
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Demonic Armour

He didn't have any dreams nor did he see Zel again there was only blackness. He couldn't decide if he was dead or asleep. There was only an infinite mindless black that enveloped him. He couldn't feel the cold stone under him now he was slipping away there was nothing he could do he was going to die Zel couldn't save him from this. the sensation of impending death was différant than he had thought. It was more peaceful than he thought it would be. It wasn't like before with the goblins or the cultists he had no way out of this petrifying blackness, this indomitable void. He had no blood left he couldn't bleed anymore he had nothing left in him nothing but wrath and hatred for the cultist. That form had taken everything out of him. His life flashed before him again this time not focusing on anyth it only showed him flashes of his mother and Hiro and pally and then his sister. This couldn't be the end for him he had to keep going he had to push forward if he had no blood he would replace it with fire.

The boy had been sitting over Badurad's lifeless body watching as the laboured breathing slowed and slowed. Then to his surprise Badurad's fist tightened and pushed off from the ground. He groaned as he struggled off of the ground. And then he was lifted up by the boy struggling to even move he Grabbed his sword and chopped off the cultist's head with the lamb skull still on his head. He sheathed his sword and used it as a support. With the aid of both the boy and his sword they pushed out of the dark lair. They walked out of the flooded room and up the stairs into the open courtyard and through the piles of rotting bodies. They waded through the foul swamp. It was raining now, not the unpleasant kind, it was damp and humid. This helped to clean the blood from his uniform. They walked in silence through the swamp not for any disdain but for the reason that neither could. Breathing was enough of a task for Badurad and the boy was still shocked from the events.

They arrived at the town after about five hours. Both were now drenched in rain and relieved to see the town. There was a mass of incoherent shouts from the town as they approached the same man that Badurad had met before walking out to greet them. Plump man trotted out with the same two knights behind him. " Well you look terrible, did you kill the cultists or have you come to tell me you've failed?" Badurad, still unable to say anything, just pulled the head from his pocket and threw it at the man's feet and with that effort he collapsed along with the boy.

Badurad awoke in a white tent. The sun was shining through the thin canvas making him momentarily blind. As his eyes adjusted he looked around him the room was filled with small knives and complicated equipment that Badurad had never seen before. After a few minutes a woman walked into the tent wearing a blue shirt and a white coat that dangled down to her feet. "Oh you're awake, that's a surprise. I guess you westerians are built differently. I didn't think you'd wake up at all considering the amount of wounds that you already had but I will do what I can to make sure they don't open up again." Badurad couldn't move his wounds were wrapped in bandages and he was lying on a bed in the center of the room. The woman stretched her hands over Badurad and started to chant. Her hands then turned a deep green and the light radiated out over his body soothing his cuts and making him drowsy. " there everything done that should do it for the treatment all that's left is for you to rest. Badurad lay silently in the room for a few hours until he heard a commotion outside the tent. He got up Clumsily and stumbled out of the tent. Before him was a guard that had been standing in front of the tent. He was holding a boy the same one that Badurad had rescued in the cultist's lair; the boy was squirming to get free from the grasp of the guard. The man saw Badurad as he exited the tent. "Sir I caught this boy trying to sneak into your tent. We think he is trying to steal your armour and weapons, don't worry he will be dealt with!" Said the man with extreme discipline. Badurad looked at the boy. "What is your name kid?"

"My name is… it's uh Koto sir and my parents were murdered by The lord of lambs I am all alone now and I want to do what you do I want to be a knight so please take me with you!" Badurad looked shocked for a minute and then brought his hand down on the boy's head and ruffled his hair. "Well I can take you with me to Dedenford but I don't have enough money to support four people so Nor does my family have enough standing to knight people so you would have to enter the prodigy program and I won't lie to you, you will probably die but if you survive then you can come with me and we can defeat monsters together does that sound good?" The boy smiled like he had been given a present and jumped at Badurad hugging him tightly. This pushed Badurad's feeble body over and caused Badurad an immense amount of pain but he didn't stop smiling even when the doctor dragged him back to his bed.

The doctor explained that she had been sent by the council after Shlok had told them how powerful graham was and that you had gone after him on your own. The council was impressed that he is had managed to defeat the entire fort single handedly and promoted him three ranks which gave him enough money to feed Koto. Once more he returned to the giant city injured but victorious.

Well that was my first volume please tell me what you thought and please do drop a power stone if you did enjoy.

Alex_N67creators' thoughts