discovered an island of assassins, they use the deadliest poisons and venoms by placing thousands and thousands of bugs and monsters into an urn and leaving it for a hundred years then the species that survives and repopulates is the most powerful and the most deadly. So I decided to do the same as I traveled, taking every dangerous and deadly animal I could and placing them on an island so that eventually when I took on an apprentice to pass on my techniques I could train them like your dad and I were."

"You say you knew my dad, how?"

"Oh yes I suppose you wouldn't know, but I was part of a noble family that was close with the eriasmunds we always trained together. We were best friends and rivals. When I became a holy knight he met your mother. We grew apart and as you were born he died he was on a mission but the job didn't display the true difficulty the church refused to send any reinforcements but I went anyway, I was too late and he died in my arms. I left the capital and abandoned the title of holy knight so now I am the first Unholy knight I suppose. And ever since I've been wandering the continents and amazing power to pass on to you, so that you will never die as he did."

The man turned his head as they flew over the seas and back to the mainland tears dropping from both of their faces as the wind blew against their faces.

The next year was spent learning the arts of full weapon control, John learnt to wield every single weapon simultaneously and to store all his weapons in the clouds, he learnt to fight with a thousand blades simultaneously pushing his limits constantly and spreading his consciousness until his nose bled. At the end of the three years the two parted ways and John headed back to Dedenford.

The three years is over so what is waiting for them back in Dedenford what is awaiting the household of Badurad?