

‘’Let me tell you something honey, Revenge is the best dish served cold.’’ **** To her, betrayal was the most excruciating pain in the world—the kind that pierced her soul. The people she had loved with her entire heart had not only failed her, but ruthlessly deceived her. "How could you?" she had once cried, her voice shaking as she stared at the man she had chased like a madwoman. But he had already cheated on her—expecting a child with the very woman she despised with every fiber of her being. Her so-called ‘’family " was no better. The relatives she thought she could trust? They only wanted the inheritance meant for her and her little brother. The people who once smiled sweetly and flattered her? They were nowhere to be found when her glamorous and envious life crumbled to nothing. "I thought you all cared about me..." she whispered bitterly, watching as one by one, they all turned their backs on her when she needed them the most. In that devastating moment, everything became painfully clear. The bubble she had lived in popped and she finally saw their true faces. But....it was too late. Everything she had was gone, slipping through her fingers like sand in the wind. Except for him. Her former fiancé, the one man she had tried to ruin with every scheme she had planned, remained by her side until the end. He stood by her, even as she took her final breath. She had accepted her tragic fate—until something phenomenal happened. She woke up once again. Back to the past. Where nothing had happened yet.

Sowunmi16 · 都市
16 Chs

A New Life? (2)


Ayana closed the door, after stepping out of her room. Her eyes darted both left and right of the hallway, taking in the sight that was very familiar to her.

Both now and then.

Her fingers lingered on the doorknob for a moment before taking another set of steps away from the room and down the hallway on the right.

Her footsteps were light on the polished marble floors, gleaming beneath the soft glow of the chandelier light.

'Everything looks the same.' Her lips pursed slightly as she passed by some picture frames and antiques.

As the daughter of an affluent family, her life was meant to be like that of a real fairytale princess. Money and most materialistic objects had never fazed her one bit. She could get any of her desires with just a word from herself.

Back in the room, Ayana had cleaned herself up nicely, particularly her puffy eyes. She wouldn't want to frighten her Nanny with her tear-stricken face, and also her little brother.

It didn't take long for Ayana to reach the dining room where her little brother and her Nanny were meant to be waiting.



''Young master, the young miss will be joining us soon. I wonder what's taking the child so long to reach the dining room?''


Her eyes glistened with tears threatening to fall as she listened to the loud voice of her little brother's. Her little brother's cute voice tugged at her heart, filling her with both tenderness and a hint of guilt for making him wait.

Perhaps due to her deep desire to have him in her sight, her steps unconsciously picked up the pace, and she reached the doorway of the dining room in no time.

''Young miss.'' Ayana watched as the aging face of her Nanny's brightened up at the sight of herself. Her eyes then moved passed the elderly woman, towards the baby highchair on the side.

There he was, her little brother seated comfortably, staring up at her with those wide, innocent eyes. Unlike a moment ago, he made no sound and just met her stare.

'….Jay.' Her eyes almost welled up in tears once again. However, she held herself, knowing that she would outright scare her Nanny, and her little brother.

"Are you hungry, Jay?" Ayana said, her childish voice filled with affection as she entered the dining room, going around her Nanny to the baby highchair.

''Sister apologizes for delaying your lunch.'' She brushed her fingers lightly through his soft hair with a warm smile.

Truly, her little brother was alive and healthy.

'When was the last time?' Ayana tried to remember when last she had seen her little brother. In reality, she always met her little brother during mealtime and other occasions.

But, if what she had experienced was a mere dream and a very bad one, then according to that dream, the last time she had seen Jason was before she put him in a boarding school.

That was also her final moment with her one and only blood-related family.

If that dream was actually a reality….


Her little brother, Jason Kingston, giggled happily and shook his head underneath her fingers. The sound snapped her from her deep thoughts and she stared at him, beaming happily with his cute toothed smile.

Such cuteness softened and pooled her heart in unlimited tenderness and love.

Seeing his bright smile, she continued ruffling his hair playfully and his laughter became more apparent in the dining room. Perhaps he felt ticklish, but her action clearly made him happy.

And his happiness was like a salvation to her. Anything that could make him laugh brought a sense of fulfillment over her…..and also lessened her guilt.

''Young miss should seat down for lunch now.'' Nanny Hilda smiled warmly at the scene of a sibling's close relationship. At the same time, she suddenly wondered when the young miss decided to pass the little hurdle in her heart.

After being a Nanny for Ayana and her mother since birth, and also babysitting some children during her holidays, Nanny Hilda had gained enough experience with the behaviors and thoughts of children.

Like her young miss, who had been spoiled to the heavens by her parents.

When the young master had arrived to the world, Nanny Hilda had seen that his presence wasn't readily welcomed by the young miss.

It was normal for children to be angry and jealous when the attention of their parents was no longer on them, but on their younger siblings. Though, it would get better with time as the elder and younger sibling interact and develop a loving relationship.

However, the young miss's own couldn't just pass off as a normal jealousy.

From the birth of the young master till now, the young miss had always regarded him as a thorn in the family. Though she had tried to spark a loving relationship between them, the young miss still regarded the young master as an unwanted presence.

She had also reported the behavior of young miss to Madam Kingston.

''She will eventually grow up someday, Nanny.'' was the reply from the mother.

'I guess I worried too much.' Nanny Hilda sighed with a relieved smile. The estranged relationship between the siblings was the last thing she ever wanted, especially now that misery had unfortunately crept into the family.

At the thought of the news delivered to her on the phone, her smile slowly disappeared. Her eyes became slightly complicated as she watched the young master fed by an assisting maid and the young miss eating on her own.

How could her elderly heart bear to tell the young children the bad news? She had watched them grow from birth after all. Any sight of sadness on their faces would surely break her heart.

'I have to tell the young miss now.' Nanny Hilda strengthened her resolve. Right now, the young miss and the young master were in danger, particularly their inheritance.

If she were to delay things now, she was increasing the danger that was pointed towards the young miss and young master.

As someone who had worked with this family for more than ten years, she had always known ins and outs of wealthy families.

The Kingston family was also no different.

She had to help the little children in any way she could as their Nanny. Other than that, she could only pray that the heavens were on their sides.

''Young miss….'' Nanny Hilda started, choosing her words carefully. However, Ayana's voice beat her in releasing the sad news.

''Something must have happened to Father and Mother.'' She looked up from her meal and met the widened eyes of her Nanny.


''They…are dead….aren't they?'' Her next words silenced the dining room for a moment with the exception of the Jason's babbles and giggles.

''I see….'' She lowered her gaze from the bewildered face of her Nanny. Her voice neither held surprise nor sadness. She just uttered like the words like it was an obvious statement. A statement that was surely supposed to happen.

A lone tear slid down her cheek as she thought of the dream…no the experience that was actually her past life.

'So it wasn't a dream….after all.'