
Heavens Only Enemy


guyfromfuture · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 10 ‘Visitor’


Although it was too risky for her to let them go but it's not good for her to kill her followers as numbers of followers and children can be used as status among Asmodeus's wife.

Girl in black…. "if somehow this is to leak outside remember, the next second you open your mouth I'll take your pathetic life".

As saying this, she vanished and soon followed by the remaining two demons, who are in fear that how long they can keep their life.


In royal empire continent,

Kai is holding Vana in his arm while looking at her…. "mother Vana are you alright?"

"are you feeling anything strange?"

While Vana is confused to see the fragile and young boy whom she has been taking care off for almost 10 years, a boy who can't even stand straight while his missing upper limbs are now different from before.

He has grown his limbs, his fragile and weak look is gone, now he looks healthy, young and handsome and what make her more confused is that there is no-one beside him but only a little green dragon floating above kai's head like a crown of an emperor.


She gets up from his embrace and once again examine his body from head to toe…. "young master what happened to you?" she pointed towards his grown limbs. 

Kai…. "well...…, he looks here and there but doesn't able to answer her question".

"well mother Vana…..." he looks towards her than looks towards the little dragon hovering in the sky".

Kai…. "well, he's the one who helped you" he pointed towards the little dragon hovering above his head.

Vana followed his gaze and see the dragon is also looking towards her.

Vana…. "young master what is that?" although she has some speculation about the little dragon is being contracted blessing spirit of kai.

Kai…. "ah... he is little dragon my friend. He said without hesitating.

While little dragon glared him with an intense look…. "friend and yours if not for fa…." But he was stopped by kai as he wants to explain everything slowly to her and don't want to give her a heart-attack.

While Vana was shocked to see a talking spirit as usually spirits only communicate mentally and no one has ever scene a spirit talking in a human tongue.


Vana…. "it can speak?"

"see Kai, your blessing spirit can speak!!"

Kai with confused looks…. "well mother Vana its actually not my blessing spirit".


[author's note- I'm giving the spirits living in different dimension (spirit world realm) a name and it'll be called blessing spirit while remember spirit beast are real actual beast and they don't live in spirit world realm so, don't be confused]

"Then what it is?" 

"and did you find this little talking snake?" Vana asked in confusion.

Kai was holding his laughter as he was afraid of offending the actual dragon and so he tried to stop Vana not to offend him but he stopped his movements when he heard a loud laugh from the strange entity.

Strange entity…. "little snake, ha-ha ha-ha" there is actually someone who dares to call you a little snake.

"ha-ha ha-ha this woman is either so daring or she's unaware that entity like dragon could be exists".

Kai didn't want to escalate things so he explained her…. "chsss chssss mother Vana, its not snake but dragon"

"a real dragon" he said with a straight face.

Vana…. "what?"

"you mean DRAGON, one from the fairy tale".

"the king of the beast" she said with surprise on her face"

"but how?" she said with confused look.

Dragons are majestic creatures; you can't compare them with spirit beast or blessing spirits and in the whole royal empire continent the dragons are part of myths and fairy tales so for her it's hard to believe but now after looking at Kai's new look, she has to believe in those fairy tales.

Suddenly strange voice…. "we have visitor!" 

Even little dragon sensed this but didn't react much because for him this uninvited guest is nothing more than an ant.

Hearing this Kai suddenly became alert…. "who is there?" and soon a middle age man in his late 40s came out from the back side of a huge tree near the gates.

Following his gaze Vana also looks towards the man who is approaching them.

Vana…. "you?"

"you are Mr. Jackie" it was then Kai understand the identity of the man in front of him.

He is none other than the Head guard who was responsible for the security of kai's mansion.

Jackie…. "young master you!"

"are you okay?" then he looked the mansion as he was looking for the people who came before him.

That's when he looked towards the young beauty who seems to be in her early 30s…. "you?"

"who are you?"

"how do you know my name?"

"where is old lady Vana?"

"are you her replacement?"









my apology for late update, i'll try to fix this very soon.

guyfromfuturecreators' thoughts