
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter Six.

Since Mu Yuxuan wasn't wearing anything inside he has to run in the bridal gown. He has to meet Cai An Xing to help him remove the disguise. Unfortunately the lotus twins have been summoned back to the Devil Realm. All the inns have been closed and the Wen's Mansion is a bit too far. Luckily enough he runs into a carriage in the middle of the road.

The owner of the carriage is a man and he immediately spots the fleeing Mu Yuxuan. Mu Yuxuan begs for a ride and the young man inside the carriage doesn't bother to refuse,he lets him inside immediately. The atmosphere in the carriage becomes a bit tense as Mu Yuxuan isn't sure whether his saviour can be trusted or not but he feels relieved he wasn't caught by Jie Hong's men otherwise he would have been beheaded.

Mu Yuxuan isn't sure of the direction the carriage is heading to. The carriage stops at an inn in the capital. The inn was initially closed but when the attendant riding the carriage knocked the door , the owner of the inn opened the door for them as if he was waiting for them. The young man takes Mu Yuxuan to a private room upstairs. The young man pins Mu Yuxuan against the wall. Mu Yuxuan's body becomes tense and he closes his eyes in terror unsure of what will happen next.

"You're so beautiful why don't you become my concubine instead?" The man says in a flirty tone.

"I... can't...,"Mu Yuxuan stutters struggling to open his eyes to face the reality.

"Why? Are you that unwilling to repay your saviour?"

"It's not that. I can repay you in many ways except that because I'm... because I'm..."

"So what if you're a man?"

Mu Yuxuan trembles to his bones. He has been found out. What will he do?

"Mu Yuxuan,you think you're so clever. You shamed Jie Hong but you didn't save the Gu family."

"How do you know my name?"

The man peels off the facial disguise mask he's wearing revealing the most handsome man, Minister Li Jun. Mu Yuxuan's eyes open wide in shock.

"I'm sure you know your master and I are childhood friends. I know he can't go anywhere without you so when I didn't see you today and saw you running in a wedding gown my assumptions became correct. Instead of mastering faces I tend to master other physical features and unique traits."

A knock is heard at the door and the door creaks open as Li Jun's attendant walks in with a set of robes ,places them on the bed and leaves.

"You can change your clothes,"Li Jun instructs Mu Yuxuan.

Mu Yuxuan picks up the clothes shyly and goes to the bathroom to change. He then comes back.

"I'm not familiar with the kind of disguise method you used on your face but make sure you remove it by tomorrow. You may sleep now,"Li Jun says as he walks away.

"My Lord,"Mu Yuxuan calls out nervously.

Li Jun turns to look at him.

"Are you serious about the...concubine thing?"He musters the courage to ask.

"Of course."

"But sir don't you have beautiful concubines already?"

"What have my concubines got to do with you?"

Meanwhile in the Devil Realm the lotus twins are being scolded in Invincible Hall for interfering with someone's wedding. Their agenda is to find the two new Divine Lords in the mortal realm and kill them yet they are fooling around stuffing food into their greedy mouths and stomachs.

"Xu Feng have you found the portraits of the new divine Lords?"

"Forgive my incompetence my Lady because the spies couldn't get their portraits"

"The Heavenly Realm has always been so careful about everything. You two go back to the mortal realm and don't fool around anymore,"Cai Fenhong commands.

With that the lotus twins teleport away.

The following morning,there is news all over the capital about Jie Hong being given a male bride. He has gone to the Gu family to reclaim his betrothal gifts. He even wants to sue them for lying to him so they could pay him a fine. The Wen family has many sons so they cannot spend their wealth helping one of their son's bride family. Furthermore Wen Xian has never been favoured by his father. So even though he wants to save the Gu family he can't do it by himself.

Li Jun visits Wen Xian to propose a deal. He is willing to pay for the Wen family's fine and invest in their business under Wen Xian's name in exchange for Mu Yuxuan to be his concubine but he necessarily reveals he wants Mu Yuxuan to be his servant. Since Wen Xian has no choice,he agrees to it. Meanwhile at the inn,the lotus twins have tracked where Mu Yuxuan is so they visit him. He explains about the ordeal he met. Cai An Xing removes the disguise off his face.