
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter One.

I've always wondered what or who would I be if I wasn't the Heavenly Prince. If I'm stripped off this title then I will be a mediocre not even the lowly fairies will bow to me. Even though I'm the Heavenly Prince,most people don't take me seriously. Only those horny female fairies pay attention to me because they want to play with my cheeks and rub my face with those long filthy fingers of theirs.

I wonder how my life would be if I was born in the Devil Realm.This is not something people expect the Heavenly Prince to think about or yearn for.Devils are said to be treacherous. Despite that,they lead a carefree life unlike us immortals who are governed by a million rules once we step out of those big halls we live in.

Most immortals are valued according to their level of cultivation which also determines their rank in the Heavenly Realm. Below the emperor the most influential immortals are the Divine Immortals from Defensive Hall. They have the highest cultivation level and are responsible for defending and protecting the Heavenly Realm. The Master of Defensive Hall is Divine Lord Hu Tian also known as God of War. After graduating from Wuxing Academy only two apprentices have managed to be appointed to join Defensive Hall. I'm not talented when it comes to cultivation. When I started cultivating even learning simple breathing exercises was a big deal to me unlike others who grasped it on the first lecture. If I was to join Defensive Hall then I would have two honorary titles and maybe it would a little unfair to have both because they are some immortals craving even for one mere title.

So tomorrow there will be a ceremony for them to officially join Defensive Hall. I haven't prepared a gift yet and I don't feel like but if I don't I will lose face and maybe end up being accused of being jealous. I'm pretty sure the female fairies can't wait for the following day to see the two most handsome men receiving their honorary titles. Unlike me,Bai Linghu and Min Shan are definitely the type of guys every female in the Heavenly Realm would definitely want to marry. What's even more heartbreaking is that the Divine Immortals are not allowed to fall in love or get married.I haven't thought of marriage yet even though I have a fiancée from my mother's tribe.

Ning Youlan,the Heavenly Prince is definitely thinking all these while staring at the starry sky alone. Maybe the God of Stars is compassionate enough to comfort him through the numerous twinkling stars covering the sky staring at him back.

"Youlan,"a female voice calls out bringing him back to reality. He turns around and sees his younger sister Ning Bingzhu. Ning Bingzhu is a charismatic girl unlike other reserved female immortals.

"Youlan I already bought the presents for tomorrow. Guess what I bought?"she asks as she anticipates his guesses.

"You rarely have money so you definitely bought simple cheap presents,"Ning Youlan replies uninterested.

"I bought two jade lamps and two jade statues. You want to see how the jade statues look like?"

She opens out both palms and two middle sized jade statues appear. One is a white jade tiger statue while the other one is a white jade dragon statue. The white jade tiger statue is for Bai Linghu whose nickname is White Divine Tiger while the white jade dragon statue is for Min Shan who is also known as Cloud Dragon. Ning Bingzhu closes her palms as the statues disappear.

"You will give them the statues while I will give them the jade lamps."

"I don't want to,"Ning Youlan pouts.

"You're so immature,"Ning Bingzhu giggles as she plays with his cheeks,"What did I do to deserve such a cute brother?"

"And what did I do to deserve such an ugly sister?"He teases her and runs away. She chases after him to his hall.

"Who are you calling ugly?"

When they reach Two Hearts Hall,where Ning Youlan stays,Ning Youlan enters the hall and instructs his attendant to send Ning Bingzhu away. The following day the ceremony is being held at Defensive Hall. The Heavenly Emperor Ning Jun,the Heavenly Empress Zhao Linhui,Divine Lord Hu Tian,Ning Youlan,Ning Bingzhu,Bai Linghu,Min Shan and all the other immortals are present. Divine Lord Hu Tian is the one leading the ceremony. The ceremony involves taking oaths and receiving military armors to inform them of their duties as members of the Defensive Hall.

The new Divine Lords receive many gifts from various immortals. Ning Youlan gives out the presents Ning Bingzhu bought unwillingly. Ning Youlan is a little selfish when it comes to giving out presents. He's not the type to buy expensive treasures as presents and he hates being hypocritical and sucking up to others despite his low power.

Before the ceremony ends, Divine Lord Hu Tian announces the two Divine Lords will soon be heading to the mortal realm for their tribulation to strengthen their cultivation base. Young immortals are required to go to mortal realm to undergo their first tribulation but when they want to advance to another level is when they undergo the Heavenly Tribulation.

After the ceremony Ning Youlan heads back to his Two Hearts Hall. He has been wondering where Ning Bingzhu got the money to buy presents. He gets shocked when he opens his three treasure boxes and finds them empty . All the spirit stones he has been keeping are not there. Not even one. He screams out in frustration as his attendant rushes in to check up on him.