
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter Nine.

"Do you know what happens to a concubine who disobeys his husband?" That's what Mu Yuxuan hears first as he nervously enters Li Jun's pavilion. His legs are practically trembling and he can feel a cold chill run down his spine.

Mu Yuxuan shakes his head in fear of what will happen next.

'What does he want now? He looks like an angry tiger ready to pounce on his prey,'Mu Yuxuan curses inwardly and takes a deep breath afterwards.

"Da Huang bring my favourite concubine his new clothes."

The worst punishment you can ever give the shy Mu Yuxuan is to expose his nudity. Da Huang brings different sets of robes. Li Jun orders Mu Yuxuan to strip naked and change into the various sets of robes. Li Jun will be the one to decide which of them suits Mu Yuxuan.

"Your Lordship, please allow me to change in the bathroom,"Mu Yuxuan pleads.

"The bathroom is far from here. Why bother to go there when you can just change them here? After all your body belongs to me ."

"But we are not married officially,"Mu Yuxuan mumbles nervously.

"You want us to wed officially ?"

Mu Yuxuan begs Li Jun to give him another punishment.

"Why don't you punish yourself? I will be the one deciding if the punishment is worth it."

Mu Yuxuan walks out ready to face one of the unluckiest days of his life. Li Jun is fastidious so to please him,Mu Yuxuan decides to do one of the most difficult tasks. He grabs a pair of pruning shears and starts trimming the flowers.

'Why am I so unlucky? Right now I could be flirting with the Wen's mansion kitchen maids. Instead I'm now a servant- concubine. Isn't death more gracious than this?' Mu Yuxuan sighs as he continues trimming the flowers.

He cleans the horse stables. By the end of day,his palms are full of blisters. He doesn't report back to Li Jun after the completion of his tasks. Cai Heiying teleports to his room and summons a medical kit. He bandages Mu Yuxuan's hands and disappears when he hears someone coming in. Da Huang relays his master's orders. Mu Yuxuan follows him to Li Jun's pavilion.

The first thing Li Jun notices is Mu Yuxuan's bandages. He orders Da Huang to remove Mu Yuxuan's bandages. At first Mu Yuxuan is shocked but then he comes into the realization he's dealing with the most ruthless man in Northern Jade Empire. Li Jun instructs Da Huang to bring the medical kit. Li Jun bandages Mu Yuxuan himself.

"As my concubine how dare you allow someone to bandage you without my permission?"

"Are you this caring towards all your concubines?'

"Why do you ask? I'm human of course I'm caring towards those around me."

Of course Mu Yuxuan knows he's human but when did he become this human. Da Huang brings food for him from the kitchen. Mu Yuxuan struggles to hold the spoon properly due to his injuries.

"I have a Court meeting tomorrow so I have to look at a few documents in my study. Da Huang feed him,"Li Jun commands.

"Huh?"Da Huang exclaims with both his mouth and eyes wide open.

"Are you disobeying my orders?"

Da Huang shakes his head continuously in denial as Li Jun heads towards his study. Da Huang is shocked because Li Jun has never allowed himself to be fed by Da Huang no matter how injured he is but he allows Mu Yuxuan to be fed despite his few injuries.

At first there is an awkward atmosphere between Da Huang and Mu Yuxuan. Da Huang is shy to feed him. Once he puts food in Mu Yuxuan's mouth he looks away and waits for him to finish chewing. Mu Yuxuan notices his uncomfortableness,"Actually I can feed myself. After all this isn't my first injury and it won't be my last."

"I cannot disobey His Lordship's orders."

"Fine but can you try to act normal around me?I'm not a maiden why are you so shy?"

"His Lordship was right. You always have a beautiful persistent gaze,"Da Huang mumbles.

"What did you say?"


"Da Huang,are all servants in the Li family this shy?"

"They are all shy except Nanny Zhang."

"Nanny Zhang ?" Mu Yuxuan asks curiously.

Nanny Zhang has been working at the Li family since the late madam of the Li family was alive. She's the one who raised and took care of Li Jun and his elder brother Li Chao. Right now she's working at Li Chao's mansion in the capital. Li Chao is a famous business man in the capital. He decided to settle away from the Li family residence in order to control his business since he has no interest in politics. He's the only person Li Jun respects.

Mu Yuxuan ends up sleeping while listening to stories about the Li family.

"Young Master Mu,"Da Huang shakes him trying to wake him up.

"Carry him to his room,"Li Jun instructs as he enters the room unnoticeably.