
Heavens' Grimoire: Avatar of Chaos

Fate. That one word, yet holds untold mysteries and indescribable meaning. What is fate? Is it a giant hand that holds us all in its grasp? Or is it a massive thread that keeps the whole world as we know it, in place? ... After being constantly shunned and bullied because of his low talent in a world where it determines your everything, Skye finds a book of untold origins and indescribable power. Will he use it to improve his talent? Yes. To rise in power? That's a no-brainer. Whilst protecting it from those that seek its power? Obviously. All while facing dangers that he could never hope to comprehend? We'll just have to see about that. To change his fate? Uh...no. "To me, this so-called fate is just a shackle limiting me from reaching my true power. The pinnacle. I don't just plan on releasing myself from it. I plan to take control of it and use its power for my own!" "My fate rests in none but my own hands. Nothing can change that." "I will end anyone and anything that dares stand in my way. Be they man or god. Nothing can stop me!" For I am Skye. The true son of Chaos!!" .... Disclaimer: The cover art is not mine. If you're the owner, please contact me so that we can work something out. Thanks. .... Support me on ko-fi at ko-fi.com/grandsky50 Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/Mf6JDrrEsC Don't forget to check out my other book: Rise of the Eternal Monarch!

GrandSky · ファンタジー
29 Chs


Chapter 27: Devour!

Skye was in deep thought.

All this while, he had felt like there was something inside him that was different from everyone else, something that made him unique...or special.

He could never really put his finger on it, and just attributed it to the fact that he was a reincarnated soul. But just now, when he had entered that mysterious state, it felt...different.

He could feel his soul stirring, his blood boiling, and it felt... euphoric. He could feel his instincts screaming in pleasure, telling him to do one thing: devour.

He wanted to devour everything!

While this instinct gave him great pleasure, it also caused him to wonder; what exactly was he? What were his origins?

Who am I? What am I? He asked himself.

"I see you've finally gotten in touch with the True Essence of Devouring. Get used to it. It would do you a lot of good in your future path." The voice sounded...different. It sounded pleased.

"But you haven't really answered my question. What am I? This feeling I have...is definitely not a human one. It feels like greed, but it just doesn't seem like it to me. It feels more primal...more dangerous. So tell me..." Skye probed.

"No. I can't tell you anything yet. You're still too weak." The voice interrupted sharply.

"Is this some kind of stupid joke!? I told you to tell me, now." The last part of Skye's sentence sounded murderously evil, and his blue eyes flashed in a dark crimson glow.

A dark aura began to rise from his body. The banshee, sensing the dark energy coming from Skye's body, let out an insane shriek, causing the whole place to rumble.

"Tapping into the Dark Source, I see. But your control is still too far lacking. Learn to use this energy consciously. That greedy feeling inside of you...tap into it. Use it. And wreak havoc on your enemy." The voice lectured.

Skye, hearing the voice speak, suddenly stretched his hand towards the group of beasts as the whole space began to shake.


The insectoids suddenly burst into bloody mist that soon converged at Skye's nose at an impeccably high speed.

Breathing in slightly, Skye let out a maliciously soft grin.

"Ah. The sudden inrush of energy. It feels so good! This...is...amazing."

His eyes turned crimson red from their original icy blue. Following his instincts, he let out a roar.

Rushing towards the banshee like a mad beast, he threw a ferocious right hook that connected viciously on the banshee's face.


The demonic creature flew backwards like a kite without its strings, crashing into the walls.

Skye didn't not give it any chance for respite as he rushed towards the creature, bashing it with heavy punches.

More! More! More! He screamed inwardly.

This power! This bloodlust! No fear of inhibitions! No restrictions! No morals!

It was exhilarating!

He needed it.

His eyes grew madder and madder as he brutalized the poor creature with his inrush of violence.

"Calm down. The influence of the Essence of Devouring possessed more hold on you than I had originally hoped. It's weakening your body and mind at the same time." The voice echoed.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Skye growled softly.

"Devour the Mana in the air and break the limits of the first Seal."

"Devour? The Mana? How do I do that? And what do you mean by the Seal?" Skye asked curiously. His eyes and voice seemed to have reverted back to normalcy.

"In this Gate, there is a higher influx of mana than there is in your world. By absorbing the Mana in a hundred meter radius, you can weaken the First Seal further and increase your power by a huge amount in a short amount of time." The voice remarked.

"Why are you avoiding my question? I asked you what the First Seal was." Skye was adamant.

"Sigh...the First Seal is one of the Seals that weakens the true power of the Grimoire. Normally, you should not have been able to do this, considering your age and level of skill, but since you currently possess the Essence of Devouring, I think you might have a shot at this." The voice spoke faintly.

"What? The Grimoire is sealed? How do you know about this?" Skye inquired incredulously.

"There is no more time to explain that to you. Right now, you must use the Essence of Devouring!" The voice brought Skye's attention to light as the fallen creature stood up and let out a wrathful shriek.

Her voice caused visible ripples in the air as the whole space began to shake and vibrate.

"How do I do that?" Skye asked in puzzlement.

"Tap into the natural flow of matter, the energy flowing within the world, within every living thing. Within every animal, plant or human. And devour!" With every word the voice spoke, Skye's heart began to tremble.

Badump. Badump.

His heart beat faster and faster.

The voice. That sound. He could hear it once again. He could feel it.

That endless hunger. The consistent urge. The desire to...


Skye screamed.

His eyes shined brightly.

The whole world seemed to have come to a stop.

Then, all the Mana converged towards his direction like honey attracting bees.


A faint vibration resounded in the air.

"Now, it's on." Skye smirked.


In a particular location, five injured figures rested a few feet away from each other as they nursed their injuries. A distance away from them was a huge dark coloured snake about 20 fee

Desmond, Mila and the others couldn't not see the Mana converging towards a particular direction, but they could vaguely sense something. Something weird.

"Did you feel that?" Keith, the endless chatterer asked fearfully.

"Yeah. It seems like..." Harris answered.

"Like the whole Mana was suddenly cut off." He continued.

"I can't sense the Mana. Something's wrong." Desmond spoke warily.

"Hurry up. Let's go. We can't stay here. We have to move." He commanded.

They had just reached a few meters away when all of a sudden, the snake's body burst in motes of light, illuminating the area for a few miles.

"Wha—!" Keith exclaimed as he saw the light from a distance.

"Go check it out." Desmond ordered.

Keith grumbled a bit and went behind to check the area to see what happened.

A few minutes later, he shouted.

"Hey guys! Come check this out!"

The four quickly rushed behind to see Keith standing a few meters away from a dark spear six feet tall, radiating an illusory aura.

"What is that?" Harris inquired curiously.


In a brightly lit room on a particular huge skyscraper, the commander of Squad 2 knelt on one knee as he faced an even younger looking man. No, with his appearance, it would be right to call him a boy.

This boy, had a head full of white hair, a childish looking face that starkly contrasted with the mature and stern look that was currently plastered over it, a somewhat lazy demeanor and a vicious aura all over him that commanded respect.

"Van Vermillion. State your report." The boy lazily wrote on an ancient looking scroll as his cold sliver eyes coldly stared at the kneeling Commander of Squad 2 from time to time.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late release!

Don't devour me ok!

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From GrandSky.

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