
Hell's Eternal (Dropped)

*The last time I wrote a book was in second grade and language arts were always my least favorite classes. So don't expect gold.* A guy dies then meets a ROB who turns out to be a sadist. After which he gets a couple of wishes, and bada-bing bada-boom he ends up in one of the deepest parts of hell next to a certain insane angel. Sounds fun right... yeah... no. [A/N: I don't own the cover, if you're the original author and want me to remove it, please contact me.] [A/N: I do not own Marvel. I am only playing in their universe(s)]

FlammableFire · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

C26 You Looked!

'Oops… but definitely not sorry.' My lips only curl more.


"Mr. Goldmann."


"Mr. Goldmann."

"Hmm, yes?" 'My new last name.'

"We've arrived at your destination."

"Ah, here you go." 'I really shouldn't have told Doom to surprise me.'

I got out of the taxi after paying the driver.

'Like I didn't already have enough gold to deal with. Now it's my name too.'

I'm at the Latverian embassy for both temporary housing and for help settling down in New York.

I show the guard my passport and speak to him in perfect Latverian. Once he knew who I was, he let me through quite speedily.

'I guess having direct orders from your monarch makes you move fast.'

I noticed some suits watching from the buildings opposite the embassy, but I didn't care much.

'Probably SHIELD or some other government organization. I doubt they will bother me much unless I start causing 'trouble.''

I was led to the ambassador stationed at this embassy. He was a man with a bit of 'roundness' to him, but he was an honest enough fellow.

'If you're working under Doom, then you probably wouldn't last long being any other way but honest. At least when it concerned fellow countrymen, that is.'

After sharing pleasantries, I discussed with him what I would require, and as a 'student' with the personal attention of his monarch, he didn't slack.

I'm not mooching off of Doom either, nor am I fabricating resources like gold or diamonds. I sold Doom some knowledge and information, information he will not like but will appreciate having.

As for knowledge, I may not have the level Mephisto had, 'someone' killed him before I had the chance to learn anything, but I am still more than capable of filling some holes in Dooms's knowledge.

'At least, for now, that is.'

I plan on having a mutually beneficial relationship with Doom, especially when he hasn't gone totally off the deep end yet.

'He and the Fantastic Four haven't even fought yet in this reality.'

I told the Ambassador I needed all my legal work handled as well as a driver's license. For housing, I wanted a high-quality condo near ESU, and I required two vehicles.

Lastly, I had him take all the expenses from the bank account I had on file. I made sure he understood not to be stingy as well.

When I had finished, I bid him farewell and left to my room, avoiding the invitation to dine with the excuse of jetlag and exhaustion.

'With this, I can finally start doing some shit.'

I lay down on my bed.

'What I'll do, I haven't a clue, but whatever it is, it'll be fun.'


'I still can't believe it,' Tony thought while looking in the mirror. 'I see it, but—'

'That fire did this.' He stopped looking in the mirror and started dressing, 'Those reports that came out of Texas and the Middle East had similar cases to mine too.'

'Some people were just burned, or others didn't even feel the fire's presence. Some saw visions or were even—healed.' He looked over at a glowing reactor that sat in the corner of the room in a display case.

Then he looked at his perfectly healthy chest. "Whatever it was, I don't dislike it, but—I don't like that there's something I don't understand."

"That sounds like the Tony I know." As Tony finished putting on a shirt, he heard a voice from a man who was entering his room.

"I still remember when you were just a little squirt who would spend all day trying to find out how even the simplest things worked—you always figured it out, in the end." It was Obadiah Stane.

He has a good build for his age, as well as a short grey beard and a bald head.

He was also someone whom Tony viewed almost as a father figure. But after going through that ordeal in the cave, he always got a bad 'feeling' from him.

Shaking it off, Tony replies, "What can I say? I've always been a genius. Anyway—whatcha doing here, old man? Don't you always have a board meeting to attend or something?"

"Well—you would know—if you ever graced us with your presence at one of those meetings." Obadiah gave him a pointed look, then continued, "But—I came here to see if you planned on coming to the banquet tonight. There will be many important people there."

"You know I won't be making weapons again, not after seeing MY weapons being used against the people that they were supposed to be saving. Meeting some government lackeys isn't going to change my mind."

Tony could tell Obadiah was holding back a lot of words, but he eventually said something.

"Alright, Tony. Just—just keep in mind that if we don't come up with something soon, Stark Industries—a weapons manufacturer—won't exist anymore," he gives a look to the reactor on display before turning around, leaving.

Tony got that feeling again, only it was stronger this time.


'Should I use that favor now?'

I'm at a cafe right now. I've just been learning the jungle that is New York for the last couple of weeks.

'No. I'm not in a position to use what I would learn anyway.'

New York is surprisingly normal. There are very few mutants, and besides the Fantastic Four, there isn't much superpower stuff going on.

'Well, there was that massive energy pulse a few days ago,' my face scrunches up, remembering it.

'I'll leave that flaming ball of emotion to Xavier. I don't even want to know what that thing would do after seeing me.'

It would probably think of me as a Beyonder or another cosmic entity since my life energy is independent of the universe.

I know that because of my soul, I'm basically unobservable, but if I'm right in front of its face, I'm sure it would notice.

'It's not that I'm afraid of cosmic entities, but if I start dealing with them already, it'll make everything else seem—boring.'

I imagine a scenario, 'Oh! The Chitauri are coming? Don't worry, guys. I already killed Death, so no one will die. Everyone will be fine.'

"Yeah—that wouldn't be too fun."

I stand up from the booth and leave after paying. Getting outside, I hop on my motorcycle and start down the road.

'So what if winter's coming. I'll just put studs or chains on. I have an image to uphold, dammit!'

I pull the clutch and rev the engine to let someone know they were being a "Complete and utter fuckface of a MORON!!!"

'Oo, better yet, I'll put a track on the back and skis up front!' I further embrace my inner man-child.

"You're the fuckface, you little bitch!" the guy yells back.

"Says the one who still has cum on his lips!"


"Bwahahaha! You actually checked! Hahaha! You really are a fuckface!"

I don't let the guy respond since the light turned green, and I powered out of there, "Mwahaha!" laughing like a madman the whole way.


I arrived home, a top-floor luxury condo, not long after making that guy question his orientation.

'Let's see if they added any while I was away.'

I send a pulse of energy through my condo.

'Hmm, nope, still just five bugs.'

Removing them would only invite more attention, and when a simple illusion can fool them, why bother.

'I'd really like to know why they're so interested in Latveria, though. It's not like Doom has really done anything yet.'

"Ahh, 'yet' is the keyword."

I push those thoughts aside and sit down while turning on the TV.

'Still haven't seen anything about 'Iron Man.' Though, Hulk and the Walking Turd already duked it out before I came to Earth this time.'

It's probably something I did that changed Tony in some way.

Ignoring the TV, I start thinking about how to speed up the process of manifesting my body.

'It feels so claustrophobic to not have my wings whenever I want them…'


I look at the calendar on my fridge. "School starts in a month, huh."

'I'm a new graduate student, on the books. I already got caught up on most fundamental stuff.'

Looking behind me, I see my wings appear and then disappear in a burst of golden energy. It only takes a few seconds for both.

'Much better.'

To do that, I just made a blueprint of my body within my soul. Then I gave it a couple presets so I can choose what to appear, and presto! Faster materialization.

The blueprint even holds my genetics, now that they're stable. That way, if my body ever gets destroyed, I don't have to find a new one.

'Although, I still want to find a way to have my body share the eternal attribute. It makes my body feel so cheap if I can just remake it if it's ever destroyed.'

'I'm not going to complain, though.'

Some kinks still need to be worked out, so I'm not going to make bodies for Sera and Lana until after my first semester. That way, they can continue working on their own stuff for now.

'It won't be much longer until I can start using external energies to strengthen my body.'


This was a shitty ending, wasn't it?

I answered some questions below. Do keep in mind that I probably won't answer via comments anymore, and I will just write them in chap notes. There are getting to be too many comments for me to go through.

Also, I tend to get in a bit 'ranty' when I write notes, so… just a warning.


The timeline isn't necessarily going to line up with the MCU. Not because I don't want it to, but because I can't figure out when everything happens. Marvel kinda keeps that stuff vague.


Sera and Lana can use the MC's soul energy wherever they are, the same way he can get the realm's power through the soul piece he left.


Also, they aren't the MCs split personalities. They are their own individuals.

The MC's Will can only affects them passively. Since he now considers them his companions, he won't use his will against them.

Why? Because he's not a dick.

And before you start going on about how that's no different than slavery or something, do remember that:

The MC is basically an immortal god who could subjugate the entire Earth to his tyrannical rule. He could rampage through all the Nine Hells and absorb every soul, good or bad.

After that, he could continue to the galaxy, universe, multiverse, then make OAA his bitch before jumping to DC.

Compared to that, making two people with his soul that have their own free will, up to the point that they can't betray him, doesn't seem too bad now, does it?


If the MC fucked them would it be incest? No.

The only reason humans feel aversion towards incest is that it leads to genetic defects, and any small group of people that did it long enough would die out.

Aside from the fact that God wouldn't leave such a problem in his greatest creation, the MC can just make their bodies with enough genetic deviation, so it's a none issue.


But doesn't it seem kinda weird or incesty if they are a part of him? In my eyes it's pragmatism.

If the MC fell in love with someone, he would find a way to connect them to his soul. The end result would be little to no different than Sera and Lana.

Why would he do this? So they won't fuckin die!

I don't know about you, but if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't want to outlive every person I ever came to love. Especially if I knew how to make that not happen.

Yes, he could come up with another way to make them more durable, but it would pale in comparison since he ain't ROB and can't give other people his level of eternity without them becoming a part of him.

On top of that, there are a bunch of other reasons that being connected to him would be better, but I'm not going to make this not any longer.