
Chairman Baek We Are Missing The Young Miss, Ms. Baek

1:30 pm at BaekShin Group Oakleaf Boardroom meeting

"Chairman Baek we are missing the young miss, Ms. Baek."

Gathered at the last floor's conference hall was the elderly patriarch of the Baek family Baek Mikael who was seated in a dark leather chair at the head of the long oval table made from high tech glass. Around the table sat members of the Baek family who held top positions at the company and other executives that were not part of the elite family. There was a total of 13 people in the huge conference hall.

"There is no need to fret, Lawyer Sung...the meeting doesn't start until 1:45 isn't that right?"

"Yes, Chairman Baek!"

Sung Tonae was senior lawyer that represented the Baek family both within and outside the company. Sung Tonae burned with ambition, the 36 year old worked his way up to becoming the legal representative of BaekShin Group and benefited immensely from their scholarship program to the less fortunate. His goal was to solidify his position within the company and if he played his cards well enough the chairman would see him as an in-law. Sung Tonae was 6ft tall, good looking and very intelligent, finishing at the top of his class at DaeLim law school. 

Baek Mikael softly tapped his black cane on the hardwood floor, his finger tightened on the golden head of his cane.

"Nancee? Where are you?"

On the outside the Patriarch of the Baek family exuded a quiet confidence marked with the arrogant arch of his brows. The 70 year old was nearly as active as he was in his 20s, his 25 year old European girlfriend was seated with the the rest of his family. 


"Ms. Baek Nancee....we may be at least 5 minutes late to the shareholders meeting....should we call ahead? Traffic is heavy..."

Park Ashlee gave nervous looks at her boss from behind her sunglasses, the secretary to the Director of R&D was one of the few that was allowed such luxuries while acting as a chauffeur to Baek Nancee. The 29 year old was the same age as her boss but when it came to the corporate world age does not play a significant role, instead power and ability what what determined the worth of a person. Park Ashlee had a bubbly personality which was suppressed when working, she was dressed in red power suit, her tan straightened hair ended at her chin.

At the back seat a woman in black custom designed jumpsuit with a gold belt wrapped around her waist, was reading from a business time magazine. Her gold star shaped earrings dangled from the cool air coming from the air conditioning unit. 

"Don't bother, I'm sure I won't be missing much by entering 5 minutes after they've started."

There was no emotion on the face of the BaekShin Group heiress, she had an eerie quietness around her that was out of the ordinary.
