
Hell's Parade

"Hear the march of dead men, Crying for the end of their suffering, Never shall they know peace again, For here all are punished for deeds done, Weak are crushed into dust, Strong broken down till no more, Only can the will of battle live on, Here in this place of damnation, So beg and plead for eternity, None will ever hear your screams of agony, For you have entered Hell's Parade."        How long will the darkness last. Ever since my birth as the man Raziel, I have found the world to be chaotic. Nothing comes fairly, someone always paid a high price. Could God truly have wanted this to be his legacy to mankind?      When my death came I was sure I would never be able to ask him why I came to be. In life I was merciless to all before me. I warred against my fellow man, spilling his blood upon the sands of time. I never asked to be forgiven, for I felt that I was doing what was needed of me. My mind clear and decisive with each blow given. Had I known what was to come maybe I would have chosen differently, but what would have been exciting about that? I have passed from the living and have no regrets. Here is my eternity where others fear to be, and I call home with a smile.   Within Hell lay the souls of many who have condemned themselves. Among those are ones whom find comfort in the chaos of others. To them life was hell, and they have been granted the ability to control their destructive nature. With this power one warrior fought his way to surpass all. Here is the story of Hell's strongest General.

Hell_Bound · アクション
7 Chs

Judgement Calls For Action

      While trying to rid myself of the disgust of seeing mindless blobs gorge I looked for the way forward. Lilith quickly pulled my arm to a pillar and pushed us into the shadows. "What are yo...." she quickly silenced me. I peeked around the corner to see four very hungry dog like animals. They stood at least five feet on all four, and at least seven in length. Their spine ridge exposed, yet not nearly a weak spot. Captivated by the barbs on the ends of their tails I closely observed their formation. At most twelve gluttons sat at the table seeming unaware of the hounds. The pups circled two on each side clearly preparing to chow down. With a snarl from all four they charged. Ripping the closest fat asses to them from where they were sitting. The others continuing to pile food into their bottomless pits.

     Gargled screams filled the hall as the hounds shredded their meals to ribbons of flesh. Amazed at how fast they consumed their prey I continued to watch in silence. Not even an hour seemed to pass as the last four gluttons remained. A tap on the shoulder from Lilith startled me. She whispered, "We need to go before they finish". Nodding in response we slipped into the closest doorway. Putting as much distance as possible we moved with caution. Lilith turned with a look of relief, "That would have been bad had they caught our scent". Giving the look of "no shit" I quickly turned to the sound of footsteps. Praying it not be the hounds I took a step back to prepare the spear.  As the steps approached closer I tightened my grip. Upon hearing the soul turning the corner I recognized their voice; as they continued to curse at the guide, "Will you stop fucking pushing me you twisted cunt".

     "Drop to the ground pig brains", I called out as I lunged to impale the guide. Just as I expected my oldest friend Leon drops in front of me. With full force I pinned the female guide to the wall through her left shoulder. Before she had the chance to scream Lilith shoved the whip handle down her throat. To make sure she couldn't move I buried an axe into a flame cubby, crushing her wrist on the corner. No longer worried about our guest I picked my comrade off the floor whom had his eyes closed. "So even after death you call me that huh Raziel", Leon said opening his eyes.

    "Well of course since you literally fucked cooked pig brains, instead of the maiden you tied down. You were too fucking drunk you slob", I replied laughing.

    Lilith curious to our new friend introduced herself, "I'm Lilith, and you are?" Without a doubt in my mind Leon answered with, "What a beauty, I am Leon the lion here to fuck the brains out of that pretty skull of yours". To my surprise she laughed harder than I thought she could. "Oh my, if you believe that I am that easy you should try. Just to say I have killed more men than you have bastards." Lilith retaliated. She continued forward to get a glimpse in the next room.

   With the look of defeat Leon turned to me and said, "Now where did you find an ass like that?" With a grin slapped upon my face asked, "Remember the hangmen trees?" Giggling he replied, "Of course, some great ornaments they had. You wouldn't happen to know why a rope was free dangle in the path, do you."

Unable to help I chuckled, pointed to Lilith, and tauntingly said, "You would have enjoyed the ornament she was." A look of shock reddened as he became jealous. With a quick response he asked, "So, does she match from head to split?" Giving a look of "what do you think" I started towards the room ahead. Wondering if the room was empty I caught up to Lilith whom was crouched by the door.

With a pleading look Lilith gestured me to be quite and look inside. A feeling of complete terror rolled over me as I saw the contents of the room we had to pass through. If four wasn't enough we reached the kennel for our lovely lard ass eating hounds. Two doors lead out besides where we were. The quite echo of a neck breaking came down the hall followed by footsteps. Leon soon joined us with the weapons that pinned our now dead guard. Informing him as to what I had in mind made Lilith question our survival.

The wall shielding us had at least ten cages along it and mirrored the adjacent wall. To the left was the door Lilith said we have to go through and that the cages are on a one lever switch. Knowing that made this worse for there was five guards before the two right next to it. The foul thing about levers that open things when pulled down, is that they open stuff up when you kill the guy leaning on it. And in our case very bad luck. While trying to get a solid plan laid out the group of five went through the door to the right.

Once we couldn't hear them we took another peak and the two remaining guards had moved from the lever. Now was our only chance, and with great execution, we ended up running down the hall to the left being chased by several not-so-friendly hell pups. Now most things look cute during infancy not these ugly mutts. Bulging white eye, bone noses, scrawny figure, but the horrifying thing was their speed. Quite a bit faster than their grown counterparts.

So who do I get to thank for this Leon and his big mouth. He couldn't help after we handled the guards to get loud and wake these little shits. All that could be said was "Fuck" from all of us as we realized the cages were never locked. We caught a break when we entered a large gathering hall, because they suddenly stopped at the exit we came thru. With a growl from the young pack they returned to the kennels.

Now Greece was the only place that came to mind when I began to look around. Megalithic pillars held the dome roof of what had to be the Northeastern tower. Quite a few souls were wandering around as if waiting. Finally seeing a window I headed to get a view of outside. Hoping to have a good vantage point I couldn't say I was disappointed. I however didn't believe my eyes at first. We were practically on a floating island surrounded by nine massive holes.

I thought it weird how the air flow was coming from the gate, but this definitely answered how. I concentrated on the base of the hole beneath the tower all I felt were the eyes of a very bored, hungry demon. It seemed to have been waiting to be focused on for its gaze intensified. Almost overcome by sheer soul pressure I held on to walls to keep from looking at the floor. Gladly I stepped back towards Lilith and Leon. Realizing exactly where we were Lilith grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear, "Don't draw any attention we are in the Waiting Hall for the Sinful."

Unable to keep from laughing I replied, "They buried themselves in biblical statements while naming didn't they? Pretty religious for the condemned." Only joking to hide the fear in my throat. I had never felt such a presence, it seemed to hold onto my soul as we made our way to a set of stairs. Taken over by the architecture I let my gaze wonder again. Lines of souls gathered at the landing of the giant stairway.