

Jesse and Maya Operate a small Café out on the outskirts of a City, Jesse unbeknownst to Maya is an Information dealer, While Maya unbeknownst to Jesse is a trained spy laying low after leaving her past life behind.

HentaiNeko · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter 3

A few minutes after dispatching George, Jesse was now in another alley, taking a breather between one of the green dumpsters scattered there. Jesse lit a fire in one of the many barrels used by the homeless to warm themselves during the biting cold at night. He took off his shirt which had a bit of blood in it, and a pair of white gloves he had worn when he did the deed, casting them into the crackling flames.

After taking a minute to see that everything had burned, Jesse changed into his work clothes and went to inspect the items he had gathered. George had two phones, a personal one, and one where he did his illegal activities. He took the batteries out before chucking the phones inside his bag with the laptop in it. As he started to make his way back to the Cafe Jesse took a look at the notebook included in his haul.

The notebook presented a series of meticulously arranged numbers, spanning the page from left to right. Jesse marveled at George's unexpected attention to detail. It was a coded notebook, a precaution taken by most people in the underground mainly to keep things private and avoid leaks in their information network.

"Who knew George was this meticulous?" Jesse whistled, he didn't expect any sort of professionalism from someone like him. It didn't really pose a problem for Jesse, he knew how to break codes like this, it was only a matter of time before he found out what he needed. Checking his watch it was already past 1:00 pm. Jax was sure to tease him even if he was the boss.

Jesse hailed a cab and directed the driver to take him back to the Cafe.

Taking a seat in the backseat of the cab Jesse pulled out the laptop. Lifting the screen, he was surprised with the amount of post-its, scattered on the screen. Picking one out, it had *password* written on it.


"My guy." Jesse laughed, entering the password, Jesse effortlessly bypassed the security measures.

To his surprise, the screen displayed something unexpected. George, it seemed, had developed a peculiar habit of recording video logs detailing his daily activities. It was an impressive level of organization for someone so inherently wicked. The logs were neatly categorized by year, month, and week, with George faithfully documenting his exploits twice a day—once in the morning and again at night. Intrigued, he connected a pair of earphones he had and Jesse clicked on the most recent entry, and George's face appeared on the screen.

"Damned computer! I pressed the record button, didn't I? Okay good."

"The slit-eyed fuckers sent me a message this morning telling me to drop by and pay my debts. Fuckers they are, don't they think I know that? I've been paying them for months now, and NEVER missed a day." George ranted in frustration, it wasn't a good start for his morning it seemed.

"I need to do a collection run, then maybe eat before paying them a visit," George pondered aloud, reaching for today's newspaper. "It's a green day for money based on the feng shui today. I'll need to wear my lucky suit."

"Karen! Did you wash my lucky suit?" he hollered, receiving an affirmative response from behind. With that, George concluded the video log.

Closing the laptop after viewing the first video, Jesse knew he would have to search for the cipher to decipher the notebook's contents later. However, he realized he was already approaching the Cafe. Carefully placing the laptop back into his bag, he settled the fare with the cab driver.



That was the time displayed in the digital clock that hung above the Cafe's counter.

"Sup boss, took your sweet time huh." Jax teased Jesse as he entered the Cafe. "Not much action since you left, you know I have half a mind to post your pictures around the Cafe to draw more customers, most of them come for you anyway," he added laughing loudly seeing his dour countenance. Jax knew that Jesse didn't care for it but it was still fun seeing him getting googly eyes from their normal fare of teenagers.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Maybe I'll add a few of yours to see if we get fewer customers," Jesse countered, washing his hands by the nearby sink before donning his apron again.

As soon as he manned the counter, like clockwork, a few teenagers entered the Cafe, with a "Told you, boss" ringing in their ears.

"Check the bagels, Jax. It seems we'll need a fresh batch soon," Jesse sighed, knowing the next rush of customers was about to begin.

"Hey, Jesse!" One of the girls called out, breaking into a step moving to the counter moving ahead of her group.

"Good Afternoon Christine, what'll it be today?" Jesse answered, keeping a professional smile on his face.

Christine, a blonde with a mischievous glint in her eyes, leaned against the counter, a lock of hair twirled around her finger. "Seven bagels, two hazelnut frappes, three bottles of water, and if they're still available, one or two slices of your heavenly blueberry cheesecake," she requested, her voice carrying a playful tone.

"Sure, and we still have some cheesecakes. To go?" Jesse asked, ignoring her blatant attempt to catch his attention.

"We'll eat by the bookshelf today. Oh, and can you slip in the phone number of my favorite pastry chef, Just in case?" Christine added, winking at Jesse playfully.

"It'll be 15.75 dollars, and I'll have your order sent to you," Jesse replied, as he swiftly began preparing their order, his hands moving with practiced ease.

Preparing the orders wasn't too much of a hassle, but they didn't have enough bagels ready so it was going to take a few more minutes than usual. Finishing up the 2nd frappe Jesse thought about how he was gonna reject Christine this time. She was a regular and one of his richer patrons, always treating her friends and even ordering a few cakes when she had gatherings with her friends.

Christine had been trying to pursue him for the past few months, they even made a game of how he rejected her every time. The kid was soon going to be an adult, but she will always be jailbait to him, finally getting an idea of how to do it, Jesse took one of their shop's greeting cards before flipping it and writing something in the back.

"Hot Bagels for you boss." Right as Jesse finished, Jax had come out of the kitchen area holding a tray of freshly cooked bagels.

"Set them by the counter there, also start up a few pies, will you? Alice ordered a few, drop them off later for me would you?" Jesse added slipping into his business persona. Fixing up the girls' orders, Jesse went on to drop them off at Christine's table.

As Jesse approached the table, a few giggles and whispers rang out but ceased when he reached them. "Seven Bagels, Two Hazelnut Frappes, Bottles of water, and 2 slices of Cheesecakes." Jesse recited as he set down their order causing more giggles to ring out.

"Thanks, Jesse, but. What about my other order?" Christine asked playfully, crossing her legs.

Jesse maintained his neutral smile, though a hint of amusement played on his lips as he held back a chuckle. He knew exactly what Christine was referring to, but he had a plan for that and it wouldn't be nice to ruin the surprise.

"Ah, yes," Jesse exclaimed. "Here on the house for our loyal patrons." Placing a plateful of his sought-after cookies towards the middle of the table, before whispering to Christine as he bent down. "Check under the plate before you leave." he smiled and as he left he added. "If you girls need anything else just approach me at the counter." giving them a wink.

Taking his leave, Jesse returned to his station behind the counter, fully immersing himself in the rhythm of the café. He effortlessly juggled taking orders, preparing drinks, and engaging in lighthearted banter with the familiar faces that frequented his shop. The atmosphere buzzed with comfortable energy as conversations and laughter filled the air.

As the hours passed, the café remained bustling with activity. Jesse's attention never wavered, his focus unwavering despite the continuous flow of customers. He expertly navigated the busy counter, ensuring that each person received their order with a warm smile and genuine appreciation.

Time flew by, and before he knew it, the afternoon sun began to dip in the sky, casting a warm glow through the café windows. The steady stream of customers gradually dwindled, leaving a sense of calm in its wake. Jesse took a moment to catch his breath, leaning against the counter and surveying the empty tables.

In the corner of his eye, he noticed Christine and her friends huddled around the table, their conversation punctuated by bursts of laughter. His curiosity piqued, Jesse couldn't help but wonder if Christine had discovered the surprise he had left for her. He resisted the urge to approach them immediately, deciding to let the anticipation linger a little longer.

Instead, he took a moment to savor the quiet lull in the café, appreciating the soothing hum of the espresso machine and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that filled the air. It was during these moments of tranquility that Jesse found solace and a brief respite from the bustling nature of his work.

As the final rays of sunlight bathed the café in a warm golden hue, Jesse made his way toward Christine's table, his smile gentle yet expectant. He approached the group, his presence noticed as they looked up, their voices trailing off.

"So, have you found the surprise?" Jesse asked, his eyes twinkling with playful anticipation.

Christine's face lit up, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She picked up the plate of cookies and, with a mischievous grin, lifted it to reveal the hidden message underneath. Her friends leaned in, their curiosity piqued.

Jesse watched as Christine's expression transformed into a mixture of surprise and irritation. Her eyes widened, and a sigh escaped her lips. The message he had written on the back of the greeting card had caught her off guard.

"911?!" The number for the emergency hotline had her incensed. She huffed, displaying her irritation, which caused her friends to burst into laughter.

Christine wasn't used to rejection, and she saw it as a challenge. Walking up to Jesse, she issued a declaration, "Is it because I'm still a minor? I get what I want, Jesse. And I won't give up that easily," a sly expression on her face.

Gathering her friends, Christine proceeded to exit the café, leaving Jesse with a mixture of amusement and curiosity about what might come next.


Closing the Cafe for the day, Jesse took a moment to remind Jax to drop off the pies for Alice. Jax, with his forgetful nature, had his unique charm, even though it occasionally led to minor inconveniences. The short walk home offered a refreshing change of scenery, but a hint of loneliness crept into Jesse's thoughts. As a social creature, he yearned for companionship, and returning to a clean yet empty house only intensified the feeling of solitude.

Stepping inside his two-story home, Jesse was greeted by the clean and refreshing ambiance, characterized by pristine white tones that contrasted with his vibrant hair. Jesse lived a modest but luxurious life, one that shouldn't be possible for a pastry chef, with all the conveniences one could desire. His kitchen boasted state-of-the-art equipment, a stocked walk-in pantry held an array of ingredients, and a cozy sitting room provided a space for personal reading. In addition, a well-appointed lounge boasted a fully realized home theater system, perfect for unwinding after a long day.

But, they were specialized for a single person, a single chair in the lounge and sitting room, the set of the cookware only he knew how to use, a single set of used dining utensils, the home theater system perfect for ONE person, Jesse was living a single person's life and he knew it, and his heart ached for it.

Putting away his things and taking a quick shower Jesse lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. The silence enveloped him, amplifying the emptiness he felt. He had dealt with another lowlife today, he was the first in a while, but he was not going to be the last one. It was in moments like these that he longed for companionship, for someone to share his life with both the good and the bad. As a former soldier, he had the camaraderie he shared with others, they held the same jaded views he developed and it eased his mind, but now. As a pastry chef, his days were filled with creating delightful treats for others, but his personal life seemed to lack the sweetness he yearned for.

Closing his eyes, Jesse allowed his mind to drift, imagining what it would be like to come home to laughter and conversation, to have someone to share his joys and sorrows with. Yes, he had moved on from the darker things in his life, moved on to the better side of things, finally having them close to his grasp, though he still wondered if he deserved them.

The sound of his phone vibrating on the nightstand interrupted his thoughts. Jesse reached over to check the notification and saw a message from Alice, thanking him for the pies and expressing how much her friends loved them. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, grateful for the positive feedback.

As he placed the phone back down, Jesse made a silent promise to himself. He would not allow the loneliness to overshadow his passion and dedication. Each new day would bring fresh opportunities to create something beautiful and share it with the world. Along the way, he remained open to the possibility of finding love, knowing that the missing ingredient to complete his happiness might reveal itself when he least expected it.

As Jesse thought that sleep would finally claim him, his phone vibrated again, picking it up a message came from an unknown number. Curious about who would text him this late he opened it to see an innocent greeting.

~Hey Jesse, It's Maya, It was nice meeting you today~

Morpheus' grip on him loosened as interest flowed through him. Jesse felt a tug at his cheek as he remembered the beauty he met at the cafe today, he didn't really expect a text from her as she seemed put off by her friend's pushiness. Deciding to send a reply Jesse composed a simple response, deciding to see if the conversation will lead somewhere. Finally deciding on what to say, Jesse pressed send.

~Hi Maya I could say the same, didn't expect fire from someone like you, anyway, how were the cookies?~

A bit of an insight on how Jesse's life in a Cafe is, and a peak at his home!

Also the start of how Jesse and Maya's relationship begins, if you're curious about them, stay tuned!

If you like what you've seen so far, add it to your collection!

If you have suggestions or tips for me, leave a comment!

Thank you for reading!

HentaiNekocreators' thoughts