

The world has gone through a drastic change. People are blessed with heaven's blessings and are born with abilities. In this vast world, there are different persons fighting within themselves for different reasons. Aoki Arata - Ability unknown. Said to be the strongest. Weaker than the boss. Arsenal - space manipulation. Serves the boss. The boss -??? The battle that shook the gods, begins now! This story moves through different time periods and the characters, story setting, and everything else changes from generation to generation. The first generation is just a prologue.

Zoro_The_Dark · ファンタジー
209 Chs


Deces did not had any regret before her death... However, she had only one regret, she did not saw the face of her killer. Even though, it was a regret and pity in her mind, it was a gift for Vanzel.

He destroyed the dagger which he created using dark Gi and created a small teleportation portal. He walked through the portal and came out behind Razel.

As he wiped a few drops of Deces's blood from his hands, he thought to himself,

"I really did not wanted to do that to you, Deces. However short they were, the days I spent with you were really really great. But, great times and good things, do not last long. I hope that your soul would understand that. After all, you were the one who said it herself, that you owe your life to me. Well, now nothing can be done. I hope your death would not be in vain."

Alcesto and Schwartz maintained their composure. They contained the godly blood of the Azaloth family within their bodies and they had the ability remain calm under any situation. Suddenly, a flash of light covered Alcesto's eyes. A piece of glass which reflected his father's face, who was trying to say something, popped in his mind. Jae-Hyuk was completely shocked. His body won't move from the web of thoughts spinning in his brain. Yoon sisters mouth was wide open. They were not able to believe the ultimate revelation of Vanzel's atrocious acts. While others were confused about Vanzel's betrayed, Zhao was not able to believe that one of her teammates died in front of her eyes. Schwartz stepped forward and spoke in a mid-loud voice,

"Vanzel! Why did you do that? Why the hell did you slayed your comrade?!"

Razel turned his neck and looked at Vanzel's face while he thought to himself,

"Vanzel... My son... He has grown so much. But, I want to witness if he has grown emotionally, or not."

He stared at his face to know his reaction on Schwartz's question about killing Deces. Vanzel showed no emotion. He was not sad or particularly happy. He had a blank face. However, suddenly, his lips stretched wide.


His menacing laugh broke the silence which originated after Schwartz questioned Vanzel. Vanzel gazed Schwartz while replying to him,

"Do... Do you really need a reason for it?!"

His tone was full of excitement and anger.

"The fu&# is wrong with your brain?! Listen to me you motherfu&#er! She owed her fu&#in' life to me?! How in the actual fu&#in' hell do you have the ass's right to question me?! Ahn?! You di$#head?!"

While the others' lips were completely sealed after hearing Vanzel speaking such an abusive language, Razel looked at his soon with a mixed feeling of pride and pleasure. Razel raised his right hand forward and created a dark coloured teleportation portal. After that, he looked at his son and asked him,

"Vanzel, are you ready to leave?"

Vanzel replied,

"Yes, father."

Vanzel entered the portal, while Razel was only half entered and suddenly, Alcesto shouted at him,


Razel stopped stepping inside and looked at Alcesto with questionable eyes. Alcesto said,

"Razel... Are you the same Razel whose father destroyed the land of Milo Azaloth?"

After hearing his question, Razel smiled pleasingly and said in a low voice town,


After answering to Alcesto's question, Razel left through the portal. After hearing his answer, Alcesto's Azure Gi pumped up in his entire body. His aura got even larger and his eyes were shining with an Azure impact.

Khaos, who stood their watching this non-understandable scenario, turned her neck and stared at Alcesto from eyes that were burning with rage.

Amidst this, Alcesto glanced at Deces's corpse which was lying near him. Some black coloured particles were getting released from her body. No, it was her body which was getting converted into those black coloured particles. In a matter of a few seconds, her body disappeared completely and all those dark particles flew into the air and got merged with the space.

Alcesto turned left and stared Khaos. On the opposite side, Khaos, who was not allowed to use her dark Gi abilities because of the Moirais' rule, was all prepared to throw her lifetime away. Alcesto's divine Gi kept on increasing, even though he assimilated his divine Gi in his entire body. Khaos never wanted to use her entire Gi, because the additional rules known only to her stated that,

"If Khaos uses her Gi, with every percentage, hundred years of her life will be reduced. Even after the warning, any dark Gi is used by her, after twenty percent of usage, her leftover eighty percent of Gi will be destroyed immediately, leaving her in a state of comatose."

She thought to herself,

"I have to finish these human scums before I run out of my twenty percent of Gi... Huh! I would already be impressed by them if they survive b-"

While she was thinking, she was interrupted as Alcesto ordered Kyung-Mi and his party to stay on put. While watching him talk to his party, she thought to herself,

"This fool really thinks that he can take me on all by himself?! So outrageous of him!"

Schwartz stepped forward and asked Alcesto,

"What do you mean stay out of this?"

Alcesto replied with a serious face,

"Other than the rules described on the ancient rune, in this battle of I and Khaos, there are some additional rules which are known only to me. I dunno if she knows about this or not but, if y'all will interrupt us in this fight, y'all soul will be sucked out of your bodies."

Schwartz was startled when he heard this. Schwartz spoke with Zhao,

"That what he says. We should remain out of this."

Before leaving with Schwartz, Zhao reached towards Alcesto and said,

"I understand. But, I hope that you will be able to defeat her."

Jae-Hyuk got shocked by the fact. He thought of hiding somewhere as to not get in Alcesto and Khaos's battle. However, before going somewhere, he stepped towards Alcesto and said,

"You... My friend... You better win!"

After encouraging him, he left with Kyung-Soon. Before leaving, Kyung-Soon blessed Kyung-Mi and Alcesto. Now, only Kyung-Mi stood beside Alcesto. He turned towards her and asked her to leave. She did not wanted to hear that. She replied,

"No! I don't want to leave like this... Together we will easily defeat Khaos... And then... And then we can altogether talk about Vanzel and our future plans!"

Seeing her so desperate, Alcesto replied,

"I'm sorry, but I won't be able to fight properly if I would have to protect you. I hope you won't think too low of yourself. There are always times like this. Remember, you are not too weak, the enemy is too strong."

Without thinking much, she ran towards the place where her sister went to, outside of the skeleton-boned arena. She believed his words and thought to herself,

"Sending me away before the fight so I won't get injured... That's your pride, right?"

After thinking this, she turned back and shouted,

"Alcesto! She has no external ability! She can only destroy anything with the help of her Gi!"

After giving a small tip to Alcesto, she gathered with her friends and sister, outside the arena.

Just after his friends left, Alcesto leapt towards Khaos at a high speed. The force which he used to leap crushed the ground below him. In a millisecond, he reached Khaos with his kick heading straight at her face. However, Khaos was already prepared, no, she did not needed to be so serious against a human like Alcesto. But, she had no idea that Alcesto's power is grown to such a level that he can take her on. As soon as his kick got near her face, she created a deep wall of dark Gi to protect her against his kick. Whilst, she had some inner thoughts.


*TOTAL USAGE - 4%!!!*

As soon as Alcesto's right leg clashed with her wall, he started releasing his Azure Gi from his leg, which resulted in the weakening of her dark Gi wall. She decided to use a little bit more of her Gi to strengthen the wall.


*TOTAL USAGE - 5%!!!*

Once her dark Gi wall got strengthened back, she used her Gi once again to prepare for an attack. She decided that attacking at the same time as defending will be a great strategy against a simple minded person like Alcesto.


*TOTAL USAGE - 7%!!!*

She strengthened the Gi in her hands and aimed her fist at Alcesto. However, she did not knew that along with being simple minded, Alcesto is an intelligent and cunning human who himself is partially a divine God. As soon as Khaos's fist got in contact with Alcesto's leg, he pulled his leg back and charged his Azure Gi around his left hand. During this process, he said,

"You asked for this!"


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.