
Heishi No Tensei: Reincarnation Of The Soldier

A man with no expectations for life lives solely for adrenaline, pain, and war until the moment of his death. Upon dying, he reincarnates as the baby Mikail Von Sigmaringen in a new medieval world. The son of Prince Heinrich and Princess Verena Sigmaringen. It doesn't take long for young Mikail to realize his rights to the throne, but does he truly desire to return to that life? Does he want to be a soldier once again, or would it be better to rest and live a life of peace?

Pedro_H_Nobre · 軍事
6 Chs

Beware, Court ladies!

It had been a few days since the news arrived; the castle was bustling with more people than usual. To be honest, it was already too colorful for my eyes, but with so many people bustling around, organizing to welcome my father, the combination of colors became even more expressive. The place looked spotless the next day, and we didn't even have a set date for his arrival. What saddened me the most was that, during all this time, I hadn't even been able to look at myself in a mirror. With all this preparation, I also wanted to know if I looked well-groomed. I mean, if I'm a prince, doesn't that mean my father is a king? I see no sign of siblings, so being his firstborn... Damn, I'm going to be a king! Well, at least it's already a well-thought-out life plan here.

More importantly... Two weeks have passed, and I still haven't managed to crawl. My mother has been doing a lot of exercises with me, working on my flexibility, stretching my legs, incredibly healthy things for a baby.

I think babies take a few months to start crawling... But it's still annoying! I'm starting to get impatient. All I can do is be carried from one place to another. At least it's comfortable, but if I don't get tired often, I just get bored! Maybe I should just swing my arms until I get tired enough to sleep all day. That would be a good plan... Actually, IT'S A GREAT PLAN! I'll do that until I can see my father.

And my routine was basically that, practically an exercise routine so I could get sleepy. But I haven't lost track of time! Verena, however, became more and more affectionate with me as my father's arrival approached. She seemed to want to spend even more time with me and would even dispense her work, delegating it to my grandfather or some servant. She is truly a charming woman; I won't judge her for doing that. The Greeks always said that the beautiful ones were the voice of reason.

Exactly one month old, I was awakened in the middle of the courtyard in my mother's arms. With the sounds of horse hooves and the wheels of a carriage. Will I finally meet my father? I admit that after a month, I imagined a big letdown, like, I don't know... Just some visitor. But considering the number of knights present, my mother, and me, it's safe to assume he's in that carriage. How exciting! I will have a father in this life!

That's some depressing thought...

The carriage finally stopped, and a young man stepped out of it. He dressed entirely in black; his hair was black, and his eyes were a deep blue, but he was too young to be my father. I must have died around the age of twenty-five, and still... HE DOESN'T LOOK A DAY OLDER THAN THAT! This is getting worse every day... They are kids!

Oh, but he is handsome! I think I've been genetically blessed. Since I haven't seen myself in the mirror yet, I wonder, who the hell do I resemble at this point...

I looked carefully at both of their expressions; my mother seemed to be a very controlled woman when near the servants. She seemed to be very similar to my grandfather. But I wonder. Will she become playful and affable when she is with her husband, or... Is this one of those sad cases of arranged and unhappy marriages?

Considering that we are nobles, it's quite likely that neither of them married for any kind of feeling.

Wow, my mind really wanders a lot when I don't need to make an effort in...

"Thank you very much!" My father handed his sword to one of his servants; he entered with a serious expression, and the knights around us presented their weapons in unison, just as we do in the modern army.

He walked towards us; my mother straightened her posture when she saw his intention, and he put a smile on his face.

"Hahahah, you seem tense, my love." He then looked me in the eyes; he seemed... truly moved. His right eye teared up, and my parents leaned their foreheads together and whispered, "I arrived late..."

That really relieved me. Despite the worries, it seemed that they both had a great relationship, to be honest. I was even moved for a moment, but more importantly, they were suffocating me! Let go!

"Heinrich dear, let's go inside." Verena also smiled; Heinrich kissed her forehead, and they turned to settle into the castle.

"How was it there? Was it dangerous?" Verena seemed concerned, so he was really in some kind of conflict, huh.

"Hmmm, I wouldn't say that. I mean, as dangerous as the situation could be, but... My men are reliable and well-trained; everything went well." Did he lead his men into battle?

"I see. And what about Prince Bradley?"

"Well... The campaign was successful. Whether I went only as reinforcement, Bradley rewarded us accordingly."

"You are good friends. You did well to go to his aid, but I missed you." She said, pouting before smiling.

"Now I'm all yours." Okay, that was too cheesy...

Heinrich and Verena Sigmaringen... They seem like a good couple. Now that he was present, she no longer did all that work and focused more on taking care of me. She and my grandfather were really similar and assumed completely different personalities when near their men. As for Heinrich, he was serious but quite affable and reliable.

After he returned, Verena seemed much more relaxed, happier, and, I must say... I no longer slept in the same room as my mother... I wonder why...




Doesn't matter! Right now, after twenty-five years, eight of which I devoted entirely to a military life of pure suffering! I participated in various military conflicts, even became an Olympic athlete for them! I was an operator like no other; I was tireless! And now, in this infant body, with little more than eight months of pure torture... Nothing could take this moment away from me! This pride that my parents share with me now... This is my greatest achievement...


I can't believe I finally have the motor coordination for more than just swinging my arms... I've never been so relieved to be able to move around. I presume it will still take a while for me to walk, but... IT'S A HUGE ACHIEVEMENT!

Not only that, but after so long, I finally got to see what I looked like. Of course, I'm a bit chubby, but it's healthy baby fat. More importantly! I have my mother's green-brown eyes and my father's black hair. Of course, a lot will change, and I have no idea what my facial features will be like when I'm older; I could still train despite that, do mewing, and take care of my diet... Hmmm, it's also challenging to measure how genetically blessed I am in terms of height and muscles, but... I think I won't worry about that for now; more importantly:

Man... I'm a hottie! Beware, Court ladies! Get ready to have your hearts broken!