Guys I just write what I want to write. Starts off in Harry Potter there’s a Harem there is multiverse travel. Marvel world was involved at some point. If you don’t know me from my other stories than I’ll inform you here and now. I am chaos incarnate.
It was Halloween and we were just finishing up with charms class and heading off to the great hall for the feast. Everyone was rather excited. Feasts are always fun. I was curious as to what was going to happen. Jim hasn't been rude to anyone and everyone was heading to the great hall. I didn't see any stragglers on the map. Except quirrel.
I put away my map and heading to the great hall with everyone else. The hall was set up with all sorts of Halloween style props like jack o lanterns and bats that flew around. The tables were piled high with food.
The part I was waiting for where quirrel runs into the great hall shouting "Trolls in the dungeon!" Happened a little differently than I expected.
What happened was a loud crash of the double doors to the great hall being smashed off their hinges into a crowd of children.
My eyes widened in shock as the flying deadly shrapnel of stones and wooden door splinters headed towards the group of happy children.
The choices before me are let dumbledore see my power or let innocent children die.
My hands flew into the air levitating as many chunks as I could of the smashed remains of the great door. Some still slipped by slamming into tables and people I tried my best to make them non lethal.
The next thing that happens was a loud roar and a trunk sized club smashing apart the floating items in its way as not one but three full grown mountain trolls stormed the hall of children in a bloodthirsty fury.
Using some of the shards as projectiles I fired them at the trolls who didn't even seem to register the pain. By this time the teachers were already jumping into action.
Little flitwick snapped his wand and floated all the benches of students into the air. Mcgonnal was transforming the tables into animals that were charging the roaring behemoths.
There were a couple of students who had gotten knocked off of the benches by stray items. They were laying on the ground either crying or knocked out.
I was trying to magically shove them out of the way of impending death by troll clubs. It was hard to lock onto them with the tons of animals flying past at the trolls.
Dumbledore was now in on the action aswell showing he wasn't just for show in his old age. As a fire whip snapped through the air from his wand hooking onto one of the troll clubs ripping it out of the berserk trolls hands. Lily was helping drag students away and Snape was firing off cutting style curses towards the trolls. They were doing a bit of damage but not much as trolls have magically resistant hide.
This entire time I was fighting down my obscurus who wanted to protect me from the big mean trolls. Can't spill too many secrets.
I started blasting off cutting and piercing spells aiming at the trolls heads. I can't do massive spells like exploders as there are children still in the area. Don't need even more shrapnel hitting them.
It didn't take long for me to blow a hole out the back of one of their heads with a shot to the eyeball. All those days of target practice really shining.
They were still closing in though so I pointed my wand at the ground and started blasting water before hitting it with a glacius spell freezing it over.
A simple wand slam and a bunch of ice spears shot up biting into the flesh and locking them into place momentarily. Long enough for me to spray one of them with water and hit it with freezing spells over and over again making me a nice troll popsicle.
The teachers seeing I had one handled focused on the other.
It didn't take long for them to finish them off.
I headed to the one I had killed with a piercing shot and did a few wand scans on it. Madness potions and pain killing potions were in its system.
That explains quite a bit. Like why they didn't respond to anything and just kept mindlessly charging.
At this point I was practically tackled from the side by lily who was blubbering and asking me questions. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do we need to go to the infirmary?" She started checking my face and limbs and doing wand waves over me checking for wounds.
"I'm fine however we should get the others looked at and maybe check the rest of the castle to see if there are any other trolls. So I don't think the kids should leave the area." I say walking over to the wounded students and starting to run tests while I sealed up some wounds and wrote down a list of problems. Luckily there were no dead ones. There was one with a pretty nasty head injury though.
The teachers actually followed my advise and headed out to search the castle with Flitwick and Lily staying with me.
I fed a couple of blood replenishing potions to some of the kids and a few pain relief potions until they could get to the infirmary. I could fix them now but that would be giving away more secrets. I could just say Perenelle trained me in healing.
Well Voldemort sure was more ruthless in this world. Sending drugged up trolls into the great hall to kill children would surely have gotten dumbledore in some deep shit.
He had some balls to do that though.
Quirrel would be found with another dead troll in the castles second floor as a perfect excuse to why he didn't make it to the great hall. And here I thought he was a bad actor he even got a bit wounded.
After the castle was cleared we got the kids to the infirmary with dumbledore giving me the twinkly eyed stare the whole time. Creepy bastard.