
Hell's Kitchen

Meet Chef Victor Delacroix, a culinary genius with a chilling secret! By night, he was known as "The Butcher", a ruthless serial killer and assassin wielding a blood-stained meat cleaver. His grotesque talent? He gains the abilities and attributes of whatever – or whomever – he eats. This macabre skill set made him one of the most feared figures in the criminal underworld. Fed up with his gruesome life of crime, Victor decides to vanish from the radar and start fresh. He moves to the capital and opens an exclusive restaurant called "Hell's Kitchen." His dishes are unparalleled, attracting an elite clientele: the wealthy, the corrupt, and the morally bankrupt, each harboring their own dark tastes... In Hell's Kitchen, every dish tells a story, and every meal is an experience - often literally a slice of life. Yet, his patrons are blissfully unaware of Victor’s true identity as The Butcher, concealed behind the charming facade of a master chef. As Victor tries to carve out a new existence, the ghosts of his past start to close in. Sinister patrons with dangerous appetites, old enemies seeking revenge, and the lure of his own monstrous cravings threaten to drag him back into the abyss. The line between his dual lives blurs, and each night becomes a battle to keep his sinister nature at bay. "Hell's Kitchen" is a twisted tale of redemption and temptation, where humanity and monstrosity collide. In a world where darkness is served on a silver platter, can Victor ever truly escape his blood-soaked past, or will the shadows consume him once again?

deadmandreaming · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Nya Hire

It was hiring day at Hell's Kitchen, and Victor and Lucien were slogging through a seemingly endless stream of interviews. They had met with candidates of all shapes and sizes, but no one seemed to be the right fit for their unique establishment.

Victor leaned back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If one more person tells me their biggest strength is 'being a people person,' I'm going to lose it."

Lucien smirked, lounging comfortably with his feet up on the desk. "You'd think we were hiring for a carnival. That last guy, William? I'm pretty sure he's never even seen a kitchen."

Victor chuckled dryly. "Yeah, he thought béchamel was a type of flower."

"At least he was enthusiastic," Lucien said with a grin. "Remember the lady before him? She spent the entire interview talking about her cat."

Victor shook his head. "Fluffy, wasn't it? Apparently, Fluffy's dietary preferences are more important than her own cooking skills - I might drop by her place later and have Fluffy for dinner." he said dryly.

"Can I come?" Lucien said with a mocking pleading look.

They both laughed, the sound echoing through the empty restaurant. The door had just closed behind the latest candidate, and the disappointment in the room was palpable.

"This batch was a disaster," Victor said, leaning forward to gather the stack of resumes. "Looks like it's just going to be the three of us for a while longer."

Lucien nodded. "Yeah, Evelyn's going to be thrilled. But hey, at least we get to keep our secrets safe a bit longer."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, followed by a feminine voice calling out, "Hello? I'm here for the interview."

Victor and Lucien exchanged glances, a mix of curiosity and cautious optimism flickering in their eyes.

"Did we have another appointment?" Victor asked, frowning as he shuffled through the papers.

Lucien shrugged. "Not that I know of, but maybe we missed one."

Victor stood up and moved toward the door, his steps measured and deliberate. "Let's see what surprise fate has in store for us this time," he said.

Victor opened the door, curiosity piqued. "Come in," he said, stepping aside to let the new candidate enter.

A demihuman girl stepped into the room. She looked mostly human, except for her black cat ears and tail. Her short black hair framed striking yellow eyes, and she had a petite but curvy frame that made her stand out.

"Hello," she greeted with a polite smile, her voice calm and composed. "I'm Nyssa Wilde, and I'm here to interview for the sous chef position."

Victor and Lucien exchanged a glance. Lucien's eyes sparkled, while Victor's curiosity deepened. Evelyn, who had been tidying up nearby, looked over with interest.

"Well, Miss Wilde," Victor said, his tone welcoming but measured. "You've come at an interesting time. Please, have a seat and tell us more about yourself."

Nyssa nodded and took a seat across from them, her demeanor poised and professional. "Thank you. I have several years of experience working in high-end restaurants, and I'm known for my attention to detail and ability to handle high-pressure situations.". As she spoke, she procured a resume and references from several restaurants in New Albion and other cities.

Lucien leaned forward, his expression a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "And why Hell's Kitchen, Miss Wilde? It's not exactly well - known yet."

Nyssa's eyes met his evenly. "I'm drawn to challenges, Mr. Lucien. I believe that working in a new establishment like this can push me to grow and make my name known as a chef."

Lucien's skepticism softened slightly. "Well, Miss Wilde, we'll see if you can walk the walk during our next dinner service. Consider this your trial run."

Just as Nyssa was about to speak, she caught a faint scent emanating from Lucien - scent that sent a shiver down her spine. She recognized it immediately: the unmistakable aroma of a vampire.

"A vam-" she began, but before she could finish her sentence, Victor and Lucien interrupted in a panic, exchanging hurried glances.

"Let's continue this conversation in the kitchen, shall we?" Victor said, his voice slightly strained. "We wouldn't want any trade secrets to come out, do we?" he said while suntly pointing at Evelyn.

With a quick nod from Nyssa, Victor and Lucien ushered her into the kitchen, leaving Evelyn none the wiser once again.

As Nyssa followed Victor and Lucien into the kitchen, her senses were assaulted by a cacophony of scents from various species, including other demihumans. Her initial shock turned to mortification as she realized the true nature of the restaurant she had just walked into.

"Oh, gods," she muttered under her breath, her eyes widening in horror.

Victor and Lucien exchanged a glance, noting her distress. "Now, now, Miss Wilde," Victor said, his tone reassuring but tinged with a sinister edge. "I know it's a lot to take in, but hear us out."

Lucien nodded eagerly, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yes, think of it as... an opportunity. A chance to expand your culinary horizons, if you will."

Nyssa's gaze darted between them, incredulous. "You want me to cook... people?!"

Victor raised an eyebrow, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Not people, Miss Wilde. Just... certain ingredients that happen to come from unique sources."

Nyssa's expression twisted in disgust. "I can't believe this. I thought I was applying for a regular restaurant job, not... not this!"

Lucien shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, you're here now, and you have a choice. You can either help us cook up some delicious dishes, or..."

Victor leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, menacing whisper. "...become part of the menu."

Nyssa recoiled, her eyes widening in horror. "You can't be serious!"

Victor's lips curled into a smirk. "Oh, we're deadly serious, Miss Wilde. But don't worry, we're not monsters. We just run a very... specialized establishment."

Lucien chimed in, his tone light but tinged with a hint of danger. "Think of it as... an acquired taste. Once you get used to it, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it, really."

Nyssa sighed, defeated. "Fine, I'll join you. But you better pay me very well! And keep me safe! And don't cook cat people! And pay me more! And if I ever end up on the menu, I'm haunting both of you for eternity!" she said in animated exasperation.

Victor chuckled, a gleam of mischief in his eyes. "Okay, okay, you got a deal. Now, let's get started. We have a dinner service to prepare for."

And with that, Nyssa reluctantly joined Victor and Lucien in the kitchen, resigned to her fate in the twisted world of Hell's Kitchen.

Hell's Kitchen is an eat or be eaten world, what can I say.

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