
Hell's Insanity

"For it was told by the old books, where angels and demons collide" "When gods shall stretch their rule and dominion" "Ye have not be forgotten" "For men shall covet power". ........................................................................... In the year 3040 Earth has reached its limits, its resources depleted, its ecosystem destroyed, and even humanity hangs on its last rope due to its severe overpopulation. Conquering space was our only hope, but the help of several talented scientists in their various fields coming together made such a dream a possibility. Unfortunately, in the year 3045, an earthquake on a global scale sent every human on earth into a frenzy. At that point, a voice was heard by everyone, as a template hung in the sky. A question with two choices, an answer that decided one's destiny from that day onward. But unfortunately, not everyone picked the right choice. Elijah kingsman was a 19 years old university freshman, who had just escaped the horrors of world war 3 and couldn't have picked a better day to make the worst decision of his life. In his judgement, his very being was sent to limbo by an undead giant. There he meets an imp far different from his average fantasy personage. Coerced to make a deal, Elijah made a deal that would change his life forever. ............................................................................... “Don’t worry boy” “It seems I haven’t introduced myself,” the imp said widening the smile on its face. “I am Deltrich, ‘he who bears the Principality of knowledge’” Elijah wasn’t sure if he saw a ray of light coming from Deltrich. But he was sure of one thing, that this was no ordinary imp. Deltrich who was already done with his introduction, saw Elijah looking at him in awe, and puffed his chest up in pride. “I am sure there’s nothing you have that I want and nothing you can give that I desire”. Deltrich said choosing to break the atmosphere. “In other words, a deal which I’m sure would be satisfying to both parties” Elijah who wasn’t used to this type of situation scrunched his face up in frustration. He knew Deltrich,’ the Imp’ wasn’t his usual fantasy personage, so he decided to keep his mouth shut and listen to what Deltrich had to say. “In return, you shall ask me anything you want and I shall offer if it’s beneath my power”. ......................................................................... Donate to support the author! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Shinka1 ........................................................................ Disclaimer! The cover is not mine and belongs to its respective owner. Found on Pinterest.

Shink_a · ファンタジー
134 Chs

Narrow survival (2)

Spotting Cahira a few meters away as she stood motionless, with tears that threatened to leak out from her eyes, Liam wished that she could have been the one that was severely injured, and although her arms were injured it was still something they could heal in a couple of days unlike that of old man's Beal.

But even though she was a talented woman, the fact that she almost caused another misfortunate event in this mission, was enough for the anger in Liam's heart to spike.

It was still because of her that the group had come here to rescue Boris, but instead of the plan to proceed as planned, he still got killed while trying to protect her.

And although Liam knew that it was also due to old man Bael's decision to come back. But at the end of the day, Cahira was still the one at the centre of today's misfortune.

How ironic!

And if that was not enough, given the fact that old man Bael who was the main pillar of their expedition almost got killed was enough for the anger he felt in him to light up in an unending rage. Removing the part that Cahira is one of the most talented individuals in the clan, he still didn't see the need for her to come due to her inability to handle such tasks.

''Hold on to the bag of provisions, you will stay behind to help Pergan''

Obviously, he didn't want to be the one to lead the group, but as of now, that notion was irrelevant, since he couldn't even send Cahira to do it as she was the weakest among them, and there was still a lot of demonic beasts that would kill her with ease.

She couldn't even be considered as cannon fodder as she would be killed easily like tearing a piece of paper not even giving them enough time to escape. That was why he choose to do the task himself.

He could use the old man's weapon, but since he wasn't well versed in the arts of using an axe, he tied the giant axe to his back, making sure it was well tied, as this axe was old man Bael's most prized possession and he didn't want to be confronted by the old devil if it accidentally got lost during his recovery.

Wiping the cold sweats from his forehead as he thought about such a situation, Liam tied Boris's two weapons with a piece of cloth as he quickly led the group out of the bloody surroundings.

Making their way through the clearings with Laim leading the way, and Pergan aiding old man Bael to walk on his feet as they didn't want to be surrounded by another batch of demonic beasts, the group began making their way through the forest while hoping that they could find the 'Spirit flamed orchid' before they went any deeper.


Few days later

'This strength, it's intoxicating' Elijah thought as he felt the power rushing through his veins, as the pleasure he felt from achieving a new increase in power was much more pleasurable than the insulin that flowed through the brain.

Getting back his wits, Elijah decided to make breakfast as he prepared to look for a way out of this forest.

''No matter how much I taste these birds, I still can't get enough of them,'' Elijah said as he looked at the birds with burning eyes that were full of passion. Of course, those were hungry filled eyes, as he didn't know if he returned to the earth, whether he could taste something as delicious as this again.

Thinking about the earth, he just sighed and hoped for his family's well-being.

''Well then, how many of you will help satiate me my hunger today?'' Elijah laughed sinisterly as he made his way to the nearest bird that was unlucky enough to enter his sight.


Elijah could be currently seen stalking a demonic beast, as he laid down on the grass waiting for the right time to strike. The beast ahead of him was a 4th tier primitive demonic beast known as 'sleipher'.

Its body was like that of a zebra, with its eight hoofs taking the form of a paw with nicely identifiable claws. Its body was covered with black furs as rows of sharp teeth's on its face only showed how the animals in the underworld were scary looking, as each of them looked like a product of an abomination.

During these past weeks, Elijah had already advanced to been a 4th tier ascendant and was already feeling one step closer to ascending into the 5th tier, with his comprehension of the formless palms reaching the intermediate stage, while also gaining complete mastery in using the dividing fang technique.

Elijah already knew that he had a combat prowess far above the average 4th tier lesser devil ascendant coupled with the magicraft he practised been a godly magicraft. He was very much excited as he was to try out the boundaries of his increased strength.

Thinking about it now, Elijah could only shake his head as he made his way closer to the demonic beast. Of course, the first thing Elijah wanted to accomplish was not to go ahead fighting demonic beasts he knew were much stronger than the average denizens in the underworld, but he planned to gather the herbs to heal his legs which still had minor problems circulating mana.

Although the difficulty it brought was negligent, Elijah just wanted to be 100 per cent okay, and not given any chances to anything that could be considered a problem, even if it were a speck of dust.

After looking through the specific herb he could use to completely heal his legs from the golden book, Elijah could easily identify them while making out some characteristics.

And since this forest was close to the deadly volcanic region which was considered a forbidden land, Elijah was sure that he could at least find some rare herbs that would be useful for some other purpose.


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