Guys I just write what I want to write. Starts off in Harry Potter there’s a Harem there is multiverse travel. Marvel world was involved at some point. If you don’t know me from my other stories than I’ll inform you here and now. I am chaos incarnate.
I was standing in the living room in a bit of an awkward situation as I was trying to have a conversation with Carlisle and Edward as Alice was happily measuring me for clothes.
"My man can't be seen in generic 5 for 10$ shirts and Walmart brand jeans. Your a multimillionaire and a lord of the wizarding world and you dress like you've got 100$ to your name and most of it you spent on tacobell." She answers my question before I even get time to ask it.
Edward and Carlisle are both smirking at my misfortune. "You'll get used to it."
"She's not the only one whose complained about my clothes sadly. I guess I'll just have to suck it up." I sigh.
"Yep!" She says happily.
"So mind filling me in on exactly what you guys are going through so I've got an idea on what I'm here to deal with? I've got the general gist of the situation so more information can only help." I ask the men.
"Uh basically a year or so ago I killed the mate of a female vampire and she didn't take it too well. I left for personal reasons and she tried to attack Bella but wasn't able to get to her and now she's created and army of newborn vampires that are currently feasting on Seattle." Edward says with a grim look.
"That's pretty much what I figured. So have you got any plans?" I ask them.
"Well we planned to just fight them with some allies of ours if it comes down to it. Alice can tell when they are coming so we can be prepared." Carlisle says.
"Simple enough. Well I'm here to apprehend some of the culprits so I'll be giving you all a hand." I say.
"Yes we've heard your some kind of special agent from the magical world? Quite a feat for someone so young." Carlisle says curiously.
"Yep I'm actually classified as number one in the world at this point in time. So I'm trying not to screw up my first mission."
I hear a snort from across the room. I turn and see a gorgeous looking blonde staring at me in contempt. "What are you going to do turn them into dogs? Shoot them? If you don't know I doubt vampires can be killed off by bullets." She says.
"Oooh frosty. So you don't think I can take out a bunch of super powered vampires?" I ask her.
"No I think they will rip you apart before you even get a chance to do anything and you'll only get in the way." She says more contempt filling her voice.
"Harsh. But I see your point I guess. Wanna play a game? I'll give you five minutes to even touch me and if you win I'll leave if I win you shut up." I say with a smile.
"Deal." She says lunging at me.
I've already apparated away and am casually standing in a different spot.
"Really slow, come on princess you gotta move faster." Then became a game of me dodging while she got angrier and angrier trying to catch me.
At this point in time she was basically a whirl of claws and fangs and snarling fury. I popped away once more before hitting her with an overpowered stunning charm and she just smashes into the ground and rolls away. I do a quick repair of the floors and everything she broke before returning back to the Dr and his son.
"So anyway where were we?" I ask as Carlisle checks on Rosalie who is quickly shaking off the stunning spell. Emmet is howling in laughter along with Alice at the blonde vampire woman. Even Edward is chuckling.
"Sorry about that but I worked my ass off to get where I am and it kind of ticks me off when someone belittles my accomplishments. I've literally had my limbs tore off and reattached to get where I am so I do deserve a bit of respect." I tell the blonde as I lift up my shirt revealing tons of old curse marks and wounds. My arms and fingers have scars from where they were cut off and reattached.
She glares for a second before "my apologies."
"I do understand where your coming from though as your worried for your family so i forgive you." I say holding out my hand as a peace offering. She looks at it for a second before grudgingly shaking it.
I return back to the conversation with Edward and Carlisle. "So you were saying something about allies?" I ask them as they look towards Alice who nods.
"Well more like associates with mutual interests in killing off the problem coming our way. They happen to be well werewolves." Edward says.
"Oh you mean the shapeshifters down the way? I stopped off for some food there and saw a few of them. Big guys but they aren't werewolves. I think it's some kind of family curse or something along those lines. Basic immortality and the ability to shift into wolves. Curious stuff. I'd have to get blood sample and a few wand waves to know exactly what they are." I tell them as they gape at me. I show them a book on real werewolves which are bipedal creatures that only change on the full moon. No self control and can cause the change in others with a cursed virus of some sort.
I've no idea what the reserve wolfs really are as I just got a burger and saw them in passing so.
"I've got a kind of uncle that is a real werewolf he cries about it all the time." I explain about lupin.
"They really are quite different." Carlisle says reading over the book. "It's so curious that there's tons of strange magical creatures we've never heard about just hiding out in the open and we've never seen them before."
"Most people don't really look close enough. I mean big foot is a really swell fellow once you get to know him." I say some shocking news.
"Bigfoot is real?" Emmet asks in shock from across the room.
"No i was just joking about that one." I say with a laugh. "But Santa Clause is he's actually part of the fairy world. My wife Luna tries to catch him every year for extra presents." I drop a real big surprise stunning them.