
Hector Marshall : Reborn in Harry Potter

In the shadowy corners of the wizarding world, where ancient secrets whisper through the halls of a secluded manor, Hector Marshall, an orphan of 12 years is reincarnated and reborn into a family unlike any other. The Marshalls, renowned for their unique and potent form of magic known as Body Magic, are guardians of powerful secrets and even more formidable creatures. With the blood of knights and mystics running through his veins, young Hector is destined to wield powers that blend the physical with the magical in ways that are scarcely imaginable to the ordinary wizard.

Writing_Wolf · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 16 : Visiting the Greengrass Family.

Hector stood in front of his mirror, meticulously adjusting the collar of his formal robes. The fabric felt smooth and luxurious against his skin, a stark contrast to the training attire he was used to. Today was a significant day; he and his father, Henry, were visiting the Greengrass family. This was the second time he would meet people he had read about in his previous life, and a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursed through him.

As he tied his shoes, his mother, Diana, entered the room. "You look quite handsome, Hector," she said, her smile warm and reassuring.

"Thanks, Mum," Hector replied, smoothing down his robes. "I'm just a bit nervous. What if I don't make a good impression?"

Diana chuckled softly and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You'll do fine, Hector. Just be yourself. The Greengrass family values strength and integrity, much like we do."

Henry entered the room, already dressed and ready. "Ready to go, son?" he asked, his voice steady and encouraging.

Hector nodded, though his stomach fluttered with butterflies. "Yes, Father. But can you tell me more about the Greengrass family? I want to make sure I remember everyone."

Diana sat down, her expression thoughtful. "Of course. The Greengrass family has been our business partners for generations. They provide us with essential herbs and plant-based products that we use for our magical creatures and in our rituals. Their family is quite prominent in the wizarding world, and it's important to understand their dynamics."

She began to recount the members of the Greengrass family. "Firstly, there's Mr. Cyrus Greengrass. He's a shrewd businessman and an expert in herbology. His knowledge of magical plants is unparalleled, and he's the one who manages their business dealings. He's very pragmatic and values strength and loyalty, much like us."

Hector nodded, absorbing the information. "And Mrs. Greengrass?"

"Mrs. Ariadne Greengrass," Diana continued, "is a remarkable witch. She's elegant and poised, with a deep understanding of ancient magical practices. She's the one who oversees the cultivation and harvesting of their plants. Her demeanor is always composed, and she's known for her sharp mind and insight."

"And their daughters?" Hector asked, recalling the names mentioned previously.

"Daphne and Astoria," Diana replied. "Daphne is the older sister. She's around your age, very intelligent, and carries herself with confidence. She has a strong sense of duty to her family and their business. Astoria, the younger sister, is a few years younger than you. She's quite spirited and curious about the world around her."

Hector took a deep breath, trying to remember everything. "It sounds like they're a close-knit family."

"They are," Diana affirmed. "Much like us, they value family above all else. It's important to establish a good rapport with them, not just for business but also for building strong alliances."

As they spoke, Henry adjusted his own robes and prepared for their departure. "Remember, Hector, our families share common values, but it's always good to be observant. Learn as much as you can about them."

Hector nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He couldn't help but recall the fan discussions about Daphne's icy demeanor. Would she be cold and aloof, or was there more to her than the fandom suggested?

As they prepared to leave, Diana placed a gentle hand on Hector's shoulder. "Remember, be yourself. Show them the respect and strength that defines a Marshall. You'll do great."

"Thanks, Mum. Can you remind me about the rest of the family members one more time?" Hector asked, wanting to make sure he had everything clear in his mind.

"Of course," Diana said with a smile. "Cyrus Greengrass, as I mentioned, is the head of the family. He's a formidable man, very knowledgeable about herbology and business. Ariadne Greengrass, his wife, is equally impressive, known for her ancient magical practices and wisdom. Then there's Daphne, who is your age, known for her intelligence and confidence. Lastly, there's Astoria, the younger sister, who is quite curious and spirited."

Hector nodded, committing the names and descriptions to memory. He wanted to ensure he made a good impression and remembered each member's role within the family.

Henry adjusted his own robes, making sure everything was in place. "Ready to go, son?"

"Yes, Father. I'm ready," Hector said, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves.

The two of them made their way to the grand hall, where the fireplace awaited. The Floo Network had become a familiar mode of travel for Hector, but there was always a slight twinge of apprehension before stepping into the green flames.

"Remember, Hector," Henry said as they approached the fireplace, "the Greengrass family is our ally. Treat them with respect, and show them the strength and integrity that define us as Marshalls."

"I will, Father," Hector replied, his resolve firming. He felt a mixture of excitement and determination as he prepared to step into the Floo Network.

Henry reached for a small pouch of Floo Powder, holding it out to Hector. "Here, take this."

Hector took a pinch of the powder, the cool granules slipping through his fingers. He looked up at his father, who gave him an encouraging nod.

With a deep breath, Hector stepped into the fireplace, feeling the cool stone against his back. He threw the Floo Powder into the flames, which roared to life with a vibrant green hue.

"Greengrass Manor!" he called out, his voice steady and clear.

The flames enveloped him, and he felt the familiar sensation of being whisked away through the Floo Network. As he traveled through the swirling vortex, his thoughts remained focused on the upcoming meeting and the impression he hoped to make.

Emerging from the fireplace at Greengrass Manor, Hector dusted off the residual ash from his robes, his nerves now replaced with a sense of purpose and determination.

The morning sun streamed through the windows of Greengrass Manor, casting a warm glow over the elegant dining room where Daphne Greengrass sat, her younger sister Astoria beside her. They were waiting for their guests to arrive. The Marshalls were a family she had heard much about but had never met. Her parents spoke of them with respect, emphasizing the strength and integrity that defined the Marshall family.

"Daphne, please make sure you and Astoria are on your best behavior," her mother, Ariadne Greengrass, said, her tone gentle but firm. "The Marshalls are important allies."

Daphne nodded, adjusting the hem of her dress. "Of course, Mother. We'll make sure to be polite and respectful."

Astoria, her eyes wide with curiosity, looked up at her older sister. "Do you think they'll be nice?"

"I hope so," Daphne replied with a small smile. "They certainly have a reputation for being strong and honorable."

As the time for the Marshalls' arrival drew near, Daphne couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation. She had always been curious about people who wielded such power and strength. The stories she had heard painted them as formidable, yet just. She wondered what Hector, the boy who was her age, would be like. Would he be serious and stern, or would there be a lighter side to him?

The sound of the Floo Network activating in the grand hall drew her attention. Her father, Cyrus Greengrass, stood at the ready, his posture straight and imposing. Her mother joined him, her expression calm and welcoming. Daphne and Astoria followed, standing a bit behind their parents.

In a flash of green flames, the Marshalls arrived. Henry Marshall stepped out first, tall and strong, with an air of confidence that filled the room. His eyes were sharp, taking in his surroundings with a quick, assessing glance. Following him was Hector, who dusted off the ash from his robes with a calm precision.

Daphne's first impression of Hector was that he carried himself with a confidence that belied his age. He didn't seem intimidated by the grandeur of the manor or the strict demeanor of her father. Instead, there was a steadiness in his gaze, a quiet assurance that made her curious.

"Mr. Greengrass," Henry greeted with a respectful nod. "Thank you for having us."

"Mr. Marshall, welcome to our home," Cyrus replied, extending a hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you and your son."

Hector stepped forward, his movements smooth and deliberate. "Thank you for having us, Mr. Greengrass," he said, his voice steady. He turned to Daphne and Astoria, giving them a polite nod. "It's nice to meet you both."

Daphne found herself intrigued by the calm confidence in Hector's voice. There was no trace of hesitation or nervousness. It was as if he was used to being in the presence of powerful people and had no reason to fear them.

"It's nice to meet you too, Hector," she replied, maintaining her composure.

Astoria, less restrained by formality, gave Hector a bright smile. "Hi! I'm Astoria. Are you excited to see our garden?"

Hector smiled back, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Very much so. I've heard a lot about the plants and herbs you grow here."

"Girls, why don't you show Hector around the house and the gardens?" Ariadne suggested, her tone gentle yet authoritative.

"Of course, Mother," Daphne said, turning to Hector. "Shall we?"

Hector nodded, and together with Astoria, they began the tour. As they walked through the halls of Greengrass Manor, Daphne found herself observing Hector closely. He seemed genuinely interested in everything around him, asking questions about the various paintings and artifacts that adorned the walls.

When they reached the gardens, Hector's curiosity only seemed to grow. He examined the plants with a keen eye, asking detailed questions about their properties and uses. Daphne found herself warming to his inquisitive nature.

"This is wolfsbane," Daphne explained, pointing to a tall, purple-flowered plant. "It's quite dangerous if not handled properly."

Hector nodded, leaning in to get a closer look. "I've read about it. It's fascinating how something so beautiful can be so deadly."

Daphne was surprised by his knowledge. "You know a lot about plants."

"My family uses a lot of herbs and plants for our magical creatures and rituals," Hector explained. "I guess I've picked up a few things along the way."

Astoria, skipping ahead, pointed to another section of the garden. "Over here! We have some rare herbs that Mother grows for special potions."

Hector followed her, his interest evident. "What kind of potions?"

Daphne joined them, explaining the different uses of each herb. Hector listened intently, occasionally making notes in a small notebook he carried. She found his enthusiasm infectious, and before she knew it, they were discussing the finer points of herbology with ease.

As they walked, Hector occasionally cracked jokes, attempting to lighten the mood. "You know, if this whole wizarding thing doesn't work out, you could always open a garden tour business."

Daphne couldn't help but smile at his remark. "I'll keep that in mind. But I think I'll stick to magic for now."

Hector laughed, a sound that was both genuine and warm. "Probably a good choice."

Their tour continued, with Hector showing an impressive amount of knowledge and respect for the plants and their uses. Daphne was surprised by how much she enjoyed his company. He wasn't at all what she had expected. Instead of the stern and serious boy she had imagined, Hector was kind, intelligent, and had a good sense of humor.

When they finally returned to the main house for lunch, Daphne felt a sense of camaraderie with Hector that she hadn't anticipated. He was different from the other boys she knew, and she found herself looking forward to getting to know him better.

As they entered the dining room, the adults were already seated, engaged in polite conversation. Daphne took her seat beside Astoria, with Hector sitting across from her. There was a sense of ease between them, a mutual respect that had formed during their tour.

Hector glanced at her, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thank you for the tour, Daphne. Your garden is truly impressive."

"You're welcome, Hector," she replied, returning his smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

As the meal began, Daphne couldn't help but feel that this was the start of a new friendship, one that would be beneficial for both their families. The Marshalls were not just business partners; they were allies, and she was beginning to see why they were so highly regarded.

Hector's presence had already made an impression on her, and she found herself looking forward to the future interactions they would have. For now, though, she was content to enjoy the meal and the company, knowing that this was just the beginning of a promising alliance.

Cyrus Greengrass watched his daughters escort young Hector Marshall out into the garden, their cheerful chatter fading as they moved further away. He turned to Henry, offering a courteous nod.

"Shall we retire to the study, Mr. Marshall? We have much to discuss," Cyrus suggested, his voice measured and polite.

"Lead the way," Henry replied, his tone equally formal but with a hint of camaraderie.

The two men made their way through the elegant corridors of Greengrass Manor, eventually reaching the study. It was a room that exuded both comfort and authority, with walls lined with bookshelves and a large, sturdy desk at its center. The scent of old leather and parchment filled the air, lending an air of gravitas to their meeting.

Cyrus gestured for Henry to take a seat, and the two men settled into the plush armchairs on either side of the desk. A house-elf appeared with a tray of tea, serving them with silent efficiency before disappearing as quickly as it had come.

"To our continued partnership," Cyrus said, raising his teacup in a toast.

"To our mutual prosperity," Henry replied, clinking his cup gently against Cyrus's.

As they sipped their tea, the conversation naturally shifted to their current business dealings. The Greengrass family had been supplying the Marshalls with high-quality herbs and plant-based products for generations, a partnership that had proven lucrative and beneficial for both families.

"We've seen an increase in demand for moonstone and unicorn hair," Cyrus began, setting his teacup down. "The recent rise in potion-making trends has been quite profitable. How has this affected your end of the market?"

Henry nodded thoughtfully. "The demand has certainly kept us busy. We've had to increase our harvests to keep up, but it's nothing we can't handle. Our reserves are still in good shape, and the quality of your supplies has been exemplary, as always."

Cyrus allowed himself a moment of silent reflection. He was deeply grateful to the Greengrass ancestor who had decided to forge this business partnership with the Marshalls. It had provided their family with a sense of security and stability that many other wizarding families lacked. The reputation and strength of the Marshalls ensured that few dared to antagonize them, and by extension, the Greengrass family as well.

 Cyrus thought to himself "Our ancestors were wise to establish this partnership, It has shielded us from many potential threats over the years". 

Their conversation soon turned to the current political climate in Britain. The aftermath of Voldemort's fall had left the wizarding world in a state of uneasy recovery. While many Death Eaters had been imprisoned, others had managed to escape justice, and the dark faction was slowly regaining some of its footing.

"Dumbledore's leniency is becoming a concern," Cyrus remarked, his tone growing more serious. "His insistence on non-lethal spells during the war allowed many of the dark faction to slip through the cracks. Now, they're regrouping, and Lucius Malfoy is leading the charge."

Henry's expression darkened at the mention of Malfoy. "Lucius is a shrewd manipulator. With Sirius Black imprisoned and the Black family lacking a strong representative, he's managed to position himself as the de facto leader of the dark faction. His influence is growing, thanks to his bribes and donations."

Cyrus nodded in agreement. "Malfoy's wealth and connections are formidable. He's managed to sway many who would otherwise remain neutral. The political landscape is shifting, and not necessarily for the better."

Henry leaned forward, his gaze intense. "If you encounter any problems, Cyrus, you must let me know. The Marshalls don't involve themselves in politics, but we won't hesitate to protect our allies."

Cyrus felt a surge of gratitude for Henry's unwavering support. "Thank you, Henry. It's reassuring to know we have your backing."

As their discussion began to wind down, the sound of approaching footsteps signaled the return of the children. Hector entered the study first, his face alight with curiosity and excitement. Daphne and Astoria followed, their expressions similarly animated.

"We had a wonderful tour," Hector announced, his eyes shining. "Your gardens are incredible."

Cyrus smiled warmly at the children. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now, let's join the others for lunch, shall we?"

The group made their way to the dining room, where Ariadne was already seated, overseeing the final preparations for the meal. The long table was set with an array of delicious dishes, each one meticulously prepared by the house-elves.

As they settled into their seats, Cyrus glanced around the table, feeling a sense of satisfaction. The alliance between their families was not just about business; it was about friendship and mutual respect.

Lunch began, and the conversation flowed naturally. The adults discussed the finer points of their businesses and the future market trends, while the children listened with interest. Cyrus took the opportunity to explain the current political situation in Britain, giving the younger generation a better understanding of the world they were growing up in.

"The wizarding world is divided into several factions," Cyrus began, his tone instructional. "There's the light faction, led by Dumbledore and his supporters. They advocate for peace and equality, but their methods can be overly lenient."

Henry continued, "Then there's the dark faction, currently under the influence of Lucius Malfoy. They seek power and control, often through questionable means. Their resurgence is troubling, especially with the Ministry's corruption."

Cyrus nodded. "And then there's the neutral faction, which tries to remain independent, avoiding conflict. However, true neutrality is difficult to maintain in these turbulent times."

Hector listened intently, absorbing the information. It was clear that the world he had read about was more complex and fraught with tension than he had imagined.

As lunch drew to a close, Cyrus felt a sense of optimism. The bond between the Greengrass and Marshall families was strong, and he was confident that together, they could navigate the challenges ahead.

The children excused themselves to explore the manor further, their laughter echoing through the halls. Cyrus watched them go, a smile on his face. The future was uncertain, but with allies like the Marshalls, he knew they were well-prepared to face whatever came their way.

Turning to Henry, Cyrus raised his glass in a final toast. "To our families, and to the strength of our partnership."

Henry clinked his glass against Cyrus's, a look of unwavering resolve in his eyes. "To our continued prosperity and unwavering support."

As they finished their drinks, the two men exchanged a nod of understanding. The bond between their families was not just one of convenience; it was one of loyalty, strength, and mutual respect. And it was this bond that would see them through the uncertain times ahead.

As the afternoon sun began to dip towards the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Greengrass estate, it was time for the Marshalls to depart. Hector, feeling a genuine sense of connection with Daphne and Astoria, turned to them with a smile.

"I've had a wonderful time today," he said earnestly. "Next time, I'll introduce you both to my friend Susan. I think you'll get along great."

Daphne, who had been somewhat reserved initially, nodded, her eyes reflecting a newfound warmth. "I'd like that, Hector. Thank you for visiting."

Astoria, always the more enthusiastic of the two, beamed. "Yes, please do! I'd love to meet Susan."

Henry approached Cyrus and Ariadne, shaking hands firmly. "Thank you for your hospitality. We'll be in touch regarding the new shipment schedule."

Cyrus nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "Safe travels, Henry. Our doors are always open to the Marshalls."

With final goodbyes exchanged, Henry and Hector stepped into the fireplace, their departure marked by the swirling green flames of the Floo Network. As the familiar tug of magic pulled them away, Hector couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the future meetings and adventures that lay ahead.