
Hector Marshall : Reborn in Harry Potter

In the shadowy corners of the wizarding world, where ancient secrets whisper through the halls of a secluded manor, Hector Marshall, an orphan of 12 years is reincarnated and reborn into a family unlike any other. The Marshalls, renowned for their unique and potent form of magic known as Body Magic, are guardians of powerful secrets and even more formidable creatures. With the blood of knights and mystics running through his veins, young Hector is destined to wield powers that blend the physical with the magical in ways that are scarcely imaginable to the ordinary wizard.

Writing_Wolf · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 15 : New Training Begins.

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the sprawling Marshall estate, signaling the start of Hector's new daily routine. The ritual had fundamentally changed him, and now it was time to harness that change through disciplined training. He woke up at six, the familiar sounds of the estate stirring him from sleep. This was the beginning of his journey to becoming a true Marshall.

His first task each day was to take care of Swiftfoot, his granian. The stable was quiet, except for the soft rustling of hay and the gentle nickers of the winged horses. Hector approached Swiftfoot's stall, a sense of responsibility settling over him. He cleaned the stall meticulously, ensuring it was comfortable and hygienic for Swiftfoot. Grooming the granian was a soothing ritual, brushing through the silver mane and inspecting the wings for any signs of wear or injury. Swiftfoot responded with gentle nudges, a bond of trust growing stronger with each passing day.

By seven, Hector was ready for his Muay Thai practice with Samrat Saenchai. The courtyard, surrounded by ancient stone walls, became his arena. Saenchai's instructions were precise and demanding. Each punch, kick, and movement had to be executed with perfect form and control. Hector felt his muscles burn, his body adapting to the rigorous demands. This training was not just physical; it was a mental exercise in discipline and resilience.

After two hours of intense practice, Hector joined his family for breakfast. The meals were nourishing, designed to fuel his body for the day's challenges. Conversations at the table often revolved around his progress, each family member providing insights and encouragement.

From ten until lunch, Hector delved into various subjects with Diana and Alistor. History, both magical and non-magical, was a cornerstone of his education. Understanding the past, the great wizards, and significant events provided context for his own place in the magical world. Language lessons honed his ability to communicate effectively, while studies in decorum prepared him for interactions in both wizarding and muggle societies.

After lunch, Hector rested, allowing his body to recover from the morning's exertions. These hours of rest were crucial, giving him the energy needed for the afternoon's activities.

At four, he began his cold weapons training, guided by his father and grandfather. The training grounds were vast, equipped with targets, dummies, and various weapons. This was where Hector would forge his skills with the sword, lance, spear, and shield.

Henry handed Hector a sword, its blade gleaming in the afternoon light. "The sword is an extension of your arm," he explained. "Every movement should be fluid, controlled."

Hector took the sword, feeling its weight and balance. The basic moves he needed to master included the slash, the thrust, and the parry. He started with the slash, a sweeping motion designed to cut through opponents. His father demonstrated, the blade slicing through the air with precision. Hector mimicked the movement, focusing on maintaining the balance and strength required.

Next was the thrust, a direct and powerful jab aimed at vital points. Henry guided Hector's hand, showing him how to generate maximum force while keeping his stance stable. Hector practiced the thrust repeatedly, feeling the power in his strikes grow with each attempt.

The parry was essential for defense, a technique to deflect incoming attacks. Alistor joined them, demonstrating how to use the sword to block and redirect blows. Hector practiced against his father, learning to anticipate attacks and react swiftly.

Moving on to the lance, Hector was introduced to its reach and power. The lance was used primarily on horseback, but mastering it on foot was crucial. The basic moves included the charge, the sweep, and the jab. The charge involved a powerful forward thrust, utilizing the full length of the lance. Henry explained the importance of timing and accuracy, especially when moving at high speed.

The sweep was a wide, arcing motion designed to clear a path or strike multiple opponents. Hector practiced the sweep, feeling the weight of the lance as it cut through the air. The jab, similar to the thrust with the sword, was a quick, precise strike aimed at vulnerable points. Each movement required strength and precision, skills that Hector was determined to develop.

The spear, versatile and deadly, had its own set of basic techniques. The spear thrust, similar to the lance jab, required precision and force. Hector practiced thrusting the spear at targets, aiming for the center to develop accuracy. The sweep with the spear was a lower, more controlled motion, ideal for sweeping an opponent's legs or striking at a distance.

Henry introduced the spear throw, a technique that combined strength, accuracy, and timing. Hector learned to gauge the distance and power needed to hit targets accurately. The spear, when thrown correctly, became a formidable weapon, capable of incapacitating an opponent from a distance.

The shield, a crucial element of defense, was next. Henry strapped a shield to Hector's arm, explaining its importance in both offense and defense. The basic moves included the block, the bash, and the guard. The block was straightforward, using the shield to absorb and deflect attacks. Hector practiced blocking strikes from his father, feeling the force of each blow and learning to brace himself.

The shield bash was an offensive move, using the shield to strike and push back opponents. Henry demonstrated how to generate power from the legs and torso, turning the shield into a weapon. Hector practiced bashing against targets, feeling the impact resonate through his arm.

The guard stance was about positioning and readiness, using the shield to cover vulnerable areas while preparing to counterattack. Alistor emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong guard, using the shield to create openings for strikes with the sword or spear.

As Hector's training progressed, he began to integrate the use of the shield with each weapon. The shield and sword combination was the most traditional, requiring Hector to balance offensive strikes with defensive blocks seamlessly. He practiced transitioning from a shield block to a sword slash, ensuring each movement was smooth and precise. The shield allowed him to create openings in his opponent's defense, exploiting them with quick, decisive sword strikes.

When training with the lance and shield, Hector learned to use the shield to protect himself while preparing for a powerful charge. The shield provided cover as he closed the distance, and with a swift movement, he could thrust the lance forward with deadly accuracy. The combination of reach and defense made this pairing formidable in battle scenarios, especially against multiple opponents.

The spear and shield combination required a different approach. Hector focused on using the shield to deflect attacks while keeping the spear ready for quick jabs and thrusts. He practiced maintaining a defensive stance, using the shield to block and parry while countering with precise spear strikes. The shield allowed him to control the pace of the fight, defending against blows and creating opportunities to strike back.

As he delved deeper into his training, Hector began to understand the philosophy behind the Marshall way of combat. It was not just about strength and skill, but also about strategy and adaptability. Every weapon had its own advantages and limitations, and mastering them required a deep understanding of their characteristics. The sword was versatile and agile, the lance had reach and power, the spear was precise and adaptable, and the shield provided a balance of defense and offense.

Henry often emphasized the importance of understanding one's own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of the opponent. "In battle, knowledge is as important as strength," he would say. "Knowing when to strike and when to defend can turn the tide of any fight."

Alistor, on the other hand, focused on the mental aspect of combat. He taught Hector the value of staying calm and composed, even in the heat of battle. "A clear mind is a powerful weapon," he advised. "Let your instincts guide you, but never lose control."

Each training session pushed Hector to his limits, both physically and mentally. His father and grandfather were relentless, ensuring he perfected each technique. The weight of the weapons, the intricacies of each move, and the necessity for precision made the training grueling. Yet, with each passing day, Hector felt himself grow stronger and more confident.

Evenings were reserved for family dinners, a time to reflect on the day's progress and discuss any challenges. Hector valued these moments, feeling the support and pride of his family. After dinner, he practiced meditation, focusing on controlling the magic that now flowed through him. The first gate had opened, and he needed to master this new power.

The weekends provided a change of pace. Long rides with Alistor across the estate allowed Hector to bond with Swiftfoot and learn about their land's history. These rides were a blend of physical activity and education, providing a broader perspective on his training.

Occasionally, he accompanied his mother to the non-magical world, learning about muggle society and current affairs. These trips were enlightening, showing Hector the complexities and similarities between the magical and non-magical worlds.

Hector's routine was demanding, but he embraced it with determination. Each day brought new challenges, new skills to master, and a deeper understanding of what it meant to be a Marshall. The legacy of his family was a guiding force, and with each training session, Hector moved closer to becoming the warrior he aspired to be.

By mastering the basics of each weapon and understanding the importance of strategy, Hector was laying the foundation for his future as a Marshall. The journey was just beginning, but with the guidance of his father and grandfather, he was well on his way to becoming a true warrior.