
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Chapter 15 : Dungeon Arc, Pt 6

Well well well again.....

Anyway enjoy csm this week chapter sucked

And what's wrong with jjk and techniques theft

I'll put level 6 and 5 as extras later, I need to finish off this arc to get back to the main plot.

The description was translated from my native language to English I hope there's no mistakes.

Anyway Enjoy !


As the trio got out of the 6th level alive, the only reward the boy received was a warning of breaking the rules, apparently Reze and Quanxi were considered as non sorcerers which will lead to the trio exclusion.

Amidst the rugged shoreline, where the salt-laden waves kissed the sand, stood a trio—a testament to resilience and survival. Their journey had been arduous, their clothes mere tatters clinging to their weary bodies.

Aki, the red-haired giant, stands at the water's edge, his muscular frame glistening with sweat. His torn clothing clings to him, revealing bronzed skin. The sun kisses his red hair, turning it into a fiery halo. His eyes, once fierce, now hold a weariness that transcends mere physical exhaustion. Aki's strong arms hang at his sides. His legs, defined and exposed, bear the weight of their shared journey. His bare feet, calloused and unyielding, dig into the sand, anchoring him to this newfound shore.

His golden eyes that turned to a light shade of yellow scanned the place, sauntering along the shore, his head title to left then right, swinging his arms playfully, caught in a dance and in the breeze of the beach.

Beside him, Reze, with her dark hair cascading like a midnight waterfall, leaned against a gnarled tree trunk. Her emerald eyes, haunted by memories, scanned the horizon. The forest loomed, her torn dress clung to her form, revealing bruises and scratches—a testament to her unwavering determination.

And then there was Quanxi, the blonde with eyes as dark as the stormy sea. Her delicate features belied the strength within. She shivered, her bare arms wrapped around her still frame. Quanxi's torn pants barely covered her modesty, and her lips quivered from exhaustion. Yet, her gaze remained fixed on the distant forest, determination burning brighter than any fire.

Together, they stood—a trio forged by adversity, bound by shared survival. The shore offered no solace, but it was a beginning. The forest beckoned, its ancient boughs promising both sanctuary and peril. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the sand, their resolve remained unyielding.

The rhythmic crash of ocean waves blended with the distant rustle of leaves. The salty breeze carried the scent of brine and pine, intertwining their senses. The forest whispered secrets, and the shore hummed a lullaby—a symphony of survival.

"Man this place is pretty !" Said aki with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Woah the water is clear I could see underneath very clearly! " Reze exclaimed before adding in excitement as she pointed at some sea crrature

"It's a sea anemones ! They are relatives of the jellyfish. They have these tiny hairs growing on them that they use to feed by stunning fish, shrimp, zooplankton and so on " she went on spitting facts about those animals while Aki and Quanxi were... well their ass wasn't listening !

"Oh my god, SHUT THE FUCK UP ! CAN YOU STOP TALKING ABOUT SEA ANEMONES! " he yelled, the boy wasn't having any of it, probably because of the stress he had been through.

"Damn it Aki ! Can't you be a little nice " she frowned but recovered soon as the boy apologised.

"Mm...I don't think Reze can use her powers, right ? *said as she looked at them* the water won't let her explode nor her explosions will be any affective..."

"Yup, but don't worry, we will practically leave in ten minutes since we broke the rules, so we have to survive until then, I can protect you Reze !" He shrugged, Reze smacked his head saying " protect my ass ! I don't need you to protect me "

"Ohhhh I CAN LEND YOU SOME TECHNIQUES ! Our souls are connected ina way so it'll be pretty easy, I guess ? " He held his chin thinking

" then give me your control on-" he cutbher off almost immediately

"No" she gave him a balnk expression upon hearing his answer, then she went on a mission to convince him.

Reze leaned in, a playful glint in her eyes, as the ocean breeze tousled her hair. "You know, Aki," she teased, "sharing is caring, and I could be such a help..." as she stroked his chest playfully.

Aki laughed, as he pulled away " you can't get your way with some flirting ! Not that it doesn't work though "

She giggled before she lunged at him, trying to drown him in water, well in a playful way " No YOU WILL GIVE ME POWER ! RAAA" as she screamed engaging in water fight with him, her nails digging into his hair and muscles trying to drown him.

Quanxi sighed as she distance herself from them, clearly unfazed by the childish act of the two of them, she had grown familiar now with them.

The waves lapped gently against the shore as the trio splashed and laughed in the shallow water. Aki darted after Reze, playfully trying to catch her as she danced just out of his reach, her dark hair whipping around her face. Their joyful shrieks and giggles filled the air, infectious in their carefree energy.

Quanxi stood nearby, her arms crossed, observing the antics of her friends with a cold, yet amused expression displayingon her face. Though she maintained her usual composed demeanor, there was a softness in her gaze that betrayed her enjoyment of the scene unfolding before her.

Aki finally managed to scoop Reze up in his arms, swinging her around as she squealed in delight. He set her down, both of them breathless from their spirited game, their faces alight with pure joy. Reze playfully splashed him, eliciting a hearty laugh that rumbled from deep within Aki's chest.

Quanxi shook her head, a hint of a chuckle escaping her as she watched her companions' playful exchange. She slowly made her way closer to the water's edge, dipping her toes in the cool, refreshing liquid. The tension in her shoulders seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquility.

Aki and Reze collapsed onto the sand, their limbs tangled together as they caught their breath. They gazed up at the cloudless sky, content smiles adorning their faces. Reze reached out and punched Aki in the shoulder, teasing him for his childish acts. He responded by bringing their joined hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. She let out a fake disgusted noises as she slaped his chest.

Quanxi settled herself on the sand, close enough to her who-felt-like-idiot-nephews to feel a part of the moment, but still maintaining a respectful distance. She drew her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she watched the gentle ebb and flow of the waves. A sense of peace washed over her, the tension in her body gradually dissipating, as she put down the split soul katana Aki gave her.

The trio remained in their comfortable positions, basking in the warmth of the sun and the tranquility of the beach. Occasional bursts of laughter or playful banter would punctuate the serene silence, a testament to the strong bond they just made.

– The caress of the sea breeze, the soothing rhythm of the waves, the warmth of the sun on their skin. In this idyllic setting, all worries and stresses melted away, leaving only a profound sense of contentment and belonging.

Life was good, for now at least....

Kenjussy's self-centered tendencies are driven by his boundless curiosity. Even after existing for hundreds of years, he's fascinated by the possibilities presented by cursed energy. He essentially wants to know the true potential of cursed energy in the form of a being and believes he can discover it by creating uncontrollable chaos. He doesn't like those who interfere in his fun games like Gojo Satoru or Aki Kamo, his new found project.

After possessing bodies (in jujutsu generally the body is the soul, mostly ?) he got familiar with how their souls feels, he could distinguish easily between a cursed spirit soul or human soul, but Aki's soul was neither, he tried to see his soul the couple of times they met, only to be welcome by some wierd soul that is hard to reach, of course he was familiar with strong souls like Sukuna's, Satoru's and even Jin's or as known as the twin of king of curses. The most soul his familiar with, considering he literally took backshots which led to the creation of Yuji.

He is now in a journey to seek some information about this odd kind of soul, he had to vist that one place, a place where he hid his knowledge and ancient books and taboos, a heaven of different sources of information for his wicked plans, his one and only cursed simple domain library, he could only enter it by feeding a certain spirit some kind of cursed herbs.

Kenjaku's library is a cavernous chamber, shrouded in shadows and filled with the musty scent of ancient parchment. Towering shelves carved from dark mahogany stretch up to a vaulted ceiling, where the soft glow of cursed spirits casts a flickering light. Ladders made of the flesh of humans on rails allow access to the highest shelves, where the rarest of grimoires and forbidden texts are kept under lock and key.

The floor is a mosaic of polished stone, inlaid with symbols and sigils that whisper of old magic and forgotten lore. In the center, a large oaken table is cluttered with scrolls, maps, and various artifacts, each pulsing with an arcane energy.

The air is thick with the silence of concentrated study, broken only by the occasional rustle of a page or the soft clink of glass as Kenjaku decants another elixir to fuel his relentless pursuit of knowledge. It's a place that feels alive with the echoes of a thousand souls, a repository of secrets where the line between the mundane and the mystical blurs into obscurity.

As he looked through he came across something that caught his intention, the concept of lost souls, In the ethereal realms of the multiverse, the lost souls wander, untethered from the mortal coil, seeking redemption or damnation. Their essence, a tapestry of past deeds and unfulfilled destinies, becomes the currency of power in the worlds beyond. When these souls are reborn, the fabric of reality quivers. The reincarnation of a single lost soul can tilt the scales, leading to an inequivalence of power that ripples through the dimensions. It will lead to the birth of new techniques, abilities, concepts that should not exist, therefore they considered as a menace that usually high ranking angels take care of.

Then again, he stumbled upon the prophecy of Nostradamus, that foreshadowed the period where strong lost soul will reincarnate in a verse led by cursed energy, and that the responsible angel, Ruth, will not do her job, instead she just decided to blend in among humans without doing her duties, swayed by the desires she got from being reborn in a human vessel, the prophecy says if she doesn't get her lazy ass to work, the lost soul will seek revenge and will end other races. The soul can get again her natural nature, turning into a soul that belongs to that very verse, not some stranger one, changing major concepts like matter and power.

Of course after leaning all this, the fun just started, there's a third party out there who was an angel, and Aki is potentially the soul the prophecy talked about.

Would he make an alliance with an angel ? Kill Aki and take over his otherworldly techniques or both, these types of things that gets Kenjaku high, he itches for the fun, the mystery of the expanding cosmos.

Kenjaku needed such a spirit, one that could traverse the boundaries of life and death, one that could bind itself to a cause beyond the self. Ruth's lineage was not just a footnote in history; it was a beacon that could guide humanity to the evolution he envisioned.

So, he decided to search for her essence, her reincarnation perhaps, or the echo of her soul in the modern world. Kenjaku, the master of minds and bodies, would seek out Ruth for his grand design. Not as a pawn, but as a pillar, a foundation upon which a new era could be built.

The search would not be easy, for Ruth's spirit was not one to be caged or controlled. But Kenjaku was patient, and his will was as strong as the curse energy that flowed through his veins. He would find her, and together, they would usher in the golden age he had longed for—the Jujutsu renaissance that would reshape the world.

This would be such a plus for shibuya's plan.....



Well as an author, I obviously don't believe in such things, remember this is just some yapping of a mentally unstable guy !

Sorry again for late update.

Till next chapter