
Hell Descent: I Am The Absolute Mastermind!

'No one knows what follows after death.' Life was but a blur for Zen, and when he came to, he found himself thrown into hell, forced to pass trials of sorts with nothing but a he lied about, teammates he didn't know if he could fully trust, and his wits. Zen only had one goal, and it was to know more about himself. If he was sent to hell, then he knew very well that something was waiting for him that could answer the questions he never had throughout his life, and while he's doing so... Nothing shall hinder his path. To Hell! ------------------ Release Rate: 2-3 soon

StellNem · ファンタジー
84 Chs

The Power of an E-rank

Chapter 73: The Power of an E-Rank!

What were the benefits of an E-rank soul authority? This was the question everybody was wondering, including Zen.

Now the benefits weren't many after all; it was only one of the lower realms; however, it was enough to cause a massive difference between those weaker.

Not everybody knew of the benefits and even those like the new tribe head, who had the E-rank authority, didn't have enough knowledge to use it.

Many things in life needed quick wits; if you're quick-witted, then you understand the simple things fast and once those stack together, even the complex things become easy to understand.

This makes it so when people are still struggling to understand simple stuff, you already know how to handle the hard stuff, making you seem like someone experienced who had already gone through their hardships when in fact you're like them.