
Warrant search.

Keaton hummed a song as he was walking by, only to pause on the espy of the lights in the infrimary, still on.

As if on cue, Nico step out, followed by Giselle, who pulled down the sleeve of his shirt.

Keaton asked,"Got into another fight?"his lips pulled at the end of his sentence.

Like he hadn't spoken a single word, Nico ignored him. He had other things to do than to waste his time on him.

At the same time, and in the principal's office, Khali was speaking," ...look at what we found," Khali told the rest of her kind present in the room." I think this is it: the device."

She dropped a Ziploc bag of the object, that looked more like a remote with an antenna that was short.

June picked it up and studied it as if she were wondering how it works. She frowned. " What is this?"

" It is a radio communication device." Percy told her," I don't know how it works, but I gotta say, that kid's a genius-ow!" he shrieked at the shock that ran through his rib from Khali's elbowing, and so, he lightly glared at her.

"We have to make sure that none of our students,have this device, under their sleeves. "

" Dorm, you mean?"

" AAAH!" chorused June and Khali who were startled from the sudden appearance of Keaton at their backs.

June's eyes that had gone wide open from fear, then narrowed to glare at the boy,to say," Don't ever sneak up on me like that!" Her tone, clipped, from anger.

"Well, " he smirked, the light in his eyes, brighter than the bulbs that illuminated the room at that moment." I've got bad news."

With the arrival of the next day and the sun, spilling right through the windows that were open, Ember, like a starfish, lay on the bed in her dorm. Well, which was shortlived because someone from outside had knocked at her door that jolted her awake.

The girl's feet touched the ground and she staggered towards the door, drowsily, to open it.

" Ah!!" she screamed in terror to shut her mouth as soon as her words slipped out, whereas, the sleep in her eyes, vanished. Instantly, she smiled sweetly," Miss Irene-"

" Quit it kid, I'm here for warrant research..." her tone, clipped. The woman's eyes, scanned the human girl to notice her in a shirt and shorts that had scarce fishes on them, her feet bare, messy hair and....and did she wear her glasses to sleep?

" If only you'd let me in."came the woman's next words and so, the girl moved aside to let her in.

Ember who hasn't known why the woman was here, turned curious and she asked," Did you want something?"

"Like I said, I am here for a warrant research, and yours is not excluded because right now, as I speak, other students' dormitorium are in check.."explained the elderly woman with ginger hair, that was packed up whilst leaving a neat slit at the middle front of her hair.

She was the female dorms' warden..

" Someone broke the school's protocol."

Upon those words, Ember wondered what type of rule that a student must have broken so badly that must have caused quick reactions from the administrations.

Then, it hit her.

She wondered if they found out about her lurking outside last night, past the curfew time!!

Instantly, the girl's heart started to hammer against her ribcages from fear, and so, she stood still.

At the same time, and outside Ember's dorm, somebody knocked at the wooden portal, before he then opened it to step in, nonchalantly.

Ember's eyes enlarged comically.


She screamed in her head, and like he hadn't seen her, he walked to where Irene was, telling her," Ian wishes to see you. He says it is very important."

He started to leave.

" Nico?" she called him to a halt when he got to the door," Fill in for me, would you?"

" I'm busy."he told her to hear her plead, saying," I'll be back in five."

The bad boy, went mute for a second, before he then agreed to replace her. On the other hand,Ember looked like she might just pass out– She thought about her, and..and a bad boy, all alone,again in her room..

However, the next thing that had crossed her mind, turned her cheeks and ears pink.

" Why the blush?"came the boy's next words that invaded her mind, whilst feigning interest.

He then watched her close and open her mouth like a fish,to turn even fervour.

" Nothing."

She lied, and Nico didn't bother to push her to answer him. Instead, he stared to touch the things that belonged to her.

Rummaging through few stuffs, that turned her shyer, when she thought that he was going to take a look at her closet too.

Not that she was hiding something, but, she was assurer with her gender, taking peeks at her clothes, than, Nico, for he was a boy.

Who knows, he might tease her for having small bras, also...

Soon,Nico, picked up a book from her table, and he sat down on her bed, to read.

That's all? That was the search warrant?

Ember thought. At the same time, she wanted to question him on who had broken the school rules and whether they have found out about her lurking outside last night.

Also, she wanted to know why they had killed a woman.

" About last night," she started," I promised not to tell anyone a-"

" It's not out." he cut in abruptly and dully studied her, saying,"If I'd have wanted to expose you, I would have done it since. Infact, I would killed you the moment you knew." Besides, Bob, was good at losing remembrance of something,plus he had bad sight, as a vampire,which was enough reason for the human girl not to get exposed.

Ember, a dull ache tugged her heart, because to her,kill was a strong word.

Then, he told her," It was because, I trust you."

The pain that had come to settle on her chest, seemed to have relived at his words, only to hear him say," 'It was because I trust you, Catherine, and I don't care about what your family say.All I care to know is that, you feel the same way that I feel about you.' "

She then realized that all along, Nico was reading the dialogues of Luther Barnes to his lover Catherine Fey from the book, Love Again, which was part of this year's schedule, in Literature and English.

So, she glared at him.. this scumbag!

" Since you asked," he continued, this time, no dialogues and therefore, Ember hoped that it was her that he was actually talking to." what were you doing outside?" his head tilted to the side, and he directly stared at her, to hear her say," I was told that the backyard of that block was the shortest route to my dorm, and so I took it."

" Pathetic," he told her, and fumbled for something in his pants pocket to bring out a gum which he immediately unwrapped and threw into his mouth.

He chewed on it, relishing on its burst of strawberry flavour,

" It still surprises me to know that you barely attend detention, despite the number of rules you've broken."

" Guess I'm a professional, huh?"she smiled, which didn't turn the mood of the boy. Instead he told her," It's just luck, so don't get too proud. Remember, one day, you might run out of it."then, shrugged his shoulders to tell her," I'm just advising."

Ember mumbled," Well, your advice sucks.

" Painful life facts."explained the boy," you don't always expect the good to happen, but also, expect the bad. Life is like having losers and winners. A winner today can be a loser tomorrow, same technic applied to the loser. Good cannot exist without the bad, just like the day and night– one can't exist without the other."

With his words, he got up, walked to where her table was, and dropped the book.

Catching sight of one of her books that had its pages open, he told her," You don't mind if I write on your book, do you?"

For a split of second, the question had made her speechless, wondering what he wanted to do and Nico, without waiting for her response, flipped a leave and wrote something at the blank space behind it, with her pen for the other side was occupied with a rough sketch..

The page, afterwards, he tore and folded it in a nice square, and shove it inside his pants pocket...

Later, and during the evening time,in the dorm that belonged to Nico, the boy sat down on his bed, one of his leg on the ground and the other, atop the bed, without bothering to take off his shoes. In one of his bandaged hands, held the page from November's book, and he studied the sketch she'd made.

Brows, drown together.

Yesterday,in a class that belonged to the senior vampire students, Nico rested his head on the desk, with his eyes, closed, and a book that he didn't care to read, to cover his face. Mr. Maya, was teaching them about the Lotuses' history.

The Lotuses, however, was a combination of the vampires and humans, where the vampires, were mainly classified into the pure or white Lotuses slash vampires, and black Lotuses, slash vampires..

" ...For ages, now, we have proof that there no more existence of the Black Lotuses." On hearing that, someone questioned amid keeping his voice as low as possible , saying," Did you know that there was one more Lotus apart from theWhite?"

" I had no idea," responded his friend,while looking surprised as the rest of the other students who listened.

Then suddenly, someone from the audience asked," Mr. Maya, who are the Black Lotuses and why haven't they been into existence?

Mr Maya hesitated before he started to explain that they were deadly. The Black Lotuses were the ones to start the rivalry between the humans and White Lotuses. They possessed greater abilities,and therefore, felt that they needed more, which they used to oppress others.

The pure blooded vampires, however, complained that Mother nature had been unfair and should have blessed them with equal powers.

The humans, complained that they needed their own share of magical abilities so that they could protect themselves, from danger, etc etc

Afterward, it was assumed that the constellation of trinity, that bonded them,was missing. And so, the humans and vampires, blamed each other.

Chaos emerged, and had lasted for twelve years. Pure blooded vampires, wanting to wipe out the era of the black vampires, and vice versa... The vampires' course on clearing the black Lotuses, was success, but the war alone, had basically affected the course of human events too, and pushing them to live in the woods.

It was there, therefore,that the era of hunters, started...

Back to the present, Nico had his curiosity to the peak, and he was going to soon get his answers.