
Heir of North Wind

In the eyes of the foreigners, they were barbarians and bandits. Their presence meant bloodshed and disaster. Their name is like a curse that scares the shit out of people. In the eyes of the gods, they are performers, muppets. Their existence or demise is inconsequential. They are tiny ants, but they are unaware of it. In the poet's song, they are the children of the north wind, writing legends in iron and blood.

DaoistGy5WgI · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Blue Swan

Early in the morning, a large number of residents gathered outside the lord's palace.

They were talking in groups about Frostfire and his cellar.

After learning that their loved ones had been killed, they demanded justice for the dead from Lord Winter.

Others believe their loved ones were also murdered by Frostfire.

But since Winnie didn't see it with her own eyes, she doesn't know what to do.

Seeing another survivor arrive as promised, she rushes off and walks up to him.

"Glad you could make it, Keane." "Hello, Sela."

"Hello, Ms.

Winter." Sela responded solemnly, deliberately emphasizing the title "Ms."

Winnie ignored the sheepishness of the farmer's wife.

She turned to the farmer, "Just make the statement as we said when we left the Mage Tower yesterday." The rest, my father will take care of properly.

Not far away, a slim old man said goodbye to the other lords and walked this way.

He was dressed in a high-quality blue cloth shirt, covered with a hard leather undershirt, and his gait was lazy, as if everything was under control.

"I am the Lord of the Winter Family, Gerritsen Winter, Winnie's father." The old man replaced the majesty of the lord and introduced himself."Thank you for testifying against the evil mage with my daughter." I promise you will be compensated for the harm you have suffered.

He deliberately amplified his voice for those around him to hear.

"Lord Winter." Keane nodded, his gaze quietly sweeping over the lords flanked by their men.

Quickly, he locked onto a burly man with a face lacking in flesh and skin."I want to end these as soon as possible, too."


Ice City's mountain springs never stop flowing, even on those days when even thoughts are frozen.

That is why it is called "Winter Spring" and the lord's palace built next to it is called "Winter Spring Palace".

Unlike the side rooms and towers, half of the main body of Winter Spring Palace is built in a man-made cave.

Whenever the air flows into the ducts, the palace will sound a hue and cry.

And when the air currents are strong, those involved in the proceedings have to face the wind to face the Lord's throne.

In that situation, the seemingly majestic city lord sitting there is not comfortable.

The twitching beard shows that he also has to face the same situation.

In light of the majority of the lords' requests, Isak Winter, the current Lord of the City and Lord of the Valley, agreed to let more people sit in on the proceedings.

This was exactly what Gerritsen had hoped for.

After a night of tossing and turning, the lords of the palace were more or less distracted.

Some of them repaired their beards with daggers, some chewed nuts, and some drifted off to sleep.

Having heard Winnie's statement, Chief Steward Pereito left the City Lord's side and stepped into a prominent position."You say that you and this farmer were imprisoned by your mentor, our mage advisor, in the cellar, held captive by a magical wall." And how did you manage to get out of it? "

"The reason is simple.

After he died, no one recharged the magic cage.

The magical energy faded with time until it was completely gone." Winnie lost her patience.

She hated this pointless pursuit."Does it matter?! What matters is that we're alive and able to expose his crimes to the sunlight ourselves." She looked aside at the loved ones of the victims."I don't know how lucky I am compared to those who were killed."

"Can't you ask for something useful?! It's a pity my husband was killed, otherwise he would have greeted your whole family with his tongue! " A woman chastised.

Don't waste time here! For the sake of my children, first throw that mage's body into the wilderness to feed the wolves! He doesn't deserve to be buried! "

Gerritsen continued to wait, knowing that his chance would come soon.

Pereito returned to the city lord and the two muttered a few words.

The latter frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded."So, Ms.

Winter, have you seen the intruder from the magic tower?" Winter asked.

We can't even hear the outside world.

All I know is that no one ever entered the cellar." Winnie replied impatiently.

"All right." Pereito once again came to the center of the palace.

In the name of Isak Winter, Lord of the Valley, I declare the following resolution: Since Frostfire is dead, we cannot put him on trial, but as you wish, he will not receive any kind of burial.

After the investigation is over, his personal belongings will be distributed to the families of the victims as compensation.

If there is nothing else, you may all leave now."

"Wait!" Gerritsen's voice overpowered the chatter."That's the end of it?! Let that corpse be gnawed by wild animals.

Let the victim's family get a share of his belongings.

And that's the end of it? I don't think that the body matters."

"What are you trying to say, Lord Winter?" Pereito asked.

"Lords, inhabitants of the valley, please listen to my words." Gerritsen walked to the center of the palace.

As the people quieted down, he managed to relegate the Chief Steward to the sidelines.

My daughter was hurt and frightened by the whole affair, but she is not enough to be compared to the others.

For several years, the people that that mage healed eventually died.

I believe they were not incurable but that the mage had been using them as test subjects.

Also, from time to time, people disappear from all over the valley.

There must be people like my daughter who have fallen into that mage's trap.

The crimes he committed in the valley are the most evil ever! "

As these words landed, people's grievances quickly festered, and the next moment became anger that had nowhere to be vented.

Lord Moore, who was in charge of the valley's defense, felt the crisis.

At his command, the warriors behind him prepared for battle.

Gerritsen faced the throne of the city lord and said, "Although Frostfire is dead, this matter cannot end there! Isak Winter has an unshirkable responsibility for all the crimes he was able to commit! "

Isak Winter stood up from his stone seat, "Gerritsen Winter! Did I instruct Frostfire to do evil in my land? " He stared at Gerritsen, a few beards on his chest standing up like spears."Are you going to accuse me of sin?" The palace fell silent, and only the old voice echoed in the air.

"Aren't you guilty of anything?" Gerritsen shot back without flinching.

Because of your trust, this is what gave that evil mage the opportunity to run amok in our lands! How many people hoped you would bring justice to their departed relatives?How many people hoped that you would send people to search for the missing? And what have you done? You listened only to the words of that magician! Attributing the death of a patient to his own lack of strength and the disappearance of a resident to a blind trip Do you still want to say you have a clear conscience? "

These words pierced Winter like a spear, and it was all too late to repent."All right! In that case, "he stepped closer to Gerritsen," I'd like to let this go today." How do you want to settle it? "

"Dear Lord Isak Winter!"Gerritsen raised his voice, "You should give way!"

"Gerritsen, you're rebelling!" Lord Moore shouted a loud rebuke.

"Rebellion?! Hmph." Gerritsen sneered, "What has the valley become since the arrival of that mage?" You have heard about the golden waterwheel? "

"That was a sneak attack.

A mob from the Golden Waterwheel attacked Lord Schoen Han! " Lord Moore said.

"Who told you that? That evil mage? Do you still believe his words?" Gerritsen asked righteously.

Moore was speechless.

He was aware that everything related to Frostfire at this moment would be considered an enemy by the residents of the valley.

Winter knew that he was now in a passive position.

Even if he proposed a duel to Gerritsen and won, he would not be able to win back the hearts and minds of the people."Enough! Lord Winter, I apologize again for all of this.

I will accept your request.

I will return to the mansion to await the summons of the new lord of the city."

"But Lord Winter, we still need to have an election!" Lord Moore reminded him.

Winter did not stay for a moment and walked out of the palace.

Moore knew Gerritsen had long coveted the position of Lord of the Valley, and today's speech was purely an excuse.

He would not compromise.

As the lord with the most warriors at his disposal, "You are in rebellion!" He said, and his hand reached for the weapon at his waist.

However, a strong arm clutched Moore's wrist.

The next moment, the man who was always repairing his beard had stabbed the dagger into Moore's stomach.

"Lord Winter has accepted Lord Winter's request." You're the one who's rebelling." The man whose face lacked flesh drew his dagger.

His men quickly flashed their weapons and took control of the situation.

Pain, surprise, disbelief: these expressions faded from Moore's face.

Jon dropped the body, then he turned to the guys with swords pointed at their necks, "One dead man is enough." There will be a better lord to lead you.

Stuff your guys back in your pants; you'll need them later."

Sela and Keane looked at each other for a moment without making a sound.

Gerritsen walked up to the seat of the Lord of the Valley.

He stroked the animal skin laid on top of this high-backed stone seat, and did not rush to sit down, but stood there and began to announce his decision.

"Wintinie Winter, my daughter, you take over things in the bestiary.

Remember, the mammoths and bears in the bestiary are our most important resource, and we need to deploy extra hands to expand the breeding."

"Yes, Father."

"Lord Jon, from now on, you lead the warriors of the valley." The defense of the East Pass and West Pass is the top priority now."

"As you wish, my lord." I'll go and get the men ready." Jon responded.

Before leaving, he glanced down at the farmer, who didn't say a word."What? "Are you scared silly?"

"Pereito," Gerritsen came to the chief steward, "you can go and serve Lord Winter, or you can continue to be in charge of the city's affairs, large and small."

"I will stay here to assist you in governing the valley, Lord Winter." Pereito responded with good sense.

"Very well." Gerritsen nodded, "You go and inform Lord Winter that I need him to assist my daughter with the bestiary." After that, I want you to investigate the Mage Tower and leave no detail untouched."

"At your service, my lord."

"Ice City" is instantly renamed Windrose City.

Let the flag of the Blue Swan fly in the valley.

This is the end of today's proceedings.

Gerritsen sat down on his stone seat and surveyed the farmer and his wife.

It was not until the crowd dispersed that he spoke again, "You saved my daughter, that I know." And as a father, I have the right to know who saved her.

In time, I will find the right opportunity to make you a lord.

Until then, my second daughter, Leddy Dia Winter, will serve as your retainer."

Hearing the call, a woman walked over.

She is tall and sturdy; her face is three-dimensional but not abrupt; her nose and eye brows are long and slender.

A few thin wheat-like braids are tied on the left side, half hidden in shoulder-length hair.

The leather armor is painted with the Winter Family's blue swan emblem, and the shield and longsword are carried behind the back.

What caught Keane's attention was not only her chestnut red hair, but also her hazel eyes.

Seeing that his daughter had attracted the farmer's attention, Gerritsen was very satisfied with his arrangement.

He continued, "Winter's old house now belongs to you.

Everything inside is yours.

Soon it will be the day of worship, which is our most important sacrifice.

According to tradition, we will hold a celebration after the sacrifice.

I want you to come and join us."

Keane is able to understand the purpose of the guards Gerritsen sent to him, but he does not know how to refuse this "goodwill".

"How can the lord's daughter serve as a guard for a farmer?" This is really hard for us to accept." Sela tried to relieve the situation for her companion.

It would be unwise to refuse the kindness of a lord, Lady Sela."You are not lords yet." With Leddy as your retainer, the other lords of the city will not dare underestimate you.

It is clear to everyone here that only those who are highly regarded are given the lord's full kin as guards." Winnie advised

"Well, you've convinced me." Sela held her companion's arm and said, "Let's all consider this a share of this honor."

Keane nodded his head."Thank you, Lord Winter.

I will join the rituals of the Day of Respect."



"I heard that the mage died a horrible death, as if he had been nailed with wooden spikes."

I've seen his body.

He had a hole in his chest and multiple fractures in his sternum.

Also, his heart was missing."

"I really hope it was Grayhill who crushed his heart last night." I bet that hurt as much as crushing a tomato."


Hearing the residents' comments made Leddy Dia a little uncomfortable, and she watched the couple's expressions from time to time, hoping to learn a thing or two.

Noticing the guard's slightly tightened eye brows, Keane stopped in his tracks."Ms.

Leddy Dia."

"Lord, you can just call me Leddy."

"Well, you can just call me Keane."

"If you want, I will when there is no one else."

"Sela and I are going to retrieve the traveling clothes we left in the tavern.

You don't have to follow us."

I can get it for you, Lord.

I mean Keane."

"No, Leddy," We don't have much."You can arrange a decent meal for us.

Sela suggested.

Combined with everything she had heard earlier, Leddy thought both were planning to take the opportunity to get out, and that was just what she wanted.

This way, she didn't have to serve anyone and she could deliver."I'll get right on it." The female warrior responded painfully.

After detaching the lord's eyes, Sela sighed lightly."Someone has profited from your revenge, and you have exposed yourself.

This will get us into trouble.

We should have made plans earlier."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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