
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Chapter 39: LADY OF FIRE

In the heart of the darkness, a furnace roared. It wasn't a hearth, no, but a monstrous pit of flames that carved out a temple from the inky blackness. The fire cast an ashen glow, illuminating the space in a grim ballet of greys and blacks. Long, skeletal shadows stretched from the temple's intricate architecture, dancing macabrely on the smoke-stained walls. Soaring plumes billowed skyward, disappearing into the unseen reaches above. Two colossal beams, blackened by time and fire, stood sentinel beside the inferno, their purpose lost to the ages.A figure emerged from the shadows, their form shrouded in the swirling smoke. Their voice, a harsh whisper, cut through the crackling flames. "Lady of Fire," they rasped, "are you ready?"A whimper, barely audible over the inferno's roar, came from the pit's center. A child lay there, bathed in the fire's malevolent light.Suddenly, a voice boomed from the depths of the temple, echoing off the stone walls. "Zephyr!" It was a command, laden with sternness and a hint of something far more sinister.****A jolt ripped Aether from unconsciousness, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm. Gasping, he shot upright, disoriented and filled with a lingering fear. "What was that?" he rasped, his throat dry.Dreaming in this world was a novelty, a blank canvas where even slumber offered no escape. Yet, this wasn't a mere dream. It felt vivid, real – a glimpse into something terrifyingly unknown.Memories flooded back – the raw connection with the dragon, the desperate battle against the seal, and then... a name. A single word resonated in his mind: "Zephyr."A whirlwind of questions swirled within him. But answers wouldn't come easily. One conclusion, however, etched itself deep: 'Is your name Zephyr?' he thought, gazing upon the magnificent creature slumbering beside him. Its form radiated warmth, a stark contrast to the chilling embrace of the cavern, now softened by a gentle morning breeze filtering through unseen cracks.Just as serenity settled, a searing pain lanced through his head, shattering the calm. A splitting headache, the physical manifestation of the power he'd wielded to save the dragon – Zephyr. Gritting his teeth, he clutched his head, fighting the throbbing ache threatening to consume him.Vision blurred, a double image assaulting him as he attempted to rise from the sol gate. Using Zephyr's colossal body for leverage, he stumbled towards the opening of the dragon's curled form, every movement a struggle against the throbbing pain and exhaustion. One thought pulsed – pool. He needed the water pool, to heal. With single-minded determination, Aether pushed forward, his steps shaky, fueled by the desperate need for water.Aether's legs screamed with each shaky step, a relentless weight threatening to pull him down. His breaths came in ragged gasps, scraping against his raw throat. But a primal urge, a flicker of survival, kept him pushing forward.His strength, however, waned with every labored movement. A groan escaped his lips as he planted one shaky foot before the other, the throbbing in his head intensifying with each beat of his aching heart. Every step felt like a cruel joke, a mile stretched by a sadistic fate.The urge to surrender, to simply collapse, gnawed at him. But a primal fear of the finality of succumbing propelled him forward. He knew, with chilling certainty, that stopping meant death.Gritting his teeth until they threatened to shatter, Aether fought the overwhelming urge to scream. His foot found no purchase, sending him stumbling forward. A sickening realization dawned – he was falling. A choked curse died in his throat as a splash – harsh against the chilling silence – filled the cavern. Aether's skin, clad in rough cloth, met the icy embrace of the water pool. It stretched out before him, a vast, unending expanse lost in the depths of the cave.Submerged, the frigid water momentarily pushed aside the throbbing in his head. He fought to stay afloat, the icy grip threatening to pull him under. But even in that desperate struggle, a glimmer of hope flickered – the water's restorative power. Aether let go, allowing the water and his mana to react, pulling him back into darkness's embrace.Time stretched like molasses, each tick of the unseen clock an eternity. A faint green mist, like the exhale of a dying dream, began to swirl around the water's edge. With a final, desperate surge, Aether shot up from the icy depths, a gasp tearing from his throat as his lungs burned for air. He sputtered and coughed, the frigid water clinging to him like a shroud.Hauling himself onto the cool stone ledge, his body a symphony of aches, he collapsed onto his back. The air, though cold, felt exhilarating against his water-logged skin. He lay there, chest heaving, limbs trembling, trying to wrest control over his ragged breaths.Aether's voice, when it finally came, rasped and hoarse, echoed through the cavern. "huh, Damn close," he rasped, the near-death experience