
Hector Marshall : Reborn in Harry Potter

In the shadowy corners of the wizarding world, where ancient secrets whisper through the halls of a secluded manor, Hector Marshall, an orphan of 12 years is reincarnated and reborn into a family unlike any other. The Marshalls, renowned for their unique and potent form of magic known as Body Magic, are guardians of powerful secrets and even more formidable creatures. With the blood of knights and mystics running through his veins, young Hector is destined to wield powers that blend the physical with the magical in ways that are scarcely imaginable to the ordinary wizard.

Writing_Wolf · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 5 : Grandpa Alistor

One evening, the Marshall family was comfortably gathered in the living room. Hector, nestled on a soft rug near the fireplace, was particularly excited this evening. His mother, Diana, had promised to share a story about one of Alistor's formidable exploits from his younger days. With Alistor absent, tending to some business in another part of the estate, it felt like the perfect moment to delve into one of the more thrilling parts of their family history.

"Tonight, Hector, I'm going to tell you about a time when your grandfather was somewhat younger and worked for the International Confederation of Wizards, specifically within the Magical Creature Management division, or MCM," Diana began, her voice echoing slightly in the quiet of the room.

Hector's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he adjusted his position to listen better.

Diana continued, "MCM was responsible for the preservation, management, and sometimes the necessary elimination of magical creatures to keep the balance. One of the most challenging missions your grandfather undertook was dealing with a rogue flight of dragons in the Scottish Highlands."

"The dragons, led by a particularly ferocious Welsh Green, had strayed far from their designated territory, causing chaos and destruction," she added, her tone both grave and compelling.

Hector leaned forward, his interest piqued. "What did Grandpa do?"

"Your grandfather, equipped with his incredible skills and deep knowledge of magical creatures, set out to contain the situation. He didn't use a wand, Hector. Instead, he used his physical prowess and a specially crafted lance, which was enchanted to maximize his strength and agility," Diana explained, her hands gesturing to illustrate the intense scene.

"He faced the Welsh Green first. It was a brutal encounter. The dragon was strong and wild, breathing fire with a rage that scorched the earth. But Alistor, using his lance, managed to subdue the beast, employing a combination of his training and raw power. He ultimately had to make a tough decision to kill the dragon to prevent further destruction," she detailed, her voice lowering slightly as she spoke of the battle's climax.

"And the other dragons?" Hector asked, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and concern.

"Alistor handled them too, but with non-lethal measures. Utilizing his understanding of dragon behavior, he crafted a strategy that relied on their natural instincts. He led them into a narrow canyon, where their movements were restricted. Then, using a series of powerful, blunt-force spells—cast directly from his hands—he stunned each dragon in turn," Diana explained.

She described how Alistor, moving with the agility and precision of a seasoned warrior, climbed atop each stunned dragon, finding their pressure points—a technique he had mastered over decades. With precise, calculated force, he applied pressure to render them unconscious temporarily. "These were not just random attacks; each move was calculated and deliberate, meant to incapacitate without causing permanent harm."

Hector's eyes widened, imagining his grandfather, the legendary figure, as a tactician and a combatant, handling these mighty beasts with such skill and care.

Diana paused, then added a mysterious twist to the tale. "There's also a legend, Hector, though never confirmed, that your grandfather once bested both Dumbledore and Grindelwald together in their prime. It was said to have happened during a secret meeting that escalated into a magical confrontation."

Hector's mouth fell open. "Both of them? Together? Really?"

"That's the story," Diana smiled slightly, enjoying the intrigue it sparked in her son. "No one can confirm or deny it, as the details are locked away in history, and those involved have never spoken of it."

The room was silent for a moment as Hector imagined his grandfather in such a legendary duel.

Diana looked at Hector, her expression softening. "These stories, Hector, they're part of our heritage. They teach us about the strengths and burdens of our family. Your grandfather wasn't just a fighter; he was a protector, someone who made hard choices for the greater good."

Hector felt a deep sense of pride and a burgeoning sense of duty as he listened to his mother. The stories of Alistor's bravery and wisdom were not just tales of adventure; they were lessons in the ethics and responsibilities that came with their family's magical prowess.

"Thank you for telling me, Mum. I want to be brave and wise like Grandpa," Hector said earnestly, his young mind filled with dreams of living up to the Marshall legacy.

"You're well on your way, Hector," Diana replied, reaching over to ruffle his hair affectionately. "Now, off to bed with you. Tomorrow is another day filled with learning and maybe the start of your own stories."

As Hector made his way to his room, his thoughts were ablaze with images of dragons and magical duels, his heart full of admiration for the grandfather he aspired to emulate.

The breakfast table was unusually lively that morning, the air still buzzing with the tales of Alistor's legendary exploits from the night before. Hector, fueled by stories of daring and magical mastery, could barely contain his excitement. He kept glancing at his grandfather with a mix of awe and curiosity, his imagination running wild with images of dragon battles and magical feats.

As Alistor spread some jam on his toast, Hector finally broke the silence that had momentarily fallen over the table. "Grandpa, could you show me how you knocked those dragons out? I mean, actually show me, not just tell me about it," Hector asked eagerly, his eyes bright with anticipation.

Alistor looked up, his expression one of amusement mingled with pride. "You want a demonstration, eh? Well, I suppose there's no harm in a little morning exercise," he replied, wiping his hands on a napkin as he stood from the table. "Finish your breakfast, and then we'll head to the training grounds. There's plenty of space there to show you properly."

Hector hurried through the remainder of his meal, his thoughts racing ahead to the training grounds. When they were both ready, Alistor led the way, his pace steady and sure. The training grounds were a vast open area, a bit further from the mansion, where the family practiced various forms of magic. It was here that Hector had spent many hours under his father's guidance, learning to channel magic through his body.

As they arrived, the cool morning air felt refreshing, the openness of the field a stark contrast to the cozy breakfast nook. Alistor paused, surveying the area with a tactical eye. "First, let me show you the stance and the focus required," Alistor began, positioning himself with his feet firmly apart. "In combat, especially with something as large and unpredictable as a dragon, your stability is key."

Hector watched intently as Alistor demonstrated a stance that was both grounded and flexible. "Now, the magic," Alistor continued. He closed his eyes briefly, inhaling deeply. When he opened them again, there was a palpable change in the air around him, a subtle thrum of power.

"Magic, especially when used in physical combat, must be directed precisely. It's not just about power; it's about how you control and channel that power." Alistor's voice was firm, his eyes locked on an imaginary foe as he extended his arm, his hand balled into a fist.

Suddenly, with a swift outward movement, Alistor punched the air. The force of his strike sent a ripple through the air, a visible wave of energy that whistled softly as it traveled. "Each strike must be controlled but forceful. Imagine you are focusing all your magical energy into a single point," he explained, turning to Hector with a serious gaze.

Hector nodded, absorbing every word, every movement. He tried mimicking the stance, feeling the stability it offered.

"Good, Hector. Now, feel the magic rise from within, channel it through your core, down your arm, and out," Alistor instructed.

Hector focused, attempting to replicate his grandfather's actions. His first few attempts felt awkward, his movements too rigid, too tentative. But with Alistor's patient guidance, he began to feel a connection, a flow of energy that he hadn't fully grasped before.

As they continued, Alistor took the opportunity to weave in lessons about the ethics of magic use. "Remember, Hector, magic is a powerful tool, and with great power comes great responsibility. It's not just about defending yourself or overcoming foes; it's about understanding the impact of your actions, ensuring you do not cause unnecessary harm."

Hector listened solemnly. The fun of the magical demonstration was deepened by the gravity of the lesson, the responsibility that came with wielding such power.

"Magic must be used responsibly, especially in combat. That's why we train, why we learn not just the how, but the why, the when, and the where of using our abilities. It's why I handled those dragons the way I did. It wasn't just about stopping them; it was about preserving the balance, protecting life."

The morning wore on, and Hector practiced under Alistor's watchful eye, each movement becoming smoother, more confident. As they wrapped up their session, Hector felt a profound sense of accomplishment and a deeper understanding of what it meant to be a part of his magical family.

"Thanks, Grandpa. I understand much better now, not just about knocking out dragons but about being a wizard," Hector said, a mature realization dawning in his young eyes.

Alistor smiled, clapping Hector gently on the shoulder. "You're learning fast, Hector. I'm proud of you. Remember, the true strength of a wizard lies not only in his power but in his choices."

As they walked back to the mansion, Hector felt a new sense of anticipation. He could not wait till the time he was strong enough to have a boxing match against a dragon...

After the day's lessons and demonstrations of magic, Hector lay in his bed, his mind buzzing with new knowledge and a sense of burgeoning power. Despite the warmth of his covers and the gentle crackle of the fire in his hearth, sleep eluded him. The tales of dragons and ethical use of magic, along with the hands-on training, had ignited a restless energy in him.

Unable to succumb to sleep, Hector slipped out of his bed and padded softly down the hallway to Alistor's room. He hesitated at the door, then knocked softly, his heart thumping slightly in his chest.

The door creaked open, and Alistor appeared, his tall frame filling the doorway, his face a mix of surprise and amusement at seeing Hector up so late. "Can't sleep, eh?" Alistor asked, his voice deep but gentle.

"No, Grandpa. All the stories and training today... they've got me thinking too much," Hector admitted, shifting on his feet.

Alistor stepped aside, gesturing for Hector to come in. "Well then, perhaps a story might help settle your mind. Come on in."

Hector entered the room, climbing onto the large, comfortable bed as Alistor pulled a chair close. The room was dimly lit by a single lamp, casting soft shadows that made the space feel timeless, a link to the stories of the past.

"Let me tell you a story about an ancestor of ours, Arthur Marshall, from the time of the witch trials, a dark period when fear and ignorance led to many injustices," Alistor began, his voice low and captivating.

Hector nestled under a blanket, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"Arthur was a man of courage and principle, much like you're growing up to be," Alistor continued. "At that time, many witches and wizards lived in hiding, fearing discovery by non-magical folks who misunderstood and mistreated magic. One day, Arthur learned of a young Muggle-born witch in a nearby village who had been accused of witchcraft merely because she had saved a child's life using her nascent magical abilities. The villagers, spurred by fear and a particularly malicious wizard who despised Muggle-borns, planned to burn her at the stake."

Hector's eyes widened in horror. "What did he do, Grandpa?"

"With little regard for his own safety, Arthur rode to the village under the cloak of night. He knew the dangers that awaited him, not just from the frightened villagers but also from the evil wizard, who was a powerful adversary," Alistor said, his voice tense with the gravity of the situation.

"Upon arriving, Arthur found the village square filled with angry villagers and the young witch bound to a stake, the firewood piled high around her. The evil wizard was there too, inciting the crowd further with lies and fearmongering," Alistor painted the grim scene.

"Disguised in a cloak, Arthur approached the crowd, his heart pounding but his resolve firm. As he drew closer, he whispered a spell that doused the torches and plunged the square into darkness. Confusion erupted among the villagers, and in that chaos, Arthur cut the witch free and shielded her with his body."

Hector listened, enraptured by the tale of heroism.

"The evil wizard, realizing what was happening, attacked. A duel ensued between him and Arthur. It was a fierce battle, showcasing Arthur's mastery of both defensive and offensive magic. The duel was intense and dangerous, with spells clashing in the night, casting eerie lights over the terrified faces of the onlookers," Alistor narrated, his hands gesturing to mimic the magical combat.

"Finally, with a clever maneuver and a powerful spell, Arthur subdued the evil wizard, binding him in magical chains. He then turned to the villagers, who watched in awe and fear. Arthur spoke to them of tolerance and understanding, of the need to see beyond fear and recognize the good in all beings, magical or not."

"The young witch, saved from certain death, thanked Arthur. He promised her protection and helped her to find a safe haven where she could learn to control and use her magic without fear," Alistor concluded, his tone softening.

Hector, moved by the story, felt a deep connection to his ancestor. "That was brave, what he did. He was a hero, wasn't he?" Hector murmured, his voice filled with admiration and a newfound understanding of the courage and responsibility that came with his heritage.

"Yes, he was," Alistor agreed, his eyes reflecting the pride and a hint of sadness for those darker times. "And remember, Hector, with the power we possess comes the duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves, to stand up against injustice, and to always strive to do what is right."

As Alistor's words sank in, Hector felt a quiet resolve stirring within him. He imagined himself as a hero like Arthur ,saving those in need and making a difference in the world. The tale not only settled his restless mind but also filled him with dreams of his own future deeds.

With his eyes growing heavy, Hector finally felt the pull of sleep. "Thank you, Grandpa, for the story," he whispered, already half-asleep.

"You're welcome, young hero. Goodnight," Alistor replied, tucking the blanket around Hector and watching over him as he drifted into dreams filled with courage and adventure.