
Hell's Parade

"Hear the march of dead men, Crying for the end of their suffering, Never shall they know peace again, For here all are punished for deeds done, Weak are crushed into dust, Strong broken down till no more, Only can the will of battle live on, Here in this place of damnation, So beg and plead for eternity, None will ever hear your screams of agony, For you have entered Hell's Parade."        How long will the darkness last. Ever since my birth as the man Raziel, I have found the world to be chaotic. Nothing comes fairly, someone always paid a high price. Could God truly have wanted this to be his legacy to mankind?      When my death came I was sure I would never be able to ask him why I came to be. In life I was merciless to all before me. I warred against my fellow man, spilling his blood upon the sands of time. I never asked to be forgiven, for I felt that I was doing what was needed of me. My mind clear and decisive with each blow given. Had I known what was to come maybe I would have chosen differently, but what would have been exciting about that? I have passed from the living and have no regrets. Here is my eternity where others fear to be, and I call home with a smile.   Within Hell lay the souls of many who have condemned themselves. Among those are ones whom find comfort in the chaos of others. To them life was hell, and they have been granted the ability to control their destructive nature. With this power one warrior fought his way to surpass all. Here is the story of Hell's strongest General.

Hell_Bound · アクション
7 Chs

Unholy Gifts

She had landed in a way that placed my head between her legs. With a ringing pain in my head I attempted to move her so I could breathe. Unfortunately the movement from me wiggling my body down and pushing her ass up made her legs squeeze, locking me with my nose to her clit. This didn't help the pain of being smashed into the ground. Especially since every time I even attempted to move she was stimulated causing her to squeeze tighter.

In a rush to not be killed by Lilith's powerful thighs I shoved my hands between and pried her legs apart. This didn't help since her weight sunk placing her upon my lips as I continued to move from under an embarrassed woman. Putting aside what had just accord I rushed to aid in finishing off the giant naked doll. Leon continued stabbing at her hands as she relentlessly clawed at him. I took a moment to collect my axes before charging in to cleave her other leg.

Hearing me approach she kicked me backwards causing me to slide towards the still raging horde. Just as I stood Armand grabbed my shoulder I could feel the rage start to burn as it passed through my body. Pulling myself away I nearly collapsed to the ground; barely standing I could hear the cries of anger ring in my ears. Consumed by it I marched towards the winch again, with each step moving faster. Soon I was sprinting silently as if I was floating on the air.

In the blink of an eye, I was removing her arm as she raised it to crush Leon who had tripped over the lower half of the skeleton. As he collected himself, Lilith began lashing at the doll's now exposed ribs. In a sprint to get back in the fight, Leon threw the legs of the skeleton at the bitch's face, once again shattering her mask. Shocked by the sheer mangled horror of her face I finally understood her reasoning for the porcelain cover.

It reminded me of a man I had repeatedly bashed in the face of with my shield. Her nose waving like a snake, her eyebrows sunken in, and her cheeks with different swollen areas of broken bone that was never healed. Her hollowed eyes narrowed in on Leon and began to charge him. Enraged as he ran she began to claw at Leon relentlessly.

Lilith in hopes of slowing the giant bitch used the whip to leash her. Not showing any care for the whip being around her throat the demon wench continued to chase Leon. In a mad dash I ran to help Lilith rein in the large hag before she was able to catch Leon. To anchor ourselves Lilith and I pinned up against a column. This proved to be our best decision. For as she swung one last time with all her strength the thorns sunk in, and tore through her neck removing her head.

Her body began flopping like a fish out of water as it shriveled into a husk as her lover had. Relieved that the fight was finally over me and Lilith walked to Leon who was sitting by the doll's head. As we reached him the look upon his face sent shivers down my spine. Remembering the ring of enraged souls I quickly prepared myself. As the horde charged I feared for the end of our journey, but to all of our surprise the souls dismembered the husks of their recently defeated masters.

Armand placed his hand upon my shoulder and said, "How good it is to see you once more my brother. I truly wish I had gotten to see you in the world of the living. Here is something to help you on your journey." As he pulled me close I began to feel the burning rage once more, but this time it felt tamed. He looked at me with a smile and disappeared leaving me with tears in my eye.

Lilith screamed as the little girl from before came up from behind. Calmed by her hugging Lilith's leg I went to grab my axes. Leon found himself watching the skeleton pull itself back to its lower half. Once the boney warrior was whole it brought Leon the spear it had been impaled with leaving him breathing a black smoke. Upon slinging the spear over his shoulder Leon was shocked by what he saw. As the little girl let go of Lilith she became a grown woman and disappeared along with the other souls.

     Lilith collapsed and became shrouded in a blue light that looked like lightning dancing around her. Both me and Leon rushed to her and helped her back to her feet. Lilith trembling said, "I feel like I was given energy, but more so life essence I didn't have before. I think we should leave here before something else comes crawling out of the shadows." In agreeance we headed for the now open stairway to descend into the temple.

The floor in the temple was cold stone as if the life blood had drained for the texture was still roughly the same as the Temple of Judgment. Though there was no need to worry about being eaten by the floor, many weak spots kept our focus on our footing. As we came further down from the tower we stumbled upon a great hall of sorts. Guards and other soul husks laid littered across the ground. Hoping not to meet the monster responsible we tried to find our way to the main floor.

     Leon as always was the one to break the silence. "So, do either of you feel a bit different? I mean I do, right after I grabbed the spear from the skeleton I have been feeling this burning sensation in my chest." With a sigh and look through a hole in the wall I replied, "I have been a little more riled up since we left the tower. Not sure as to why, though I feel stronger like I was gifted a new strength in a sense."

     Lilith seemed to be in her own head for as Leon and I slowed down to look at a fallen sign she almost continued down the hall without us. "Lilith hold on will you, come over here and rest for a moment." I called out as I tried to get her attention. She was so lost in thought it took me grabbing her shoulder for her to realize she almost walked right into a pit. Once Lilith focused back on me I couldn't help but ask what she had been so caught up on. "The little girl that grabbed onto me, she…" Lilith began to cry.

     Startled I tried to comfort her, seeing as I had no idea what was going on Leon chuckled at me and gave me a thumbs up. With a look of "you twat" from me he walked into the room the sign had fallen from. Holding Lilith close she began to calm down and said, "The girl looked like me a little till she grew then I was reminded of my mother. I haven't remembered her face till now, the last I saw her she was crying as my father sold me off." As she spoke this tingle started where she rested her head against my chest. Soon it began to sting as her emotions raised, as tears rolled down her cheek blue sparks began dancing from her fingers.

     Just as she grabbed my arm my whole body seized in pain. Completely unable to move from her grasp I started to shake. Lilith lifted her head to look at me only to find that I had lost consciences. Only as she gained control over herself and began trying to wake me did my body start feeling better. Slowly I was able to move and speak again. "Christ almighty what the fuck was that?" I said looking at the burn marks on my arm from where she had grabbed me.

     Lilith looking as confused as I was recalled the dancing blue lights that came off the girl. "I think we all received a gift of sorts for freeing those souls in the tower. Let me see your arm, for I think I might know what mine is." As she studied the marks she began to giggle, "I think I can manipulate lightning now, because the burns look the same as when I saw man get struck during a storm." With my own experiences dealing with storms of all types I slowly backed away as I asked her to try.


     As Leon stepped into the room he was instantly intrigued for it seemed that the sign we couldn't make out said storage vault. The room was full of unopened barrels and crates, while some weapons and armor lined the back wall. Like a child with gifts Leon began opening everything and rejoiced as he found a barrel of booze and a crate of dried meats. In the spur of the moment he gorged, only to have the booze taste of water and the meat turn to dust in his mouth. Heartbroken Leon continued to search the room for anything of use.

  In a moment fiercer than the struggles of war slaves starved, then thrown into pits with small scraps of food; Leon was rushed by a half armored guard on its last leg. With a loud crash Leon was tackled through the wall exiting through to the next floor down. Now grasping his situation mid fall through the brittle floor; Leon raised his hand to the guards chest in an attempt to gouge open its existing wound.

Having only time to buffer the landing between them, Leon's back cracking over his strapped spear. The shock from falling bucked the guard off of him, sending it into a pile of discarded crates. Frantic to not be the bottom again Leon got to his feet and unstrapped his spear.

With debris starting to become airborne Leon ready his aim towards the lively rat nest. No sooner than tightening his grip did the guard appear riddled with large and small wood shards. As if to make it worse some where in the pile was a barrel of pitch. Upon seeing this splotched raging porcupine, Leon lunged forward strikingly fast and ignited the guard by colliding his spear with the stone wall behind it after a few stabs.

In a furious burst of heat and light the guard rushed toward Leon. In a moment of confusion from not realizing what the black substance was, he fell stumbling over the thrown debris. With his second death hairs from his face Leon felt desperate for any aid.

With a surprise Lilith latched her whip around the guards throat ripping it to the side. She succeeded in hurling the mostly charred soul into the wall, finally sending it to the final resting place.