
Hector Marshall : Reborn in Harry Potter

In the shadowy corners of the wizarding world, where ancient secrets whisper through the halls of a secluded manor, Hector Marshall, an orphan of 12 years is reincarnated and reborn into a family unlike any other. The Marshalls, renowned for their unique and potent form of magic known as Body Magic, are guardians of powerful secrets and even more formidable creatures. With the blood of knights and mystics running through his veins, young Hector is destined to wield powers that blend the physical with the magical in ways that are scarcely imaginable to the ordinary wizard.

Writing_Wolf · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 17 : Ministry’s Christmas Ball

The twilight sky was painted in shades of violet and deep blue, the stars beginning to pierce through the veil of night. The grand estate of Cornelius Fudge, the new Minister of Magic, stood illuminated like a beacon, a symbol of power and prestige. Tonight, it hosted the annual Christmas ball, an event that drew the crème de la crème of the wizarding world. Yet, this year, there was an undercurrent of anticipation—a ripple of excitement mingled with anxiety. The reclusive Marshalls were making an appearance.

A sudden gust of wind swept through the crowd, stirring the hem of elaborate robes and causing whispers to hush abruptly. The air was charged with an electric thrill as two majestic figures on gleaming graynians descended from the sky, their silhouettes stark against the fading light. Hector and his formidable grandfather, Alistor, made their entrance with an almost ethereal grace, the graynians' silvery manes catching the moonlight and casting an otherworldly glow.

They touched down with a soft thud, the beasts' powerful wings folding gracefully. Alistor dismounted first, his presence commanding immediate respect. His eyes, sharp and unyielding, surveyed the crowd. Hector followed, trying to mirror his grandfather's confident demeanor, though his heart pounded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The crowd parted like the Red Sea, eyes wide with awe and curiosity.

Cornelius Fudge, the first to recover from the shock, hurried forward, a smile plastered on his face. "Alistor Marshall, what an unexpected honor," he gushed, his voice a tad too high-pitched. "And this must be your grandson, Hector. Welcome, welcome."

Alistor inclined his head, his expression inscrutable. "Thank you, Minister," he said in a tone that brooked no insincerity. "It's a pleasure to be here."

Hector's eyes roamed the scene, taking in the opulence of the ball. The estate was adorned with twinkling fairy lights, and the aroma of sumptuous food wafted through the air. He spotted familiar faces from the books he had read in his previous life—now real, living individuals.

As they moved further into the gathering, Albus Dumbledore approached, his long silver beard gleaming under the lights. "Alistor, it's been too long," he greeted warmly, his blue eyes twinkling. "And you must be Hector. I've heard a great deal about you."

Hector shook Dumbledore's hand, feeling a rush of awe. "It's an honor to meet you, Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore's smile widened. "The honor is mine, young Marshall. I look forward to seeing what you achieve in the future."

They continued to weave through the crowd, meeting various prominent figures. Minerva McGonagall, with her stern but kind eyes, nodded approvingly. "It's good to see you, Alistor. And Hector, welcome to our community."

Filius Flitwick, standing on his toes to get a better look at Hector, chimed in, "I've heard you have quite the magical potential, young man. I look forward to seeing it firsthand."

Hector felt a mix of pride and humility. These were the individuals who had shaped the magical world, and now they were acknowledging him. He couldn't help but compare their real-life personas to the characters he knew from the books. Dumbledore was every bit as wise and kind as he'd imagined, while McGonagall's stern exterior hid a heart of gold.

The evening progressed with more introductions. Hector met Kingsley Shacklebolt, whose calm and commanding presence left a lasting impression. "Welcome, Hector. Your family's reputation precedes you," Kingsley said with a firm handshake.

Then came Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, whose magical eye whirred as he scrutinized Hector. "Keep your wits about you, lad," Moody grunted. "The magical world is full of dangers. Never let your guard down."

Hector nodded seriously, understanding the weight of Moody's words. He was beginning to see that the world he was entering was one where vigilance and strength were paramount.

Throughout these interactions, Hector reflected on the nuances that the books never covered. The subtle power plays, the unspoken alliances, and the weight of history that each person carried with them. This was a world where strength and respect were paramount, where the Marshalls were both revered and feared.

As the conversations flowed, Alistor's influence became more apparent. Even Dumbledore, a figure of immense power and respect, treated him with a deference that spoke volumes. The light faction members, while friendly and welcoming, clearly recognized the strength and authority that Alistor wielded.

Hector marveled at the different facets of the magical society he was now part of. He noted how the people here, the movers and shakers of the magical world, navigated their social sphere with a blend of charm, wit, and subtle power. His previous life's knowledge provided a unique perspective, allowing him to appreciate the depth and complexity of the interactions he witnessed.

As he was introduced to more characters, such as the fierce and imposing Amelia Bones, the dignified Elphias Doge, and the reserved but powerful Emmeline Vance, Hector's admiration for his grandfather grew. Alistor handled each introduction with a blend of respect and understated authority that left no doubt about the Marshall family's standing.

While Hector's introduction to the magical world was overwhelming, it was also exhilarating. He realized that the books he had read only scratched the surface of the true depth of this world. The reality was far more intricate and awe-inspiring than he had ever imagined.

The ballroom, filled with shimmering lights and melodious music, was alive with conversations and laughter. Yet, in a shadowy corner of the grand hall, a group of wizards and witches from the Dark Faction gathered, their expressions a mix of disdain and curiosity. Lucius Malfoy, his pale hair slicked back and his aristocratic features set in a perpetual sneer, stood at the center of the group, his eyes narrowed as he observed Alistor and Hector Marshall making their rounds.

"Can you believe the nerve of those Marshalls?" Lucius spat, his voice low but dripping with venom. "They think they can waltz in here and garner respect when they've sullied their bloodline by intermingling with muggles."

Tiberius Parkinson, a burly man with a permanent scowl etched on his face, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. They've always been too close to muggles and muggle-borns for my liking. Their so-called strength is nothing compared to the purity of our blood."

Beside him, Cygnus Nott, a tall, thin man with sharp features and cold eyes, added, "Henry Marshall married that muggle-born witch, and now they flaunt their mixed-blood offspring as if he's something special. It's laughable that the light faction fawns over them."

Lucius's lips curled into a sneer. "Indeed. Hector may have inherited some power from the Marshall line, but he is still a product of a diluted bloodline. It's laughable that the light faction fawns over them."

Vincent Crabbe Sr., stoic and imposing, his eyes cold and calculating, stood nearby. "The Marshalls' power is undeniable, but their lack of purity will always be their weakness. They think their strength alone can command respect, but true power lies in bloodline and tradition."

Gregory Goyle Sr., Rabastan Goyle, chimed in, "They've always been outsiders, never truly belonging to any faction. It's why they keep to themselves on that estate of theirs, pretending to be above the rest of us."

Lucius's eyes flicked to the center of the ballroom where Alistor was now conversing with Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge. "Look at Fudge, practically groveling at Alistor's feet. The Minister of Magic reduced to a sycophant," he muttered, shaking his head in disgust. "Fudge may be our puppet, but he still has no backbone."

Tiberius leaned closer, his voice a hiss. "We should remind the magical world of what true power looks like. The Marshalls are a threat to our ideals, and their influence must be undermined."

Lucius's expression darkened as he considered his words. "Patience, Tiberius. Our time will come. For now, we observe and wait. The political landscape is shifting, and soon we will have the opportunity to strike when they least expect it."

From the shadows, the other dark wizards and witches listened intently, their expressions ranging from agreement to silent contemplation. The Dark Faction thrived on their pure-blood supremacy, and the Marshalls, with their mixed heritage, were an affront to everything they stood for.

Vincent Crabbe Sr. spoke up, "The Marshalls might be strong, but they are just men. Men can be broken."

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "Indeed, Vincent. And broken they will be, but not just yet. We must be strategic. For now, we watch and wait. We ensure that the magical community sees the Marshalls for what they truly are—an anomaly, not a standard."

He turned his gaze back to the center of the ballroom, where Hector was now shaking hands with Kingsley Shacklebolt. The scene made his blood boil, but he kept his composure, masking his contempt behind a veneer of calm.

"Let them have their moment," Lucius said, his voice icy. "But make no mistake, the Dark Faction will rise again, and when we do, the Marshalls will regret ever standing in our way."

As the group continued to murmur among themselves, the underlying tension was palpable. The Marshalls' appearance had ruffled more than a few feathers, and the Dark Faction's resolve to undermine them had only strengthened.

While the ballroom remained a picture of festive elegance, the seeds of future conflict were being sown in its dark corners. The Marshalls, despite their strength and influence, were not immune to the machinations of those who valued blood purity above all else. As the night progressed, the lines between light and dark became more defined, each side preparing for the inevitable clash that lay ahead.

As the elegant chandeliers cast a warm glow over the ballroom, Alistor and Hector continued their introductions and conversations, now accompanied by Mr. Greengrass and Amelia Bones. The group found a quieter corner of the room, away from the crowd, to engage in more meaningful discussions.

Mr. Greengrass, a tall and distinguished man with silvering hair, was speaking with Alistor. "It's good to see you here, Alistor. It's been too long since the Marshalls have graced such an event."

Alistor nodded. "Indeed, Greengrass. It felt necessary to reintroduce Hector to the magical society. He's been training hard, and it's time he starts understanding the wider world he'll be part of."

Amelia Bones, with her square jaw and stern demeanor softened by a genuine smile, chimed in. "It's a pleasure to meet you again Hector. Diana speaks highly of him. I'm sure you will make quite an impression."

Hector, feeling a mix of pride and nerves, replied, "Thank you, Madam Bones. It's an honor to be here and meet everyone."

Amelia's niece, Susan Bones, had told Hector much about her aunt's formidable reputation within the Ministry of Magic. Standing next to Mr. Greengrass and Amelia Bones made Hector keenly aware of the significance of the company he was keeping.

As they conversed, the matriarch of the Longbottom family, Augusta Longbottom, approached. She was a tall, imposing woman, dressed in a regal gown and wearing a large, rather intimidating hat adorned with a vulture. Her presence commanded respect.

"Alistor, it's been ages," Augusta said, her voice steady and strong. "I'm glad to see the Marshalls have not retreated entirely from public life."

Alistor inclined his head respectfully. "Augusta, it's good to see you. I was deeply sorry to hear about Frank and Alice. They were brave and noble."

A shadow passed over Augusta's face. "Thank you, Alistor. It's been difficult, but Neville is growing into a fine young man. We carry on."

As the group continued their discussion about the current state of affairs, particularly the leniency shown towards former Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy and his entourage approached. Malfoy, with his characteristic sneer, couldn't resist the opportunity to belittle those he viewed as beneath him.

"Ah, the Longbottoms," Lucius drawled, his voice dripping with disdain. "Such a tragedy, what happened to Frank and Alice. But then, perhaps it was inevitable, given their... inadequacies."

The comment hung in the air, a palpable insult aimed directly at Augusta. Hector felt a surge of anger on behalf of the Longbottoms, and it was clear Alistor shared his sentiments.

Alistor's eyes narrowed, and his voice cut through the tension like a blade. "Watch your tongue, Malfoy. The Longbottoms have shown more bravery and honor than you could ever comprehend. Your cheap insults are not welcome here."

Malfoy's face twisted with barely concealed rage, but the fear in his eyes was unmistakable. He knew better than to directly confront Alistor Marshall, whose reputation for strength and ruthlessness was legendary.

"Careful, Malfoy," Alistor continued, his voice low and dangerous. "Even Voldemort himself knew better than to provoke the Marshalls. You would do well to remember that."

The gathered crowd fell silent, eyes turning to witness the exchange. Malfoy, his arrogance momentarily shattered, took a step back. His followers, including Tiberius Parkinson and Cygnus Nott, looked equally cowed.

"Let's go," Malfoy spat, turning on his heel and leading his entourage away, seething with the promise of future retribution. "This isn't over."

As Malfoy and his cronies retreated, the atmosphere in the ballroom slowly returned to normal. Alistor turned back to Augusta and the others, his expression softening.

"My apologies, Augusta. That was uncalled for," he said.

Augusta gave a curt nod. "Thank you, Alistor. Your support means a great deal. Frank and Alice would have appreciated it."

Hector felt a deep sense of pride in his grandfather. The Marshalls' unwavering support for those they considered friends and allies, regardless of the factions, was a testament to their honor and strength.

As the group settled back into their conversation, Hector's mind buzzed with thoughts. Meeting these pivotal figures in the magical world, seeing their interactions, and witnessing the complexities of alliances and enmities first-hand was an eye-opening experience. He realized more than ever that the world outside the Marshall estate was a place of intrigue and power struggles, and he was determined to navigate it with the same strength and honor that his family embodied.

As the ballroom settled from the confrontation between Alistor Marshall and Lucius Malfoy, a palpable shift in the atmosphere could be felt. Conversations had quieted, eyes furtively glanced towards the Marshalls, and whispers buzzed like bees among the guests.

Hector, standing by his grandfather's side, could see the varied reactions of the crowd. The members of the Light Faction, such as Alastor Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt, wore expressions of respect and approval. Moody, with his magical eye constantly swiveling, nodded approvingly towards Alistor. "Typical Malfoy," he muttered to Kingsley, "always poking where he shouldn't. Good to see someone put him in his place."

Kingsley, tall and composed, glanced over at the Marshalls with a hint of a smile. "The Marshalls have always been a force to reckon with. It's reassuring to see them take such a firm stand."

Hector caught snippets of conversations from the Light Faction members. Many expressed relief that Alistor had intervened, and there was an undercurrent of hope that the Marshalls' reemergence might tip the scales in their favor.

On the other hand, the Dark Faction was abuzz with a mixture of fear and anger. Tiberius Parkinson, his face red with indignation, whispered fiercely to his companions, "The Marshalls think they're untouchable. One day, they'll find out they're not."

Cygnus Nott, less vocal but equally displeased, watched the Marshalls with narrowed eyes. His mind was already turning over strategies to undermine their influence without directly confronting them.

Hector observed these reactions with a keen eye. The magical society he had read about in his previous life had always seemed more straightforward, but now he realized just how intricate and layered it was. There were alliances and rivalries, respect and resentment, all playing out in subtle gestures and whispered words.

As the evening wore on, Alistor and Hector made their rounds, engaging in polite conversations and making their presence felt. They were approached by numerous dignitaries, each eager to exchange pleasantries and secure a favorable impression with the Marshalls.

Hector's reflections deepened. Meeting these key figures in person brought the magical world to life in a way that books never could. He noted the differences between the characters he had read about and the real people standing before him. The books had glossed over many nuances, focusing mainly on the school years and major events. Here, in the grand ballroom, he saw the subtleties of power and influence, the unspoken rules that governed interactions.

As the night drew to a close, Alistor signaled to Hector that it was time to depart. They made their way through the crowd, exchanging final farewells. Cornelius Fudge, the new Minister of Magic, was particularly effusive in his gratitude for their attendance. "It has been an honor, Alistor. We hope to see more of the Marshalls at future events."

Alistor gave a polite nod. "Thank you, Minister. We shall see."

Once outside, the cool night air was a refreshing change from the warmth of the ballroom. Alistor paused, looking down at Hector with a thoughtful expression. "Tonight was more than just a social event, Hector. It was a lesson."

Hector nodded, his mind still buzzing with all he had seen and heard. "I understand, Grandfather. The way people reacted, both the respect and the fear... it showed me just how important strength and presence are in this world."

Alistor placed a firm hand on Hector's shoulder. "Precisely. The magical world is fraught with complexities. Respect and strength are currencies here, more valuable than gold. Never show weakness, but also understand the power of respect. Earn it, give it where it's due, and wield it wisely."

As they mounted their Granians and took to the sky, Hector's thoughts drifted to the people he had met. The Light Faction's admiration, the Dark Faction's fear, and the nuanced layers of magical society all swirled in his mind. He realized that while the books had given him a foundation, living in this world required a deeper understanding and a sharper sense of awareness.

The ride home was quiet, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Hector felt a newfound determination solidify within him. He had much to learn, but he also had the strength and the will to navigate this world, guided by the wisdom and power of his family.

As they landed back at the Marshall estate, Hector glanced at his grandfather. "Thank you for tonight, Grandfather. I learned more than I ever imagined."

Alistor smiled, a rare but genuine expression. "And you will continue to learn, Hector. This is just the beginning. Always honor our name, and you will never falter."

Hector nodded, absorbing the weight of those words. The night had been a revelation, and he was ready to embrace the path ahead, armed with the knowledge and strength of the Marshalls.